Monday, November 5, 2018

"Just An Orphan Tree But No Good For Where It Stands"

    Leaves of gold looking so bold at the steps of my front porch. 11-5-2018 Perryton, TX

This plant of gold leaves is growing at the foot of my front porch steps. Actually it's a tree of some kind. I will have to cut it down or it will grow over my porch where we can't get in the door. I will wait till spring to do that. This day has been very nice, and the large snow-like cloud banks are breath taking. All the colorful leaves are glowing under the sun. There are many of those pretty tree coverings yet to fall. A few of the trees are completely stripped. I'm glad I have one large pine that will keep her needles green all winter long. I wish I didn't hate winter so much. When I was younger it was fun, but not anymore. Thank God for computers, and telephones.

I am counting the hours until the election will be over. I cannot help but fear that America is slipping farther, and farther into the depths of hell. Too many people have sealed their doom, and for that reason God will have to call it pay-up time. This means all will have to suffer. I wish the dislike for winter was the worst I had to worry about, but that is just a tip of the iceberg. I have to believe that the evil which overtook the good in this great creation will fight like a fighting cock rooster, till they die. Blood against blood, when it was all unnecessary. What can the Christians do about it? Hold up the arms of our great President, and vice President, and every true leader who are fighting with them to hold onto our freedom, and faith in God. Our prayers will positively give them strength. How anyone could fail to see the real trouble we are in is a mystery to me. Still so many are ignoring that fact. Those very ones are all part of the reason we are in this ungodly shape today.

I believe even if all the good people running in the general election should everyone win their contested seats, the evil will still fight because they are against God. I know that sounds like I have lost all faith, but I believe the bible bears it out. Contrary to what many may think, God is not an evil spirit, and will definitely not allow evil to rule His world. I would like to say to all lukewarm believers, God will spew you out of His mouth. Revelation 3;16. IN OTHER WORDS YOU CAN'T RIDE THE FENCE. Do you know what it means to stand up and fight for God? Like a good soldier in the army we may die, but at least we were doing our duty. We are going to die anyway. Many have already died for supporting our President, but they will live again in eternity as a noble warrior of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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