Monday, February 19, 2018

"Short Late Evening Movie"

                         Another one of God's beautiful landscapes. 2-19-2018 Perryton, TX

Late this evening I was again blessed with a few moments of viewing one of Gods’ beautiful landscapes. I got a glimpse as I looked out my kitchen window. Reaching for my camera I went outside and snapped a picture. Within minutes it was dark. Tonight I can go to sleep thinking about this gorgeous sunset. God moves constantly, and never sleeps. When I wake up in the morning I will be waiting to see him move again. I never know what a new day may bring forth. Will I be chastised, or will I be blessed? I know it will be one of the other because our Heavenly Father never fails to give us what’s coming to us. Some days I do things that I rather not do, but because of my knowledge of God’s demands of me, I act accordingly. Did I do it right, or did I make a mistake? I always find out without delay. Jesus was an enemy of Satan, and so is all the other Jesus followers. He warned us of what to expect before we said, “Jesus I will follow you.” I will not turn back, and hopefully He will not turn me lose. Without his guiding hand, I would be most miserable. “Thank God for his sweet peace.” I can’t wait for the sun to come up in the morning.

I had another fun time at the Senior luncheon today. Somehow all those smiling faces make me so happy. I have been attending all three luncheons each week for awhile now. I think one reason being that it’s election time, and I am involved in getting my candidate elected. Some of the candidates are always there. I feel a citizen’s duty to campaign, and vote, for whoever I think is the best choice. I believe God expects it of us. One of the candidates running for county judge in our county met me at the door of the Center today. He asked me if I was Kent Sharp’s mother. I told him I was, then he asked me where Kent was. I filled him in on everything, and he said he and Kent were in the same class at school. Wow, this guy was white headed, wore a beard, and Kent is only 48 years old, so what a surprise. Kent could have almost passed for this guy’s son. I hope you do not read this blog Ray. I am known to exaggerate sometimes. Good luck to you.

I’m posting this blog tonight, but it will be tomorrow’s blog. I will be busy tomorrow, and cannot write one. The past two months has been extremely busy for me. I am doing a part time job for the state for Nurses Unlimited. They asked me, and I accepted. I feel a bit younger since I’ve been working. God knew just what I needed, and supplied me with that need. I have been getting much more than I deserve, but I am thankful.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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