Saturday, February 17, 2018

"Three Forgotten Babies"

                              The mother who deserted her babies. 2-17-2018 Perryton, TX

There are many reasons a child can become orphaned, but I believer the most common reason is the lack of responsibility of the parent or parents. I also believe most children who become orphaned, whether young, or older, will always have that resentment of not being wanted by their parents. No matter how good the adoptive parents are, or how much love they show their loving adopted child, the rejection from a real parent never dies. Even in cases of a child losing their parents by reason of death, or the lack of security from a mother to raise her child, the pain of not having their birth mother, or father, is still a great part of the child’s normal development. I am not trying to make like I am a child psychiatrist, but the bible is far better to explain mental illness than any human being. It speaks of mothers and fathers loving their God so much they offered their child as a sacrifice unto Him. It speaks of God loving his people so much that He sent His only Begotten Son to earth to live, and die, as a normal human being for their sins. But was His life normal? Normal for what He was sent for, but far from the sinful, normal people. It also speaks of many ignorant people who in vain, tortured their children trying to please God, mostly idol Gods.  I can’t recall many places in the bible where people deserted their children because they just didn’t want them. Neither can I recall any place that explains aborting a child. The bible does foretell us that what we are seeing today is a result of sin that multiplied as time went by. People refused to believe in the Great Creator, and chose to ignore his teachings. The offspring of these ungodly, human parents has caused mental problems that are staggering to be dealt with by the ones who remained loyal to God Almighty.

 In the case of the recent shooter in Parkland, Florida I am grieved to the highest degree, but I have also been grieved in all the other shootings, or bombing cases that has happened in our America. I am alarmed that none of us can feel safe any more to be a normal person, doing the normal things. I heard on the news that the recent shooter was badly, mentally disturbed, and had shown it for years. It seems that it all stemmed from losing his birth father a few years ago, then losing his adoptive mother quite recently. He possible lost all sense of reality, after being ignored when, by his own actions, was asking for help. After the police being called 23 times about the suspicious nature of this student, he still was ignored. Seventeen students, and faculty members died, and several more wounded as a result of human failure to address this serious issue. This message is being sent as a before, and after, situation of unawareness, or better still, unconcern. How many more twisted minds will result in innocent deaths before people come to realize that without God’s help the world is lost forever? Are we doing all we can do to stop stupidity from growing?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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