Sunday, February 4, 2018

"An Example Of What America Looks Like Now"

                                   Waiting for the grass to green up. 2-4-2018 Perryton, TX
                        The sun will shine regardless of the clouds. 2-4-2018 Perryton, TX

Everything is still dead around my place, but it won’t be much longer. The nice days we have been having will bring life back to the plants soon. I will be happy, and will find pleasure being back out in my yard again. I took this picture of some of the Oriental grass that covers a lot of space in my flower garden. The blades of this grass are so thin and light, that when the wind blows even a little, the whole clump of grass waves all around. It adds a touch of interest to my flowers. I have to keep it thinned out, because it multiplies quickly. The next picture is the sun trying to stay out of the clouds. It is windy, and cloudy here today. Too cool to be out more than a few minutes at a time.

I have spent the entire morning watching  pro’s, and con’s, relating to the release of the DOJ, and FBI files that Congress finally was able to get. Congress has jurisdiction over these two agencies, but it took them one whole year to force the two braches of the justice system to turn them over. America is now finding out just how bad, and how big, that swamp was. The core is at the heads of our Justice Department. A few of these heads had decided to change everything about America that she had proudly held fearlessly, for two hundred, and forty-four years. In other words there would be no America any more after these smart idiots got through making it entirely a swamp. The fight goes on, and I wonder how long it will continue before our great land can be free again. There is no time for the prayer warriors to let up. We have just seen the tip of the iceberg, and prayer is all that is going to help us win the evil battle against the Satanic force. No one believed the bible when the prophets told us the world would become so evil that it would have to be destroyed by fire. To me that doesn’t sound very promising that America will come through this one victoriously. However, I still believe God will protect His children who have their trust anchored in Him. We, the trusting ones, still have a duty to help with this evil battle. We must pray sincerely, and without stopping until those Golden Bells start ringing. Our President, and vice-President need us every moment of our lives. I for one will not slack off with my prayers.

While I anxiously wait for the grass to green up, I will be just as anxious to see our country spring back to beautiful life again. We will get through this devastating time of worry, and wait. America will be made great again, but not without our continued prayers. Help me, and others, to spread the need for everyone’s prayers.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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