Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "An Awesome Sun"

Jean's Comment's: "An Awesome Sun":                 Love this sun as it is approaching the landing site. 2-27-2018 Perryton, TX. The yellow circle with it’s sparking points...

"An Awesome Sun"

                Love this sun as it is approaching the landing site. 2-27-2018 Perryton, TX.

The yellow circle with it’s sparking points around this bright sun made my heart glad. Such beauty hanging in the sky is just awesome. Within another thirty minutes I knew the sun would turn red, and fall beneath the eyes view. I am on shouting ground today because spring has just sprung. A cherry tree in my yard has clusters of dark red blossoms that are so exciting. Birds were dashing in, and out, of the trees, by the dozens. The temperature was lovely, and almost no wind to blow my hair. Yes, I know that in a few days I will have to start a lot of hard work, but I believe I am able to handle it. Anything to get some life back into my yard. I also need the exercise that goes with it.

Tomorrow a friend and I, will be hosting a table of candidate supporters along with the candidate, at the Senior Citizen’s Center. Richard Beyea ,who lives here in Perryton, is running for House District 88 for Texas Representative. He is trying to unseat a State Representative who is seeking his third term. We are working hard to help Richard get elected, as he is such a nice, Christian man, and very knowledgeable about how to get things done in nasty politics. He teaches a Sunday school class at the Methodist church, and is well accepted in that position. To all our local, or neighboring friends, we invite you to come and get acquainted with Richard, and wife Judy. He will answer any question you may have for him. He is a strong conservative, and is fully behind President Trump. You will enjoy a good meal, and be blessed with lots of wonderful people whom most of you will know. Please don’t forget to come.

Needless to say as busy as I’ve been I have missed a lot of the news. Hopefully after tomorrow I can catch up, and get back on my computer to offer my opinion on everything that is drawing a lot of attention. We must all do everything possible to help our President Trump restore our country. We must not say, “my voice don’t mean anything, or my vote won’t make a difference.” It is possible that your voice, or your vote, may be the one that made all the difference. Use it now, or lose it forever. We cannot be happy if we haven’t done anything to be happy about. Win or lose, we gave it our best shot, and we are part of that blessed people God talked about in His Word. He said the battle was not ours, but His to fight, but He does expect us to cheer for Him. Start praising His name and the portals of heaven will open, and the victory bells will start ringing. “He that is in us is greater than he that is without us.” Vote for the person, not for the Politician.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp   

Monday, February 26, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Made My Bed And I Sleep In It"

Jean's Comment's: "I Made My Bed And I Sleep In It":                                   Not me, but my bed instead. 2-26-2018 Perryton, TX I stood in front of the mirror a while ago, to take...

"I Made My Bed And I Sleep In It"

                                  Not me, but my bed instead. 2-26-2018 Perryton, TX

I stood in front of the mirror a while ago, to take my own picture of a hair-do that the wind specializes in, but the camera took my bed instead. I guess I was not suppose to show-off that hair-do. We have had terrible high winds in West Texas till I am about to crack up. Anyway it looked like I had a spike hair do without the tips. I went to the Senior Citizen’s luncheon this morning, and held my hands over my head while I walked to the building. That didn’t help much, then when I got home I twisted and turned in my recliner till I almost didn’t recognize myself when I looked in the mirror. I have sprayed too much, but not enough to fool the wind. Tomorrow I will wash it out, and spray again.

Even with my messed-up hair I had a good time at the luncheon. Those seniors there are just special, to say the least. I’m so glad to be a part of them. We have the best cooks in town, and the best humor that was ever created. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that older people are not the salt of the earth. God knew what He was doing when He made Mickey, and Minnie. Mickey was born November 8, 1928. He is a bit older than I, but probably will never die. If he does his mouse children will fill his shoes.

I have to mention the difference in the songs sung in our churches today than what were sung when I was growing up. The songs of old had a message. The songs of today have no object, the singers have not learned how to carry a tune. They just repeat the same line over and over, with no message at all. Will the younger generation every learn how to sing? Far too many music boxes are crowding out the live voices of inspirational lyrics. The emotions are no where to be seen. A music box does not have eyes, mouth, or arms. Music, and movie screens, such as is, have killed the spirit of God in our churches. I believe never to be revived again. What a shame the new, uncouth, music providers are doing to our Christian faith. Soon the doors will all close, and church will be no more. The seniors are not being heard when they tell the younger generation they are all too wrong in the way they worship God. With tattoos, and pierced noses, eye brows, tongues, and disgraceful marks of every kind, is not what God created His children for. It does no good to tell the spiritual illiterate, junkies that their life will forever be ruined if they continue in this fashion. They would rather curse God than live for Him. I will continue to help Jesus tell these punks that there is a better way if they will just listen. May God give us grace to endure.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp   

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Sad But Happy Month"

Jean's Comment's: "A Sad But Happy Month":                Only a few physical memories left of my husband. 2-25-2018 Perryton, TX Since this is the month of my husband, and mine, we...

"A Sad But Happy Month"

               Only a few physical memories left of my husband. 2-25-2018 Perryton, TX
Since this is the month of my husband, and mine, wedding  anniversary, I have posted a few physical memories that I have displayed on the top of a bookcase. Some of his gifts, and some flowers from his gravesite. I have given a lot of his stuff away, but it is so very hard to take away the memories I see every time I sit down at my computer. This home we shared for 44 years has still got his smell in every room. I can’t remember ever having smelled anything but ‘clean man,’  from my husband. I don’t think he had any sweat glands, or they must have been stopped up. He was always a hard worker, so there is a mystery about this one, and only man. I never saw him unshaven or hair grown out. He was, and still is my type of man. In three more days our anniversary month will be over, and maybe I can get on with my life.

I may have sounded saddened, but really I am so happy, and excited, about some miracles God has just performed in my life. I’m having to mend a few damaged tracks in this railroad of success as I travel, but I am still physically able to do that. When my children, or grandchildren, are successful, then I am successful. My glory-bound train keeps growing. Every car is rolling on down the track. With the conductor we have, we will never crash. “Thank you Lord, for pulling us on to heaven’s destination.” Have you ever heard of unhitching a car or two every once in awhile to be repaired?  Well I have done that also. They will be joined back to the long train when the repairs have been made. A disabled car just serves as trouble for the rest. It must be unhitched. I do thank God also for His good repairmen who has the problem fixed quickly.

This blog is only a short chapter, but I hope it helped someone to dump all their worries, and look for that better day tomorrow. Never be overcome by disappointments or seemingly failure. Everything is fixable, and everything is like new when it’s fixed. There is even better deals ahead than what you may be satisfied with now. Some nights I would not be surprised if the moon reached in my window and whisked me up to wherever. Anything good can happen even in the most discouraging times. I don’t know who I am, and neither do you know who you are. We are but a speck of dust from the earth we have not yet met. We were put here for a reason, and that is all we need to know. The best thing we have to stand on is the Word of God, and we all have that. If you don’t then you need to get a bible and read , study, and pray daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Art From The Heart"

Jean's Comment's: "Art From The Heart": Marriage is between a man and a woman. Animal birth is between a male and a female. Any other idea is not the plan of God. 2-24-2018 Perry...

"Art From The Heart"

Marriage is between a man and a woman. Animal birth is between a male and a female. Any other idea is not the plan of God. 2-24-2018 Perryton, TX

Some of you have seen this painting of “God’s Creation” before, but many have not. I painted this image three years ago using my own imagination. Notice I have a male, and female, pair of every life pictured. This was the bible description of God’s plan after He created the world. Sin had not yet entered the earth, and every animal, and the two human lives were friends. I did not place the snake’s mate with him, because I think he was doomed to become another figure after his evil success. His punishment for deceiving Eve was to crawl on his stomach through out the earth’s domain. I don’t know where his female mate was, but evidently she had not been created yet. She was not responsible for the male snake’s evil, but she had to share in his punishment. Adam was not so lucky. He did partake in Eve’s sin, therefore he had to share also in the world of growing sin. Everything stayed the same in the lives of the snake, and animals after the sin, but the human life has had to endure thousands of years of evil change. It is quite possible  in the near future there will not be any human gender except that which man has changed. What happened then to the idea of conceiving? Will human life become extinct? Will Jesus come for His people before this revolution happens?

Many questions are gripping the minds of people in a traumatic state of being, and more mental institutions will have to be built as time goes by. When one looks at the peace, and stillness of this Adam, and Eve, creation, they are made to wonder why so much change has occurred over the thousands of years. The snake can no longer tempt people, nor can man place evil in a heart without the help of something bigger than the original tempter. It is Satan, the highest angel who was cast out of heaven. Yes, Satan entered the serpent, and caused sin to continue here on earth. Satan is a spirit which can enter into any human who is not covered by Jesus blood. I hope all who are not sure of the protection of God, will begin this day to find their answer. Tomorrow might be too late. There is hope for all who will earnestly seek God’s help. It’s not enough to say you believe in Jesus, you must prove your words. Your actions speak much louder than words.

Matthew 7: 21, Not everyone who says to me, ’Lord, Lord,”  will enter into the kingdom of heaven, only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven shall enter. We are now in the New Testament bible, and Jesus is speaking those words. If you have any doubt about your security in Jesus, please make it positive today. I love looking at the Garden of Eden  as it hangs daily in one of my bedrooms. I love the idea of a man, and a woman, being made for each other. No other way can heaven be entered than by the rules of this image.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Friday, February 23, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Am Humbled To Post This Certificate From The Gr...

Jean's Comment's: "I Am Humbled To Post This Certificate From The Gr...: From the Texas House of Representative by Warren Chisum a Certificate of honor to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sharp on their 50th Wedding Anniver...

"I Am Humbled To Post This Certificate From The Great State Of Texas"

From the Texas House of Representative by Warren Chisum a Certificate of honor to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sharp on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. This flag was flown over the capital building in Austin, TX for one day.

This certificate was presented to my husband, and I, on our 50th wedding anniversary on February 2, 2000. It came with a Texas flag that had been flown over the Texas Capital Building in Austin, Texas. House State Representative, Warren Chisun and My husband were good friends. I’m a little late about putting this on to commemorate our anniversary which was the 2nd of this month, but I have a reason for posting it now. In a few days we will be voting on another House District 88 State Representative, and I would like to invite you to vote for Richard Beyea from Perryton, Texas. I believe he is the best suited for the job of the three that are running for it. We have got to do something about our local property taxes going up, and keep our tax money in our own county for our schools. Richard Beyea will work hard to do these two things along with many others that need to be changed. I’m a firm believer in taking action, and not just talking about what we need to change. I have personally know Richard, and wife, Judy, for several years. I trust them, even though some negative remarks have been said about them. I personally know these accusations are false as is in the case of every candidate who is hot on the trail. We do not have a hypocrite in Richard Beyea. We need him badly to back up President Trump’s plan for making America Great again. If he is elected he will have lots of help from down state counties because I know some very politically involved people who have promised to support him in any way they can. Most of all Richard is a Christian, and I know God will help this sustainer to maintain all the way to victory.

My day at the Senior Citizen’s Luncheon was a nice, and happy time of renewing my faith. The friends that I sit with at a large round table, are the best ever. Humor seems to dominate the conversation. Nothing could be better for the soul than a good laugh, and another, and another. Thank God for the merry souls who are now part of my life. I look forward to meeting them there three times a week. The food is always good, and I never hear any complaints about it.

I just have to mention that I had the second miracle to happen yesterday in one week. God answered prayer twice, and I’m still in shock at the closeness of the answers. Even though I expected it to happen, it’s still a shock when it becomes a reality. It makes me want to humble myself, even though I know that is not what God wants of me. I am praising him to the mountain tops, and humbling myself at the same time. I almost forget the pain I have from old age, and think about another good day tomorrow. That is who God is.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Put It On And Go"

Jean's Comment's: "Put It On And Go":         Needing to be worn. All new, and anxious to be shown off. 2-22-2018 Perryton, TX I have a Mink stole to wear with this outfit, but...

"Put It On And Go"

        Needing to be worn. All new, and anxious to be shown off. 2-22-2018 Perryton, TX
I have a Mink stole to wear with this outfit, but there isn’t any place to wear it. I live in a small city where western style is about the most elegant taste  for any occasion. I may end up wearing it to a senior citizen’s dance, and be the laughing stock of the party. I would definitely need a dance partner to take me, because all the men at the dance would run backwards at a sight like this. Especially since the senior dances here are planned for comfort and exercise. Food is provided, but no smoking or drinking allowed. I like that part about them, but my outfit would not be allowed either. The low cut top, and tights are not the appropriate attire for church either. How did I manage to come up with this personal idea of an interesting costume? I will find a place to fit it in, soon or later. I didn’t just pick this out without a reason. Even the three strand pearl necklace with matching ear rings are waiting to go some place.

Now for my more serious thought. While watching Mike Huckabee last night on television giving his reaction to some much politicized issue. I was impressed by his serious comment about the life hereafter. Without hesitation, or possibility, he talked about the next life. I thought to myself, “really,” is it that definite that there is a life for everyone after this life? There are so many different beliefs about eternity, till I usually try not even think about it. Mike talked like he wasn’t aware of anyone wondering about the next life. He seemed to think that everyone knows the soul never dies, and just the body is all that ceases to live. I truly believe that too, but the way Mike Huckabee so freely talked of it, made me feel ashamed. For sure it made me think more serious about every little move I make here on earth. I have a lot of trust in Mike Huckabee. I think he is an extremely smart man, and is a perfect example of what Christians should be like, even with his great sense of humor. He never seems to warn people of being unaware of what-so-ever they sow, that shall they also reap, even though he truly believes that. It’s like he thinks everyone knows that. Wow, what a man to watch more, and be endowed with his great wisdom. He is not a show-off, but simply Mike Huckabee. Will we be nervous  when we get called upon the stage to hear our life report on that judgment day? I certainly don’t believe Mike Huckabee will be a bit nervous. I want to try harder to be nice to everyone. Like Mike, I believe we have a duty to direct the lost, and undone, but not judge them, or refuse to help when they ask for help. There is a vast difference in directing, and demanding.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Oh My God How Great You Are"

Jean's Comment's: "Oh My God How Great You Are":        Rick and daughter, Rayna Sharp at Rayna's nurse's graduation. 2-22-2018 Perryton, TX Everyone who has been reading my blo...

"Oh My God How Great You Are"

       Rick and daughter, Rayna Sharp at Rayna's nurse's graduation. 2-22-2018 Perryton, TX

Everyone who has been reading my blogs know that I have assured you that some miracles would be coming my way. Well one did come today, and no one could deny that it wasn’t a miracle. I cannot elaborate at this time, but maybe in the future I can provide more details. I am in wonder as to just how God made this happen when it looked impossible. I certainly was not expecting it to happen in the way it did, but I will not question God. I know there are some very happy people in my family right now. Who would ever have thought that God was good enough, and big enough to give us, (as unworthy creatures,) such a great blessing. I am expecting many more miracles to follow. Of course we will have to show appreciation, and be prepared to take a lot of opposition, but if we stay true to God, he will stay true to us. It has taken many years to get to this place in life, but we never gave up. Like the children of Israel in days of old, we have fought many battles. I have shed an ocean of tears, along with other members of my family, but we never lost faith in God. I know there will be many more battles to fight, but again we are holding fast to our Almighty God.

Turning our eyes upon another terrific battle in process right now,  is the American Country of Christian origin. “Good, against Evil.” Lives are being lost every day in this fierce “God/Satan, battle. We have leaders whom God hath ordained to lead us to victory, but they are taking the enemy fire in great heaps. We all must use our God-given faith to help drive this evil force as far as the east is from the west. We must not give favor to any of those whom may be our own loved ones, if they are fighting against God’s chosen people. Death will come to all who oppose the Almighty God. And the death won’t be one of dignity. Every word we speak for God is a word that will not return to him void. Please, please, remember this, if you remember nothing else about this blog. This World wide war must go on till Jesus either comes, or He declares, enough is enough, and slays them all at one time. Known as that horrible day of judgment. I am mostly speaking to Christians, because they are who will be the victors when all is said and done. John 16:33, Jesus says to his people, you will have trouble, but have peace for I have over come the world. He has already won the battle, and has descended into heaven, but we who remain will have to live in the evil world till we also descend into heaven. We can take a few legal, pain pills now and then, but the best relief we can get from pain is a little talk with Jesus. “Thank you Lord for saving my soul.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Before And After Ignorant Abuse"

Jean's Comment's: "Before And After Ignorant Abuse":                                 Such a pretty plant until it got sick. 2-20-2018 Perryton,TX                                    Hope is ...

"Before And After Ignorant Abuse"

                                Such a pretty plant until it got sick. 2-20-2018 Perryton,TX
                                   Hope is still alive for this plant 2-20-2028 Perryton, TX

I liked this tropical plant so much when Chuck first bought it. But he did not do a good job of keeping it alive. Recently he told me to throw it away, but I told him I wanted to survived it. There were a little bit of green still left so I cut off all the dead part and informed him not to touch it. I had it perking up, but then Chuck grabbed the spray and douched it good, and the thing just gave up, and started dying completely. It is now on life support. I haven’t given up yet, but it looks mighty hopeless. Right now it’s more of an experiment for me than anything else. I have never had a tropical plant before, and I can’t imagine it greening up, and leaving a long body of bark. If it ever does liven up and grow, I will take another picture to show the miracle it  performed for me. My greatest concern is keeping it away from an abusive owner. .

There are days when I feel like this plant looks. My life is almost gone, and I can’t keep up the faith it takes to keep growing. I perk up, then I flop down. If I can’t keep someone else’s plant growing, then why keep my own growing? If I give up and cast them out, then I feel like casting me out also. I know that when God is through with me, He will transfer me, not throw me out, to a place where nothing  ever dies. I sure hate being badgered though by some old thorny, worthless, bush that has never been liked. “Lord, lift me out of that rotten grown, and plant me on a fertile Island, where all is joy and peace.” But then I hear him say, “I have need for you where you are now.” Sometimes we boast about having lived a long life, and never want to die. Sometimes we fret about having had to live so long in an evil world of sin and sorrow. A good night’s rest always balances it out. Thank God for every new day. At the end of every day I want to know that I have done a work for God. We are his hands, and feet, so if we don’t do the job, it don’t get done. We miss the blessing that we would have had otherwise. Some days the jobs are very hard, but our Lord told us in His Word that he would not put more on us than we could handle. So far it has held out true for me. The ones who cursed, and ridiculed us will not be sleeping well because of mocking God, but the mercy of God will always close the eyes of the tattered ones, and let them rest in peace. After prayer each night, I know all is well with my soul. I am completely at peace, and pray for my enemies that they will be changed from ignorance to reality.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Short Late Evening Movie"

Jean's Comment's: "Short Late Evening Movie":                          Another one of God's beautiful landscapes. 2-19-2018 Perryton, TX Late this evening I was again blessed w...

"Short Late Evening Movie"

                         Another one of God's beautiful landscapes. 2-19-2018 Perryton, TX

Late this evening I was again blessed with a few moments of viewing one of Gods’ beautiful landscapes. I got a glimpse as I looked out my kitchen window. Reaching for my camera I went outside and snapped a picture. Within minutes it was dark. Tonight I can go to sleep thinking about this gorgeous sunset. God moves constantly, and never sleeps. When I wake up in the morning I will be waiting to see him move again. I never know what a new day may bring forth. Will I be chastised, or will I be blessed? I know it will be one of the other because our Heavenly Father never fails to give us what’s coming to us. Some days I do things that I rather not do, but because of my knowledge of God’s demands of me, I act accordingly. Did I do it right, or did I make a mistake? I always find out without delay. Jesus was an enemy of Satan, and so is all the other Jesus followers. He warned us of what to expect before we said, “Jesus I will follow you.” I will not turn back, and hopefully He will not turn me lose. Without his guiding hand, I would be most miserable. “Thank God for his sweet peace.” I can’t wait for the sun to come up in the morning.

I had another fun time at the Senior luncheon today. Somehow all those smiling faces make me so happy. I have been attending all three luncheons each week for awhile now. I think one reason being that it’s election time, and I am involved in getting my candidate elected. Some of the candidates are always there. I feel a citizen’s duty to campaign, and vote, for whoever I think is the best choice. I believe God expects it of us. One of the candidates running for county judge in our county met me at the door of the Center today. He asked me if I was Kent Sharp’s mother. I told him I was, then he asked me where Kent was. I filled him in on everything, and he said he and Kent were in the same class at school. Wow, this guy was white headed, wore a beard, and Kent is only 48 years old, so what a surprise. Kent could have almost passed for this guy’s son. I hope you do not read this blog Ray. I am known to exaggerate sometimes. Good luck to you.

I’m posting this blog tonight, but it will be tomorrow’s blog. I will be busy tomorrow, and cannot write one. The past two months has been extremely busy for me. I am doing a part time job for the state for Nurses Unlimited. They asked me, and I accepted. I feel a bit younger since I’ve been working. God knew just what I needed, and supplied me with that need. I have been getting much more than I deserve, but I am thankful.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "Ezekiel's Boneyard"

Jean's Comment's: "Ezekiel's Boneyard":                Ezekiel's boneyard may have to be made alive again. 2-19-2018 Perryton,TX It is time for God’s people to speak out. I...

"Ezekiel's Boneyard"

               Ezekiel's boneyard may have to be made alive again. 2-19-2018 Perryton,TX

It is time for God’s people to speak out. If they do not then He will put life back into the dry bones, and they shall speak for Him. Ezekiel 37, 1-14. KJV. God is real, and if you do not believe, beware. He will prove Himself  to you, but you may have to be as dead as the dry bones in Ezekiel’s bone yard before you listen. People would not listen to Ezekiel’s prophesy. God showed Ezekiel that if the people would not listen, then He would put breath into the dry bones, and then the people would see the Spirit of God in those bones. . Are you one of those who have turned deaf ears upon God’s Word? Are you one of those who chose to do it your way, and let others do it their way? That would be nice, and everyone would like it that way, but God did command us to preach unto others after we had been accepted by Him. The bible was written to help people understand God’s nature, and His Almighty Power. It’s sad to say, but I believe less than ten percent of human beings don’t even own a bible, and if they do they don’t know where to find it. I have given bibles to several in my attempt to prove to them that God is real, and He is merciful, but He is also a God of judgment. These same people have discarded my gift, and have been living a disgraceful life, growing worse each day. They have suffered beyond repair, but still will not listen to God’s messengers. Some of these are people that I love dearly. It grieves me to see them suffer, but I am to the point that I will let God use His anger on them now. I understand I don’t have to let God do anything, but I also understand God listens to his children when they are trying to convert the sinner. His patience is great, but He does turn His back on those who have rejected Him time after time.

I did not go so far as to see God put life back into the bones before I believed in Him. But I did require a sign of proof from Him, before I fully believed. I got that proof immediately when I asked, but I think it displeased God that I asked for proof. I had not lived a godless life since I was raised in a Christian home, but I was not a person of complete knowledge as to the greatness of God. It has to be personal, I believe, before one can be of real service to Him. It is very evident that human morals are all but vanished from this earth, but if the people who claim Christ as their personal Savior, will speak out against this evil corruption, God will not have to put life back into the bones. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "It Lasted Thirty Seven Years"

Jean's Comment's: "It Lasted Thirty Seven Years":          Remembering family reunions. Quartz Mountain State Park. 2-18-2018 Perryton, TX It has been eight years since our family had th...

"It Lasted Thirty Seven Years"

         Remembering family reunions. Quartz Mountain State Park. 2-18-2018 Perryton, TX

It has been eight years since our family had the last reunion at this wonderful place called “ Quartz Mountain State Park.” The last reunion held there was number 37, being held annually. The last date the family met there was 2011. The official last meeting was 2010. Something of a bad nature invaded our reunions, making it impossible to continue. In a time of two years our numbers dropped from near 100 to less than 20. The reunions had been held in three different locations during the 37 years. The last place being Quartz Mountain State Park, near Altus, Oklahoma. All the years our family met were greatly enjoyed by all. This family welcomed every member no matter of race, color, or creed. Like all families no one was perfect, but a few decided they were more perfect than others. Something like culling them out. Those who had been appointed as leaders for the current year brought this great family reunion event to a halt. A few decided to try to keep it going, but unfortunately the latter leadership was of the lowest mentality. Actually the reunion died in 2010. Seven years passed before another reunion was attempted. It was a “spur of the moment” decision, and needless to say it was a flop. We do appreciate those who did try to restore the much wanted reunions, but due to so much water under the bridge, it was going to be next to impossible. Another attempt has been scheduled for this year, but it cannot ever be the same as before.

I have posted a painting I did of the large dinning area, and the cabins that were included with the price. This painting is less than ‘actual beauty” the campsite displayed. Every detail is true, but much more outstanding than I could paint it. Losing this long-standing family event has been very hard to endure. Many tragedies, and heart-breaking happenings have been dealt to this now, dysfunctional family. The loss of wisdom, and deep-rooted, ,religious faith have caused this family to divide. As many know a split after eight years of separation, can never be mended, but the pain grows deeper each day. Every member of this family our father, and mother, furnished roots to, will have to answer to the Heavenly Father what they did to destroy the first fruits. Our earthly father is looking down, but is unable to offer his great wisdom. I know he is very saddened about the evil that has invaded his clan.

I wish the Lord’s blessings on those who will still be trying to restore the family values this year. Nothing would make me happier, but it would have to be a miracle. I still believe in miracles, but this would take a “mountain moving,” miracle. Those who are guilty of stubbornness, and demand that they are right, will never be blessed again. How sad, but the world is full of just such people. “Ignorance is no excuse.” This is a quote my father said many times. A wise father he was.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Three Forgotten Babies"

Jean's Comment's: "Three Forgotten Babies":                               The mother who deserted her babies. 2-17-2018 Perryton, TX There are many reasons a child can become orphane...

"Three Forgotten Babies"

                              The mother who deserted her babies. 2-17-2018 Perryton, TX

There are many reasons a child can become orphaned, but I believer the most common reason is the lack of responsibility of the parent or parents. I also believe most children who become orphaned, whether young, or older, will always have that resentment of not being wanted by their parents. No matter how good the adoptive parents are, or how much love they show their loving adopted child, the rejection from a real parent never dies. Even in cases of a child losing their parents by reason of death, or the lack of security from a mother to raise her child, the pain of not having their birth mother, or father, is still a great part of the child’s normal development. I am not trying to make like I am a child psychiatrist, but the bible is far better to explain mental illness than any human being. It speaks of mothers and fathers loving their God so much they offered their child as a sacrifice unto Him. It speaks of God loving his people so much that He sent His only Begotten Son to earth to live, and die, as a normal human being for their sins. But was His life normal? Normal for what He was sent for, but far from the sinful, normal people. It also speaks of many ignorant people who in vain, tortured their children trying to please God, mostly idol Gods.  I can’t recall many places in the bible where people deserted their children because they just didn’t want them. Neither can I recall any place that explains aborting a child. The bible does foretell us that what we are seeing today is a result of sin that multiplied as time went by. People refused to believe in the Great Creator, and chose to ignore his teachings. The offspring of these ungodly, human parents has caused mental problems that are staggering to be dealt with by the ones who remained loyal to God Almighty.

 In the case of the recent shooter in Parkland, Florida I am grieved to the highest degree, but I have also been grieved in all the other shootings, or bombing cases that has happened in our America. I am alarmed that none of us can feel safe any more to be a normal person, doing the normal things. I heard on the news that the recent shooter was badly, mentally disturbed, and had shown it for years. It seems that it all stemmed from losing his birth father a few years ago, then losing his adoptive mother quite recently. He possible lost all sense of reality, after being ignored when, by his own actions, was asking for help. After the police being called 23 times about the suspicious nature of this student, he still was ignored. Seventeen students, and faculty members died, and several more wounded as a result of human failure to address this serious issue. This message is being sent as a before, and after, situation of unawareness, or better still, unconcern. How many more twisted minds will result in innocent deaths before people come to realize that without God’s help the world is lost forever? Are we doing all we can do to stop stupidity from growing?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 16, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Chinese Fun Time"

Jean's Comment's: "Chinese Fun Time": Some of my friends at the Citizen's Center today. 2-16-2018 Perryton, TX Chinese New Year card with gold coin with chocolate filling...

"Chinese Fun Time"

Some of my friends at the Citizen's Center today. 2-16-2018 Perryton, TX
Chinese New Year card with gold coin with chocolate filling inside. 2-16-2018  Perryton, TX

I was pleased to be presented with a little gift today at the Center from the Chinese community. It was the Chinese New year, 2-16-2018, and a replica of a fifty dollar gold piece was handed out to all attending lunch at the Center today. They also offered us chop sticks, and fortune cookies. A little welcome, and appreciation note was enclosed. It read.\


I am not sure if the food was provided by the Chinese, but it was the most delicious Chinese meal I had ever eaten. The gold piece was the cover for a chocolate fifty dollar coin. I am in wonder as to what this was all about, but it was really nice to be given a gift by the Chinese.

A great atmosphere was enjoyed by the two tables in my area. I loved being in this place today. Something from up above is brewing, and I think it smells good. I’m so ready for more of the same food, and folly. I feel blessing coming my way from every direction. How can I ever stop thanking God? But I still have to do my work, and be patient for the end results. I’m ready to take all the happiness I can get. I’ve spent many years seeking it.

I made a large pot of chili before I went to lunch today. Chuck likes chili, and so do I. Much of it will go into the freezer for later on. Chili dogs, Frito chili pie, and  a big bowl of chili with crackers is always good. I have found a good, low carb, pudding recipe that I’m loving to dive into every day. All the delicious foods I’ve mentioned today that I have eaten have very low carbs. I have almost reached my goal again since gaining over last Christmas. I did not eat the wonderful-looking pineapple cream icing on the cake today. Neither did I eat the cake. I waited for my dish of low-carb pudding with my meal tonight. After lunch today I went shopping for some needed items. I bought a can of mixed nuts, and will munch on them for a week or so. They are low in carbs also. I have a delicious drink I created myself that is carb, and calorie free. Lemon juice with a bit of cherry juice added to my wine glass of water. Sweetened with sweet-and-low. The nuts are perfect for this artificial drink. It is an late evening treat, and I don’t get hungry before going to sleep.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Pure As Crystal Is Our Water"

Jean's Comment's: "Pure As Crystal Is Our Water": Perryton has some pretty water towers. They are called, "Part of Perryton Pride." 2-15-2018 Perryton, TX. I just noticed today...

"Pure As Crystal Is Our Water"

Perryton has some pretty water towers. They are called, "Part of Perryton Pride." 2-15-2018 Perryton, TX.

I just noticed today while visiting at Chuck’s house, this pretty water tower ½ block from his house. It is one of several that have a flag with a star painted in red, white, and blue. Our water comes from underground, and is extremely purified before being piped out to houses and businesses. This water is a plus for Perryton. So many places get their water from lakes, and it cannot be uses for drinking by folks living around the lake, because it has not been purified. I have know of cities who do not have quality drinking water, because of a poor purification system. This is the reason millions of gallons of bottled water are being sold daily. I have no fear at all of drinking Perryton’s water, but every where else I go I usually take bottled water. I am paranoid about my drinking water. I even doubt that all bottled water is pure. I do drink the coffee, and tea at restaurants, but I have often been left with an up-set stomach. Perryton’s water comes from the wonderful oquliqia reservoir. It’s a great feeling to live directly over this huge reservoir.

I, and a friend, will be campaigning for the next several days for a Texas State Representative for the 88th district. We will be working hard to get Richard Beyea from Perryton elected. Our city has suffered greatly from lack of leadership relating to the oil and gas resources. This part of West Texas is very dependant upon oil and gas for it’s economy. At this time due to loss of production, and other reasons of extra expense to the producer, caused by freelancing, the oil, and gas, activity has dropped to near rock bottom. Our local taxes have risen greatly. This would not have happened if we would have had the right State Representative in office. The candidate running for that office against him will make a good one. He needs lots of help to get his name out, since the incumbent is running for his third term. I used to love to campaign, but not to excited about it anymore. I depend on prayers a lot, but so does my candidate.

I am experiencing a host of answered prayers. I sometimes have to think if I am right or not, when the opposition forces set in. However I know God does test us, before real victory comes. Nothing is easy, but we must take things as they come. I claim victory long before it happens, when I see a first sign of God in the fix. As long as I wait upon God to work out all the problems, I will be a winner. I have a goal in life, and it must be met before I leave this world. I just pray, “Take my hand precious Lord and lead me on.” Never will I doubt that God is doing that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "You Are My Valentine"

Jean's Comment's: "You Are My Valentine":                     HAPPY VALENTINE TO ME. Had a good one. 2-14-2018 Perryton, TX I enjoyed a wonderful Valentine lunch today at the C...

"You Are My Valentine"

                    HAPPY VALENTINE TO ME. Had a good one. 2-14-2018 Perryton, TX

I enjoyed a wonderful Valentine lunch today at the Center. My son had sent money to pay for my lunch, and he was my sweetest, sweetheart today. I wish he could have been here, but he lives too far away, and is a very busy guy. He would have been proud of me if he could have seen my antique, red dress. It is the same dress I was wearing when I made the picture for the cover of my first book,” When The Angel Came,” eight years ago. I only wear this dress on Valentine’s Day. Because it is so red, red. I did have a nice time visiting with friends. Almost never do I leave that place before having a few laughs. That is something I can’t buy with money. Thanks to everyone who helped me have a happy valentine day.

Who wants to wash dishes and clean house after such a fun day? Not me, but I must. I wish I could find a doctor who could cure me of laziness. That’s my greatest ailment. My life is too short to waste it on work. But I wouldn’t change a thing. Past hard work is a tribute to why I’m so happy, and blessed now. I haven’t heard many complaints from my children, or friends. I suppose they are pleased with my laziness. I will say I have the best of the best, and I am thankful. If someone hits an off note in my chorus, I let them know it. I like perfect harmony in my joyful noise. Here is where the human fault comes into me. How many times do I have to ask God for forgiveness? Every day of my life. “Thank you Lord for forgiving me, and helping others to forgive me.”

Now that Valentine’s Day is about over, I look forward to another great dinner at the Museum of The Plains. A membership meal is provided for all members. This occasion is always well attended, and offers good food and fellowship. I just paid my yearly dues today, and am proud to be a member of this interesting place of history. It is a very large place, and is growing every year. Hats off to all who work so hard to make this place one of the best anywhere. Many social events are held there each year, and even some weddings are performed. There is a little church chapel about one hundred years old that has been moved there. Some people still like the vows of long ago. “Thank God for those.” After the wedding a large dinning room area in another part of the building awaits the reception, and harassment to the bride and groom. Yes, I will say again I am proud to be a member of such a nice place. May we always keep a vision of the past, and every person who contributed history to the museum.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Sweethearts Forever"

Jean's Comment's: "Sweethearts Forever":                      A valentine music box, with candle glowing. 2-13-2018 Perryton, TX My sweetheart is not with me any longer, but I s...

"Sweethearts Forever"

                     A valentine music box, with candle glowing. 2-13-2018 Perryton, TX

My sweetheart is not with me any longer, but I still have his memories. He never forgot me on Valentines. The little valentine music box is so sweet to remember him by. I miss him so much, and need to be hugged by him again. Maybe someday someone will replace him in a small way, but I can’t see that happening. I keep finding reasons to turn all the sweets away. I don’t feel like neither God, or my husband, wants me to be that way, but I just can’t let go of that last smile he left me. How do you forget? Five years have gone by, and it seems like yesterday. I am tired of being alone. Tired of reaching out at night to feel him in bed. Tired of dreaming. It’s too real not to be real. I know there is that one prince out there somewhere that will sweep me off my feet someday. I just want it to hurry up and happen. Miracles have been happening to me quite often lately, and I know another one is in store. God first has to make me get rid of some of my qualifications. Too young, too old, too forceful, too bald, too married, yes really, and the lists goes on and on. Does it sound possible? Miracles do still happen. When the right man comes along, all of these qualifications will vanish. “Lord, let it be.”

Our Valentine dinner will be tomorrow at the Citizen’s Center. I look forward to a good time with all my friends, and their sweethearts. It is a time when love can be shared among all. God knows we can never have too much of that. The tables will be decorated beautifully, and the candles burning. The food will be scrumptious. Everyone will be dressed so nicely. I will wear my favorite red dress. I don’t know about entertainment, but I think that will be provided also. A large crowd is expected, and I may not be able to sit with my normal table mates. In times like these there is always those whom I don’t know that come to the party. It can be quite uncomfortable when you have to sit with strangers. I usually just meet my friends at the table we share, but our table will probably be occupied by others. I am so lucky to have a nice place like the Center to go and be uplifted anytime I want. I wish more of the local people would find out how blessed they could feel if they would start coming.

To all my valentine readers I wish you a happy day. Remember to tell someone you love them. “Give, and it shall be given.”  I send you my love, and best wishes for a sweet Valentine’s day. Many of us won’t be here for the next Valentine day, so do it now while we still have a life to share.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 12, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "All Things Said It's Still Unveiling"

Jean's Comment's: "All Things Said It's Still Unveiling": Ex President Barack, and first lady, Michelle Obama, at the unveiling of their official portrait to be hung in the Smithsonian Gallery. 2-...

"All Things Said It's Still Unveiling"

Ex President Barack, and first lady, Michelle Obama, at the unveiling of their official portrait to be hung in the Smithsonian Gallery. 2-12-2018 Perryton, TX.

I watched part of the ceremony this morning with the unveiling of the official portrait of Ex President, and First Lady, Barack, and Michelle Obama, to be hung in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery. The artist who painted the Ex President was Kehinde Wiley. The artist painting the Ex First Lady  was Amy Sherald. Both artist, and both honored subjects, gave a short speech. I was not able to hear all of the speeches, but I can say Machelle Obama is a talented speaker, although I don’t agree with her ideas. I heard a little of Barack Obama’s speech, and he also is a talented speaker. I believe it is because of their great speech talent that they were successful in almost destroying America. They had a goal when they went to the Oval Office, and that goal was not good for America. I am glad for the portraits of them that will hang in the National Smithsonian Portrait Gallery, because they too need to be remembered for what they did to, not for, America. This is my personal opinion, and I add, I love both of these recipients of a great honor, be it worthy, or be it not. They certainly will never be forgotten even though their  portraits would never have been hung in the National Gallery. Did they do the job that was required of them by God, or did they act on their own desires? No  one will ever know that question for sure. We are living in a world of mystery, to say the least. On a stronger note, I personally believe we as Christians must fight for Christ, and fight with all our might. The evil side of life is our enemy, and God will decide who, and when, enough is enough.

I am thankful for the President we now have. He got elected because he had a strong, mean spirit to face all the evil that America had been rocked with. It could never have been better for America if a nicety, nicety  personality would have been seated in the Oval Office. The front line had to be challenged. The enemy was gaining more ground every day. The challenge has been rough for President Trump, but he is not, and will never be defeated till the end results have been accomplished. “Make America Great Again.” Whether it was true loyalty from the ex president, or whether it was intentional harm against America, It was a terrible bad blow for all who have given their lives for the American freedom. That can never be disputed, and I am so thankful for those who gave their lives. It’s hard to keep hatred out of our hearts when we see all those innocent American freedom fighters being killed. We do know they who are guilty will be punished in the end. Let us not be impatient. Let us keep our anger under control like President Trump is doing. God bless our president, and Vice President , and their families while they fight for our country.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "It Stood Firm Amidst A Storm"

Jean's Comment's: "It Stood Firm Amidst A Storm":                                 First Christian Church Perryton, TX. 2-11-2018 Perryton, TX. Today is Sunday February 11, 2018. The chur...

"It Stood Firm Amidst A Storm"

                                First Christian Church Perryton, TX. 2-11-2018 Perryton, TX.

Today is Sunday February 11, 2018. The church building I posted is where I go to church, for the past forty years. It is where my youngest son, and two of my granddaughters were baptized. It is were my husband’s funeral was held. It is where we had our 50th wedding anniversary celebration. It is where I, along with several others, fought to keep it from being taken away from us. For the past twelve years we have fought to keep the split from claiming victory. It’s been very hard to accept what is now, and what used to be. I believe that could be said of many churches of today. I believe it could even be said about our country, Today is now. Yesterday was then. Where do we draw the line? Never. We will live with changes, both good, and bad, until we die. It is up to us to fight our own battles with the help of God. We are the Captions of our own army. We have the bible to refer to in times of uncertainty. Those who will not use their bibles for wisdom, are doomed to lose. I am going through a difficult time of accepting our church practices since the split. Why does it have to be different? The problem started before the split, which is the reason for the split. Satan has, and always will have, a say in our churches, and in our country. That has been a fact since the beginning of time. We, the people, will never find complete solace until we reach eternity. However, if we will just trust God, and obey His commands, we will never be defeated. My spiritual strength still out performs that of many much younger than I. Wisdom comes with age, but what about those who got old before their time? “Lord, heal them in the name of Jesus, for they knew not what they doeth.”

By faith I am doing what I think is right for me, but when I start to feel different, I will hasten back to whatever. I love my life. I love my children, and grandchildren. I love my friends, and all other human beings. I cannot look over the wrong in some of their lives, according to my belief, but I still love them. My bible tells me God makes us all that way if we truly believe in Him. As long as I have the shout in me, I’m going to shout. I hope to shout all the way into heaven, and join in with all the other shouters. I’m in no hurry for that, because I like shouting on earth pretty much. Almost every day the Lord gives me something to shout about. Sometimes we take a break, and just rest at the communion table, but after a few tears, I’m back to shouting. My Jesus told me not to forget Him, and I promise I couldn’t if I tried. “Hallelujah,” forever to His name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "What Is Growing On The Farmer's Land Now"

Jean's Comment's: "What Is Growing On The Farmer's Land Now": A few of the hundred's of power producing windmills in the Oklahoma Panhandle. 2-10-2018 perryton, TX. Coming back from Liberal, Kan...

"What Is Growing On The Farmer's Land Now"

A few of the hundred's of power producing windmills in the Oklahoma Panhandle. 2-10-2018 perryton, TX.

Coming back from Liberal, Kansas today I stopped to take a picture of some of the hundred’s of power producing windmills in the Oklahoma Panhandle. As far as the eye could see there were windmills on both sides of the 83 highway. For several years now these windmills have been being installed all across Oklahoma, and Texas, that I have seen with my own eyes. Possible they are being installed in other places also. The purpose of these windmills is to produce electricity. I have said before, and I will say again, that I don’t believe they will ever be worth more, if as mush, as it took to manufacture, and install them. I also believe we just see the tip of the iceberg as to what more expense will have to be added to these windmills to make them be helpful at all.

As in the beginning, Benjamin Franklin, may have been the inventor of electricity, but without Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb we would still be in the dark. After all these many years scientist are still  studying electricity trying to make it cheaper to produce. To my imagination  hundreds of thousands of windmills strung all across America, is a far cry from the generator system that has always been dependable. Looking through child-like eyes, I have given my take on the windmill system. I am curious as to what all this new invention means. We definitely need another Benjamin Franklin to appear, and set us straight.

On my way to Liberal today a van passed me speeding. I thought he must be in a big hurry. A short distance down the highway I noticed a car pulled over to the shoulder. The driver’s door was open, and a man appeared to be trying to push  the vehicle while stirring the wheel. The speeding van had pulled over and stopped. I have heard of so many good Samaritans getting robbed, or a gun pulled on them, till I began to pray for this guy who stopped, to help. It was very cold, and snowing, so I asked God to protect the good Samaritan, and if the trouble was real, please let it be fixed quickly. What a shame that our world has grown so full of hate, and distrust till one is afraid to offer help. After I got home they were announcing on television that two police officers had been shot and killed somewhere. How do we fix this problem? It is happening more and more every day. Will we ever know why this is happening? Then I briefly heard that Israel, and Syria are fighting seriously again. Somehow Russia is supposed to be involved. We would like to ask God why, but that would be too child-like for us. We were told to trust God, and that is good enough. Prayer is the answer to all our questions.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, February 9, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Wasn't Expecting This"

Jean's Comment's: "I Wasn't Expecting This": My youngest son, Kent, stands mounted on a stand in football suit. An angel stands on a stand behind him. How blessed I am. 2-9-2018 Perry...

"I Wasn't Expecting This"

My youngest son, Kent, stands mounted on a stand in football suit. An angel stands on a stand behind him. How blessed I am. 2-9-2018 Perryton, TX

I walked into Kent’s bedroom today without thinking about taking his picture that stands on the dresser. Suddenly I noticed his football cutout picture mounted on a stand with an angel also standing mounted on a stand, It struck me. “OK Lord, I see you here with your angel looking over my son while he struggles daily with a stressful job, and taking time to include me in all his hard effort to please.” I had not noticed these two statues standing so close together before. In fact the angel used to be located in another room. I don’t remember putting them together. My son is married, and has two grown children. He has been a total blessing to his dad, and me, all of his life. Since his dad passed away five years ago, this son has taken his dad’s place in my life in so many ways. I believe God uses things like the simple angel statue, and cutout pictures to speak to our heart. I am more convinced now than ever before that God is protecting my son, and his wonderful family. The labor from he, and his entire family has been long, and stressful. I have spent many of nights praying for this precious family. I already knew, but it has now been substantiated that God has always had an angel looking over my sweet son, and his family. If I ever worry about them again I should be ashamed.

Today was my fourth time to eat lunch out this week. It has been a busy week, and I still have to make a trip to Liberal, Kansas tomorrow.  I think I am going to have to slow down next week. My leisure hours are being robbed from me. There has to be a happy medium somewhere. It would be nice If I could find it, and stay focused thereon. I realize we have to give God our best time before tiring out, but how do we manage that with so many people calling, and inviting us out? Including politicians wanting  us to help them get elected. Then all the survey calls that drive me crazy. Plus I have a lot of face book friends who I must answer back to or they might quit bothering to include me. I love, love life as I now know it. Exciting, promising, little pain for my age, and a longing to live forever. Does that sound like a busy live? I hope to keep it that way because to quit, is to fade away. I just ask God for wings to fly instead of drive, I’m expecting that to happen one of these days. Don’t ask me how, I just know it can happen. He has answered prayers so many times for me, that was not exactly what I asked for, but much better. Good enough to make me want to shout for joy. If I can help make someone happy, that is a great joy to me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Thriving Economy Is Good"

Jean's Comment's: "A Thriving Economy Is Good":                                        Hometown retail store across the street from Chuck. The nice shopping place I posted is Perryton’...

"A Thriving Economy Is Good"

                                       Hometown retail store across the street from Chuck.

The nice shopping place I posted is Perryton’s newest retail store. It is located just across the street from my son’s house. While I was taking trash to the dumpster today I noticed how busy this store was. It is a large store, and since we don’t have a Wal-Mart it gets lots of business. Highway 83 runs by the store, and the traffic is always steady. Chuck can walk across his back yard and be at the store in seconds. It also has a small line of grocery goods. Directly behind Chuck’s house is this quick stop store that is always busy also. A large car-wash is directly across the street from the convenient store. This is all to say that my son lives in a handy place to shop since he is handicapped. I worked today at his house helping him with cleaning. It was a lovely day, and I did some work in the yard.

I am now prepared to relax the rest of the evening, and watch news. There is never an end to the excitement it brings each day. My most concern about the news now is the volatility of the stock market. We are now seeing something about this market that we have never seen before, and it isn’t all good. It makes us all jittery, and  even interferes with our sleep. Not that I have a big portfolio, but what about the people that do? What about America as a whole? An awful lot of security depends upon the stock market, in my opinion. I believe every human being with any sense at all will agree that America is in a dark state of insecurity, and more people are paying attention to the news now than ever before. Has God let this great country of ours become hell-bound? Is all of our prayers, and endless effort by our President amounting to nothing? For the first time since President Trump has been in the White House, I am becoming a little less sure of our goal to make America Great again. I know this is what the enemy wants us to be, (doubtful,) but after all, how much can a President take before he becomes too weak to keep being ground up like beef?  Our God is still the Almighty Power that will keep our President safe, but “please, Lord, give him a break. Bring down all those evil American traitors who seem to have lost all mental compatibilities.” David, the psalmist, prayed this prayer more than once. He was the “Anointed One,” but he still had to beg God for strength to endure. God heard David’s pray, and answered it. God does also hear President Trump’s pray, and is, and will, continue to answer it. Let us all renew our faith, and hold the banner high for we are going to win this war against evil whatever it takes. “God bless our President, and God bless America.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Yard Full Of Non Racists Cats"

Jean's Comment's: "A Yard Full Of Non Racists Cats": My neighbor's spotted cat. One of many who came to meet me for a picture. 2-7-2018 Perryton,TX           A golden cat was the second...

"A Yard Full Of Non Racists Cats"

My neighbor's spotted cat. One of many who came to meet me for a picture. 2-7-2018 Perryton,TX
          A golden cat was the second one who came for a picture. 2-7-2018 Perryton, TX

My neighbor down the street has many cats. I stopped to take a picture and four came running to meet me. I got four different cat’s picture, but many more were hesitating to come out of their yard. These cats are all well fed, and look so pretty. They are super friendly. I don’t think these neighbors has a dog at all, but they do have a yard full of cats. My neighbor friend is also very patriotic. She leaves a State flag, and an American flag flying in her yard 24-7. With her house, her yard, and cats, she speaks loud and clear what kind of a person she is. I love the story she tells with these attractions. No holiday goes by without my neighbor friend decorates the yard to the hilt. It’s always interesting, and many people drive by to admire it. I call out to her to keep up the good spirit.

I had another good lunch today at the Center. I love all my friends there, and always look forward to  seeing them. Always when I leave I feel like I have had a strong pepper-upper pill. I believe everyone leaves all their worries at home. It’s so good to see so many smiling faces. Tomorrow evening the board members will be preparing a breakfast buffet as a fund raiser for the Center. There will be every kind of breakfast delicacies imaginable to chose from. This is a good time to go and eat a big breakfast without having to rush or go to work. I will skip lunch for this wonderful breakfast.

Last evening a friend and I enjoyed a nice meal at the Museum of The Plains. The event was to honor all members of an insurance company. Several thousand dollars were given to different educational entities, and other charitable organizations. A delicious meal was served, and a great time of fellowship was enjoyed by all. The huge Museum was also eyed by many visitors, some for the first time. This community sponsored place of interest is a mighty blessing to Perryton, Texas.

I am just realizing that all my goings, and doings, have interfered with my news watching. I am not sure which is the most important. I am leaving more of my world worries up to my President Trump now. I have decided he don’t need me as much as I thought he did. Although, he will always have my back. He will also be at the top of my priority list for daily prayers. I have not, nor would never try to give him advise. He would sure lose out if he listened to people. Because he is a, “one of a kind.” I say also, “let Trump be Trump.” There is a book written with that title. I agree fully with the author. My President needs my strength more than he needs my advise. I will hold him up in prayer forever. God bless the Trump family, and the vice-President’s family.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Of A Lot"

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Of A Lot":                  Our Texas State Congressman, Kel Segler, and wife.  2-6-2018 Perryton, Tx                                News media fr...

"A Little Of A Lot"

                 Our Texas State Congressman, Kel Segler, and wife.  2-6-2018 Perryton, Tx
                               News media from Perryton, Texas. 2-6-2018 Perryton TX

I attended a local, and state, candidate forum last evening in Perryton, Texas. It generated a large crowd, and lasted much longer than anticipated. It’s my opinion that people everywhere are becoming more, and more alarmed about the condition of our country. I saw people at the meeting last night that I thought would never attend a candidate forum. It was impossible for everyone to ask their questions, but it was oblivious most everyone had plenty they would liked to have asked the candidates. Our Texas State Congressman, Kel Seliger was there to garner support for another term, although he was not on the schedule to speak. I have posted his picture with his beautiful wife. My friend and I left the meeting before it was over, as we both though we had heard enough. It was becoming less informative, and more frustrating by the minute, after the crowd was given time to ask questions. The second picture I posted are the news media representatives who asked the most important questions. I am glad I attended, and I believe everyone should attend a forum before they cast a vote.

I am rushed for time now, since I am going to a dinner this evening to be honored by our home insurance company. This is always a good time to share a delicious meal, and lots of good fellowship. I would never miss it. I have already put five hours in today helping Chuck with his housework. It seems nice to be busy again doing things that make me proud, and productive. I will be attending another luncheon tomorrow, so I am on the go like it used to be. Hopefully I will have some extra time tomorrow to put more of my thoughts on a blog, and make more sense with the purpose of this blog. Until then, keep me in your prayers so I might not fade away.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "An Example Of What America Looks Like Now"

Jean's Comment's: "An Example Of What America Looks Like Now":                                    Waiting for the grass to green up. 2-4-2018 Perryton, TX                         The sun will shine r...

"An Example Of What America Looks Like Now"

                                   Waiting for the grass to green up. 2-4-2018 Perryton, TX
                        The sun will shine regardless of the clouds. 2-4-2018 Perryton, TX

Everything is still dead around my place, but it won’t be much longer. The nice days we have been having will bring life back to the plants soon. I will be happy, and will find pleasure being back out in my yard again. I took this picture of some of the Oriental grass that covers a lot of space in my flower garden. The blades of this grass are so thin and light, that when the wind blows even a little, the whole clump of grass waves all around. It adds a touch of interest to my flowers. I have to keep it thinned out, because it multiplies quickly. The next picture is the sun trying to stay out of the clouds. It is windy, and cloudy here today. Too cool to be out more than a few minutes at a time.

I have spent the entire morning watching  pro’s, and con’s, relating to the release of the DOJ, and FBI files that Congress finally was able to get. Congress has jurisdiction over these two agencies, but it took them one whole year to force the two braches of the justice system to turn them over. America is now finding out just how bad, and how big, that swamp was. The core is at the heads of our Justice Department. A few of these heads had decided to change everything about America that she had proudly held fearlessly, for two hundred, and forty-four years. In other words there would be no America any more after these smart idiots got through making it entirely a swamp. The fight goes on, and I wonder how long it will continue before our great land can be free again. There is no time for the prayer warriors to let up. We have just seen the tip of the iceberg, and prayer is all that is going to help us win the evil battle against the Satanic force. No one believed the bible when the prophets told us the world would become so evil that it would have to be destroyed by fire. To me that doesn’t sound very promising that America will come through this one victoriously. However, I still believe God will protect His children who have their trust anchored in Him. We, the trusting ones, still have a duty to help with this evil battle. We must pray sincerely, and without stopping until those Golden Bells start ringing. Our President, and vice-President need us every moment of our lives. I for one will not slack off with my prayers.

While I anxiously wait for the grass to green up, I will be just as anxious to see our country spring back to beautiful life again. We will get through this devastating time of worry, and wait. America will be made great again, but not without our continued prayers. Help me, and others, to spread the need for everyone’s prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 2, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Fifty Years Of Happiness"

Jean's Comment's: "Fifty Years Of Happiness": 50th wedding anniversary of Charles and Myrtle Jean Sharp. made February 2, 2000.  2-2-2018 Perryton, TX Earlier today I posted mine, an...

"Fifty Years Of Happiness"

50th wedding anniversary of Charles and Myrtle Jean Sharp. made February 2, 2000.  2-2-2018 Perryton, TX

Earlier today I posted mine, and Charles, wedding picture taken 68 years ago. Now I am posting the one of our 50th anniversary. This picture was made on our wedding date in 2000. I was not able to post both of them at the same time. I have pictures of the entire family except for one son and his family. Due to car trouble they were not able to make it here in time for pictures. I am so grateful for the nice celebration my children prepared for us. I am also thankful that our Lord let us spend 63 years together before calling Charles home. I always miss him the most at Valentines Day. He always gave me a big heart-shaped box of candy. Some days are just harder to get through than others, although none of the days are without heartache. I can say I have had lots of help from family, and friends, to get me this far. I speak of enjoying myself a lot, and I do, but there are times when I cry a lot. God quickly wipes away my tears. I am one of those wives that can say only half of me is left. Spiritually I am handicapped. Physically I am in good shape. I am so blessed to have a loving family who is always there for me.

I went to the Senior Citizen’s luncheon today. That makes three times I’ve been this week. I feel pretty proud of myself. I will admit that I have to push myself out the door, but I’m always glad I went after getting there. Many of the attendees are there every time the door opens. I feel like I don’t appreciate that place as much as I should. I really don’t appreciate several things any more as much as I should. I know the reason for that is because I’m not as young as I used to be. Considering all things, I think I do fairly well. I do feel blessed a lot more than I deserve. Tomorrow I will be going to the Widowed meeting. Then Sunday I will go to church. Then Monday back to Senior Citizen’s Center. Maybe you can see now why I have to push myself, but if I ever slow down I get in a rut, and can’t get out. I just spin my wheels. I never want to become one of those “all blow, and no go,” persons. I use my computer a lot to communicate with people, but being with people in person is an absolute must, in my opinion. I don’t think anyone looks in the mirror and smiles, but is there anyone who meets a friend that fails to smile? I don’t think so, and laughing, I’ve heard, is better for one than any medicine. I believe that is why the bible tells us not to let the sun go down on our anger. We should not get mad late in the evening.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp