Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"Before And After Ignorant Abuse"

                                Such a pretty plant until it got sick. 2-20-2018 Perryton,TX
                                   Hope is still alive for this plant 2-20-2028 Perryton, TX

I liked this tropical plant so much when Chuck first bought it. But he did not do a good job of keeping it alive. Recently he told me to throw it away, but I told him I wanted to survived it. There were a little bit of green still left so I cut off all the dead part and informed him not to touch it. I had it perking up, but then Chuck grabbed the spray and douched it good, and the thing just gave up, and started dying completely. It is now on life support. I haven’t given up yet, but it looks mighty hopeless. Right now it’s more of an experiment for me than anything else. I have never had a tropical plant before, and I can’t imagine it greening up, and leaving a long body of bark. If it ever does liven up and grow, I will take another picture to show the miracle it  performed for me. My greatest concern is keeping it away from an abusive owner. .

There are days when I feel like this plant looks. My life is almost gone, and I can’t keep up the faith it takes to keep growing. I perk up, then I flop down. If I can’t keep someone else’s plant growing, then why keep my own growing? If I give up and cast them out, then I feel like casting me out also. I know that when God is through with me, He will transfer me, not throw me out, to a place where nothing  ever dies. I sure hate being badgered though by some old thorny, worthless, bush that has never been liked. “Lord, lift me out of that rotten grown, and plant me on a fertile Island, where all is joy and peace.” But then I hear him say, “I have need for you where you are now.” Sometimes we boast about having lived a long life, and never want to die. Sometimes we fret about having had to live so long in an evil world of sin and sorrow. A good night’s rest always balances it out. Thank God for every new day. At the end of every day I want to know that I have done a work for God. We are his hands, and feet, so if we don’t do the job, it don’t get done. We miss the blessing that we would have had otherwise. Some days the jobs are very hard, but our Lord told us in His Word that he would not put more on us than we could handle. So far it has held out true for me. The ones who cursed, and ridiculed us will not be sleeping well because of mocking God, but the mercy of God will always close the eyes of the tattered ones, and let them rest in peace. After prayer each night, I know all is well with my soul. I am completely at peace, and pray for my enemies that they will be changed from ignorance to reality.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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