The thermometer on my porch shows 54 degree. It was suppose to have been much colder than that. 11-30-2018 Perryton, TX
I was amazed at the nice
day we have had today. Yesterday it looked like a bad cold front was
moving in, and the weather report suggested that. It has been in the
fifties all day. There is some wind, but not too bad to enjoy being
outside some. It was comfortable with just a sweeter on. The sun has
not been hid all day. Just clear skies, and a trace of white clouds.
I truly am thankful for the part of the earth I live in. Very seldom
do we have threatening weather like heavy snow storms, or tornadoes.
I have never heard of an earthquake happening within several hundred
miles form where I live. We did have a severe grass fire about two
years ago, but that was one in many years. I'm not saying we can
always expect to be safe from these acts of nature, but as long as we
are mostly missed of such destructive happenings, I am very thankful.
I also realize that any time a major force of destruction happens any
where in America we all are affected in some way. Today we are
hearing of the 7.0 earthquake in Alaska. We have yet to hear how much
damage or if any lives were lost, but to say the least it was a bad,
natural attack to an important part of our country. This particular
event was definitely caused by an act of God. No human fault can be
blamed for it, except if it was punishment for human disobedience to
God. That may not sound politically correct by many, but it's time to
recognize the Godly correctness. I believer these things happen to
make people aware of a greater power than a group of ungodly
politicians. I wonder how many more disastrous events will have to
happen before people wake up to the fact that God is still in
My joy will never be taken
from me permanently, because, “I know whom I have believed, and am
persuaded that He is able, to do that which He's committed unto me
until that day.” Yes, we must take time to grieve, and pray for the
victims of unfortunate circumstances, but we must also keep the
victory in our hearts. If God be with us, who can be against us? By
faith we are saved, by faith we are healed, and by faith we are more
than conquerors over sin. The best weapon we have to fight sin is
faith. Sin is when we do things that our hearts tell us not to do,
not what someone else's heart tells us what to do. When it's time to
stop doing something that we are tackling, God will let us know
before it gets out of hand. If only people would understand that,
this world would be a much better place to live. Common sense is also
a good weapon to fight sin. Let us use our faith, and common sense
more, and leave other people to use their own.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
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