Saturday, November 17, 2018

"It Wouldn't Be Winter Without Snow"

Top picture snow still from a week ago, now the cloud below is a snow cloud I feel sure. 11-17-2 018
Perryton, TX

What a switch in weather from yesterday. It was a very nice day yesterday, and I wore a light jacket over my sleeveless top. I was out a lot just enjoying the weather. There was still a small amount of snow on the ground from 4 inches a week ago, but it was melting fast. This morning I got up to a cold, blizzardly looking day with another snow cloud showing. I haven't seen the sun shine all day. I suppose I will be home bound for a few days again. I am thankful that it is snow instead of fires like the people in California are dealing with. How my heart goes out to them. My prayers are reaching out to them also. If we stop and think about it this entire world is becoming a hell on earth. Will God have mercy on us again? I think most of us are asking that question. Every where we look we can see how much worse things have gotten just in the past five years. We all are unworthy, but I believe God will give us another chance. “Love your neighbor as yourself, and do good to them that despite-fully use you.” This is what it's going to take to get this country back to God. However, we (America) cannot be the provider for the whole world. Every individual has a God-given duty to Honor God's Word, and when they do not, then they suffer at their own fault.

Since I have been writing this blog freezing rain is coming down. I pray that our electricity don't go off. We would have no heat without it. I called my son Chuck. He said it might snow, but he hadn't heard any news to that effect yet. I think snow is coming. I'm headed to the kitchen to make a ton of chocolate chip cookies when I finish here. I can watch television, and gain weight at the same time. That is if the T V dish don't cut out which is likely. In this extremely modern world, things are becoming more undependable every day. If worse comes to worse, God will make a way. I still love myself, and everybody else. I believe God loves us too however, He won't spoil His children. Either they shape up or ship out. It's getting dark outside, and I'm anxious to see what it will look like in the morning. I doubt if I will be attending church tomorrow. I will worship God at home. I haven't been out all day, but thank God I have visited with friends, and family on the telephone. Also I have connected with some on my computer. If things hold out I will be safe, and sound, with communication available.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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