Monday, February 19, 2018

"Ezekiel's Boneyard"

               Ezekiel's boneyard may have to be made alive again. 2-19-2018 Perryton,TX

It is time for God’s people to speak out. If they do not then He will put life back into the dry bones, and they shall speak for Him. Ezekiel 37, 1-14. KJV. God is real, and if you do not believe, beware. He will prove Himself  to you, but you may have to be as dead as the dry bones in Ezekiel’s bone yard before you listen. People would not listen to Ezekiel’s prophesy. God showed Ezekiel that if the people would not listen, then He would put breath into the dry bones, and then the people would see the Spirit of God in those bones. . Are you one of those who have turned deaf ears upon God’s Word? Are you one of those who chose to do it your way, and let others do it their way? That would be nice, and everyone would like it that way, but God did command us to preach unto others after we had been accepted by Him. The bible was written to help people understand God’s nature, and His Almighty Power. It’s sad to say, but I believe less than ten percent of human beings don’t even own a bible, and if they do they don’t know where to find it. I have given bibles to several in my attempt to prove to them that God is real, and He is merciful, but He is also a God of judgment. These same people have discarded my gift, and have been living a disgraceful life, growing worse each day. They have suffered beyond repair, but still will not listen to God’s messengers. Some of these are people that I love dearly. It grieves me to see them suffer, but I am to the point that I will let God use His anger on them now. I understand I don’t have to let God do anything, but I also understand God listens to his children when they are trying to convert the sinner. His patience is great, but He does turn His back on those who have rejected Him time after time.

I did not go so far as to see God put life back into the bones before I believed in Him. But I did require a sign of proof from Him, before I fully believed. I got that proof immediately when I asked, but I think it displeased God that I asked for proof. I had not lived a godless life since I was raised in a Christian home, but I was not a person of complete knowledge as to the greatness of God. It has to be personal, I believe, before one can be of real service to Him. It is very evident that human morals are all but vanished from this earth, but if the people who claim Christ as their personal Savior, will speak out against this evil corruption, God will not have to put life back into the bones. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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