Sunday, November 11, 2018

"Weathering The Storms Of life"

                   Things looking pretty dead around my house now. 11-11-2018 Perryton, TX.

No sun today, and a dark dreary sky along with the stripped trees make the soul sad. I'm thinking snow might soon be coming. I guess I will crawl up in a blanket, lean back in my recliner, and watch the turmoil going on in Florida, and several other places. I'm thankful to have a nice warm home to hibernate in. I did have a good morning, and afternoon, before this dreary weather blew in. I enjoyed a good sermon at church, and lunch after church. Then I went to visit a friend in her home who is recovering from several unpleasant issues. She is so happy to be home after spending a lot of time in and out of hospitals. I see her leaving that walker behind, and taking off normally in a short time. She trusts the same God I trust. I am shouting about her speedy recovery after it looked so discouraging at first. This friend is one of our regulars at the Center, and we need her back soon. She has her own position to fill at the Center, and no one else can fill it. Every member has their own place in this big busy body of friends. When any one is missing the rest of the body knows it. We may get new members, but they don't replace the missing old ones. They just make it more merry to the old faithful ones.

Sundays have always been a special day for me, but for the past few years they have become a day I dread to see come. The changes that have happened over the years has changed my likes, and desires. I have learned to accept many things that I had no choice but to accept. No longer do we share a Sunday roast dinner with four children sitting around the table. No longer do we see our children frolicking around at church with others. And what's worse is they no longer bring their little ones to grandmother's house, because my children now have their own grandchildren to provide a “grandparents home for.” This is what time does for us. We sit home and rock while our children, and grandchildren rock the world. How thankful I am to have happy, and blessed children, and grandchildren. My aged old friends are still fun to me. I have nothing more to ask for, because my health is also still good. If I want to be lazy I can do that. If I want to go on a trip I can do that. If I want to stay home I can also do that. If I want to stay home from church I can do that without feeling guilty. I move by moods, and not by force. Have I reached the top of demands? I think so, or at least almost. But it took many long, hard years of work, and determination to reach that goal. I won't look back.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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