Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"Oh My God How Great You Are"

       Rick and daughter, Rayna Sharp at Rayna's nurse's graduation. 2-22-2018 Perryton, TX

Everyone who has been reading my blogs know that I have assured you that some miracles would be coming my way. Well one did come today, and no one could deny that it wasn’t a miracle. I cannot elaborate at this time, but maybe in the future I can provide more details. I am in wonder as to just how God made this happen when it looked impossible. I certainly was not expecting it to happen in the way it did, but I will not question God. I know there are some very happy people in my family right now. Who would ever have thought that God was good enough, and big enough to give us, (as unworthy creatures,) such a great blessing. I am expecting many more miracles to follow. Of course we will have to show appreciation, and be prepared to take a lot of opposition, but if we stay true to God, he will stay true to us. It has taken many years to get to this place in life, but we never gave up. Like the children of Israel in days of old, we have fought many battles. I have shed an ocean of tears, along with other members of my family, but we never lost faith in God. I know there will be many more battles to fight, but again we are holding fast to our Almighty God.

Turning our eyes upon another terrific battle in process right now,  is the American Country of Christian origin. “Good, against Evil.” Lives are being lost every day in this fierce “God/Satan, battle. We have leaders whom God hath ordained to lead us to victory, but they are taking the enemy fire in great heaps. We all must use our God-given faith to help drive this evil force as far as the east is from the west. We must not give favor to any of those whom may be our own loved ones, if they are fighting against God’s chosen people. Death will come to all who oppose the Almighty God. And the death won’t be one of dignity. Every word we speak for God is a word that will not return to him void. Please, please, remember this, if you remember nothing else about this blog. This World wide war must go on till Jesus either comes, or He declares, enough is enough, and slays them all at one time. Known as that horrible day of judgment. I am mostly speaking to Christians, because they are who will be the victors when all is said and done. John 16:33, Jesus says to his people, you will have trouble, but have peace for I have over come the world. He has already won the battle, and has descended into heaven, but we who remain will have to live in the evil world till we also descend into heaven. We can take a few legal, pain pills now and then, but the best relief we can get from pain is a little talk with Jesus. “Thank you Lord for saving my soul.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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