Saturday, February 10, 2018

"What Is Growing On The Farmer's Land Now"

A few of the hundred's of power producing windmills in the Oklahoma Panhandle. 2-10-2018 perryton, TX.

Coming back from Liberal, Kansas today I stopped to take a picture of some of the hundred’s of power producing windmills in the Oklahoma Panhandle. As far as the eye could see there were windmills on both sides of the 83 highway. For several years now these windmills have been being installed all across Oklahoma, and Texas, that I have seen with my own eyes. Possible they are being installed in other places also. The purpose of these windmills is to produce electricity. I have said before, and I will say again, that I don’t believe they will ever be worth more, if as mush, as it took to manufacture, and install them. I also believe we just see the tip of the iceberg as to what more expense will have to be added to these windmills to make them be helpful at all.

As in the beginning, Benjamin Franklin, may have been the inventor of electricity, but without Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb we would still be in the dark. After all these many years scientist are still  studying electricity trying to make it cheaper to produce. To my imagination  hundreds of thousands of windmills strung all across America, is a far cry from the generator system that has always been dependable. Looking through child-like eyes, I have given my take on the windmill system. I am curious as to what all this new invention means. We definitely need another Benjamin Franklin to appear, and set us straight.

On my way to Liberal today a van passed me speeding. I thought he must be in a big hurry. A short distance down the highway I noticed a car pulled over to the shoulder. The driver’s door was open, and a man appeared to be trying to push  the vehicle while stirring the wheel. The speeding van had pulled over and stopped. I have heard of so many good Samaritans getting robbed, or a gun pulled on them, till I began to pray for this guy who stopped, to help. It was very cold, and snowing, so I asked God to protect the good Samaritan, and if the trouble was real, please let it be fixed quickly. What a shame that our world has grown so full of hate, and distrust till one is afraid to offer help. After I got home they were announcing on television that two police officers had been shot and killed somewhere. How do we fix this problem? It is happening more and more every day. Will we ever know why this is happening? Then I briefly heard that Israel, and Syria are fighting seriously again. Somehow Russia is supposed to be involved. We would like to ask God why, but that would be too child-like for us. We were told to trust God, and that is good enough. Prayer is the answer to all our questions.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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