Saturday, February 24, 2018

"Art From The Heart"

Marriage is between a man and a woman. Animal birth is between a male and a female. Any other idea is not the plan of God. 2-24-2018 Perryton, TX

Some of you have seen this painting of “God’s Creation” before, but many have not. I painted this image three years ago using my own imagination. Notice I have a male, and female, pair of every life pictured. This was the bible description of God’s plan after He created the world. Sin had not yet entered the earth, and every animal, and the two human lives were friends. I did not place the snake’s mate with him, because I think he was doomed to become another figure after his evil success. His punishment for deceiving Eve was to crawl on his stomach through out the earth’s domain. I don’t know where his female mate was, but evidently she had not been created yet. She was not responsible for the male snake’s evil, but she had to share in his punishment. Adam was not so lucky. He did partake in Eve’s sin, therefore he had to share also in the world of growing sin. Everything stayed the same in the lives of the snake, and animals after the sin, but the human life has had to endure thousands of years of evil change. It is quite possible  in the near future there will not be any human gender except that which man has changed. What happened then to the idea of conceiving? Will human life become extinct? Will Jesus come for His people before this revolution happens?

Many questions are gripping the minds of people in a traumatic state of being, and more mental institutions will have to be built as time goes by. When one looks at the peace, and stillness of this Adam, and Eve, creation, they are made to wonder why so much change has occurred over the thousands of years. The snake can no longer tempt people, nor can man place evil in a heart without the help of something bigger than the original tempter. It is Satan, the highest angel who was cast out of heaven. Yes, Satan entered the serpent, and caused sin to continue here on earth. Satan is a spirit which can enter into any human who is not covered by Jesus blood. I hope all who are not sure of the protection of God, will begin this day to find their answer. Tomorrow might be too late. There is hope for all who will earnestly seek God’s help. It’s not enough to say you believe in Jesus, you must prove your words. Your actions speak much louder than words.

Matthew 7: 21, Not everyone who says to me, ’Lord, Lord,”  will enter into the kingdom of heaven, only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven shall enter. We are now in the New Testament bible, and Jesus is speaking those words. If you have any doubt about your security in Jesus, please make it positive today. I love looking at the Garden of Eden  as it hangs daily in one of my bedrooms. I love the idea of a man, and a woman, being made for each other. No other way can heaven be entered than by the rules of this image.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

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