Tuesday, November 13, 2018

"One Of A Kind"

This is not a man hanging in this tree. It is an icicle. The sun is shinning bright upon it. but it refuses to melt. Sun in the background. 11-13-2018 Perryton, TX
The snow is melting fast, but this icicle man is hanging on. One might expect to see anything in Perryton, Texas, but I must say I've never seen anything like this huge icicle that resembles a man hanging in a tree. It's a little late for Halloween, but it does look like a ghost. I took this picture through my dinning room window. The tree is touching the house in places. Makes a nice view while eating dinner. The bright sun in the sky behind this icicles is not making much progress in melting the figure. Have a good laugh over this one if you haven't had one already today.

I have had a very busy, hectic day today. The steps, and driveways were frozen solid, and I had to make several trips to the car and back to take care of important business. Yes, I did fall. When I stepped up to go into Chuck's house I fell. I got a big pump knot on my head, but thank God I didn't break any bones. I went ahead and did my business. I got home at 3 o'clock and made three pumpkin pies. Two to take to the Center tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner, and one to keep for Chuck. I am almost ready to kick back in my recliner and watch the news the rest of the evening. That is more interesting than any ball game I ever watched. Every day a new chapter is added. I so love this exciting life, and I am going to try hard not to fall any more. I need every bone in my body to be sound, and I need all the strength I can get in order to handle this long, blood-curdling episode of getting America back from traitors who don't love America any more. I know without a doubt we're going to win, but how long it will take no one knows. I may be a wounded soldier, but that won't stop me from fighting with everything I have from my retirement zone. We have got to get disgrace, and lawlessness out of our government. I am praying that will happen before God has to pull the trigger, because He is very sharp with his targets. I would like to see people repent, and come back together in love and harmony.

I may fuss, and sound mean, but my heart is full of love, and faith in most people who have been mislead, and don't realize it. They hang onto their mistakes like they are infallible. Others can see them, but they do not see their own. How sad it will be on that great day of judgment. The stubbornness will come to light, but it will have been too late. Let us all pray for God to open our eyes to all the blindness that has caused us to stumble so many times, and then pray for forgiveness, and strength to handle the hurt we've caused.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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