Monday, November 12, 2018

"The Snow Is For Glow And So So"

              Proof that it snowed last night. At least 3 or 4 inches. 11-12-2018 Perryton, TX

This post will prove I was right yesterday when I said it looked like snow would soon be coming. Some events were canceled today, and most others were delayed at least an hour. The sun is partly shinning now, but the temperature is too cold for the snow to melt. November the 12th is Perryton's first big snow for 2018. I would be pleased if it were the last. But we have to eat, and the farmers have to have moister to raise their crops. The cattle also have to have fodder to supply us with beef as well as all other meat providers. For that reason I have to say,”thank you Lord for the snow.” I will just spend my “stay-at-home time” in the kitchen cooking so I can eat, drink, and be merry.”

I so wish I could write a blog again without expressing my anger so strongly against the evil that is escalating in our country. In my opinion even the deadly fires are caused by the evil that dominates our Christian country. We have been too “Christian like,” and turned the other cheek far too long. Now it's fight or forsake God. The odds are against the Christians, and God will have to use His awful anger to destroy all of Satan's mean-spirited tricks. That will not be a good time for any earthly beings, and some will be effected more than others. It is a known fact that millions more Americans are now involved with concern for their country than ever before. The sleeping giant has now been awakened. The world has just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first world war. World war 11 has been fought, and I believe we are headed shortly for world war 111. If so no doubt this one will be the worst, and longest of all. I realize you and I can't do much about this, but we can pray, and vote every chance we get for our President and his appointees. We can voice our opinion in his favor several times a day. We must make a forceful noise that will drown out the evil noise, but only with sound, and not by weapons. Let our President lead this country without our instructions to him.

God has chosen President Trump to lead this country, and the proof is showing up more every day. The stronger our President controls the more corruption shows up. The long hidden evil is now getting uncovered. As long as each one of us does their part to wipe out Satan's dirty tricks, we will be saved in the end. I just ask that everyone be as wise as serpents, and as harmless as doves. God will handle the rest. I can assure you if you decide to do nothing, you will be awarded nothing. You will wither under the heat. I will always stand for God, and country, and only Christians leaders. The bible teaches us that we will know the Christians by their works. Think seriously about that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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