Thursday, February 8, 2018

"A Thriving Economy Is Good"

                                       Hometown retail store across the street from Chuck.

The nice shopping place I posted is Perryton’s newest retail store. It is located just across the street from my son’s house. While I was taking trash to the dumpster today I noticed how busy this store was. It is a large store, and since we don’t have a Wal-Mart it gets lots of business. Highway 83 runs by the store, and the traffic is always steady. Chuck can walk across his back yard and be at the store in seconds. It also has a small line of grocery goods. Directly behind Chuck’s house is this quick stop store that is always busy also. A large car-wash is directly across the street from the convenient store. This is all to say that my son lives in a handy place to shop since he is handicapped. I worked today at his house helping him with cleaning. It was a lovely day, and I did some work in the yard.

I am now prepared to relax the rest of the evening, and watch news. There is never an end to the excitement it brings each day. My most concern about the news now is the volatility of the stock market. We are now seeing something about this market that we have never seen before, and it isn’t all good. It makes us all jittery, and  even interferes with our sleep. Not that I have a big portfolio, but what about the people that do? What about America as a whole? An awful lot of security depends upon the stock market, in my opinion. I believe every human being with any sense at all will agree that America is in a dark state of insecurity, and more people are paying attention to the news now than ever before. Has God let this great country of ours become hell-bound? Is all of our prayers, and endless effort by our President amounting to nothing? For the first time since President Trump has been in the White House, I am becoming a little less sure of our goal to make America Great again. I know this is what the enemy wants us to be, (doubtful,) but after all, how much can a President take before he becomes too weak to keep being ground up like beef?  Our God is still the Almighty Power that will keep our President safe, but “please, Lord, give him a break. Bring down all those evil American traitors who seem to have lost all mental compatibilities.” David, the psalmist, prayed this prayer more than once. He was the “Anointed One,” but he still had to beg God for strength to endure. God heard David’s pray, and answered it. God does also hear President Trump’s pray, and is, and will, continue to answer it. Let us all renew our faith, and hold the banner high for we are going to win this war against evil whatever it takes. “God bless our President, and God bless America.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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