Monday, February 12, 2018

"All Things Said It's Still Unveiling"

Ex President Barack, and first lady, Michelle Obama, at the unveiling of their official portrait to be hung in the Smithsonian Gallery. 2-12-2018 Perryton, TX.

I watched part of the ceremony this morning with the unveiling of the official portrait of Ex President, and First Lady, Barack, and Michelle Obama, to be hung in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery. The artist who painted the Ex President was Kehinde Wiley. The artist painting the Ex First Lady  was Amy Sherald. Both artist, and both honored subjects, gave a short speech. I was not able to hear all of the speeches, but I can say Machelle Obama is a talented speaker, although I don’t agree with her ideas. I heard a little of Barack Obama’s speech, and he also is a talented speaker. I believe it is because of their great speech talent that they were successful in almost destroying America. They had a goal when they went to the Oval Office, and that goal was not good for America. I am glad for the portraits of them that will hang in the National Smithsonian Portrait Gallery, because they too need to be remembered for what they did to, not for, America. This is my personal opinion, and I add, I love both of these recipients of a great honor, be it worthy, or be it not. They certainly will never be forgotten even though their  portraits would never have been hung in the National Gallery. Did they do the job that was required of them by God, or did they act on their own desires? No  one will ever know that question for sure. We are living in a world of mystery, to say the least. On a stronger note, I personally believe we as Christians must fight for Christ, and fight with all our might. The evil side of life is our enemy, and God will decide who, and when, enough is enough.

I am thankful for the President we now have. He got elected because he had a strong, mean spirit to face all the evil that America had been rocked with. It could never have been better for America if a nicety, nicety  personality would have been seated in the Oval Office. The front line had to be challenged. The enemy was gaining more ground every day. The challenge has been rough for President Trump, but he is not, and will never be defeated till the end results have been accomplished. “Make America Great Again.” Whether it was true loyalty from the ex president, or whether it was intentional harm against America, It was a terrible bad blow for all who have given their lives for the American freedom. That can never be disputed, and I am so thankful for those who gave their lives. It’s hard to keep hatred out of our hearts when we see all those innocent American freedom fighters being killed. We do know they who are guilty will be punished in the end. Let us not be impatient. Let us keep our anger under control like President Trump is doing. God bless our president, and Vice President , and their families while they fight for our country.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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