Sunday, November 25, 2018

"Am I Ready To Die Now"

         Welcome to a cup of coffee and a piece of cherry cream pie. 11-25-2018 Perryton, TX

My Thanksgiving day's are not over. I am now thankful for the Christmas season. I put away my Thanksgiving decorations, and immediately put out Christmas decorations. I truly have the spirit this year, after six years of no Christmas spirit at all. I consider that a miracle since I did not want anything about Christmas to cross my mind. How stunned I am at what God does for us sometimes. It took more than a stick of dynamite to move me out of my die-hard, life-style. And that's not to say it will remain at large. Like a baby I feel like I'm learning how to walk. The baby falls many times, but gets back up and tries again. I hope I can be as forgetful as the little innocent one. I need more trust, and less fear

I took three days away from my blog post only because I was being urged to take a rest from something that I felt compelled to do daily. The dutiful feeling just left me, and I was seemingly lost in another world. I did get deeply involved in Thanksgiving, and did a lot of cooking. I even took on a challenge or two, that had always been a no-no to me. I become more mixed up about my different life-style, and tried to drop the venture. Instead I just wanted more and more to expand on it. Since I have switched to a more relaxed, flexible, move-about, I have had two miraculous happenings to occur. I almost feel like I have hung a star. I know that I need more faith now than ever, but there never is a time to stop moving, while claiming faith to keep us still. God has work for us to do in places where we never expected to go. He will not drag us there, but I believe He is pleased when we chose to go. I have recently been made aware that wisdom is at work among silence. Being a person who has lost one-half of their hearing, and with two sets of hearing aids being purchased with no help at all, I was very elated to hear that news. I am learning to feign, but would rather be the sharpshooter. One thing about losing my hearing, I also lost a lot of my speech. How do you answer questions that you did not hear? Feign, and make everybody laugh. Works sometimes, but not always. I was going to mention my good memory, but then I remembered about finding my diamond watch that I had misplaced four years ago. I had hid it in a china cup in my china cabinet. I had torn my house up many times trying to find it. Today I decided to use a china cup and saucer for an extra feature for my Christmas table setting, (notice on table) The 32 diamond watch was inside the one cup I picked up out of a total of eight. I never use the china any more, and was not planning to dust again before I died. It is sealed inside the china cabinet, and my children was suppose to take over the dusting. This watch will go to my daughter, but I so much wanted to know that she would get it. That is one of the miracles I spoke about earlier. “Thank you God.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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