Monday, September 30, 2019
Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "You Are My Sunshine"
Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "You Are My Sunshine": Jean's Comment's: "You Are My Sunshine" : I'll take this every day of the year if it be possible. 9-2...
"The Sun Is Shinning In My Soul"
Yes, it's the sun shinning through the tree. I loved the way it touched me this morning. 9-30-2019 Perryton, TX
The thing I like most about trusting God is I know He will not fail. Sometimes my prayers get answered quickly, and sometimes it has taken years, but I keep the victory because I know I will get them answered bye, and bye. His timing is always better than mine, and I don't want to rush Him, because I don't always ask for things that would be the best for me. I would never ask God to let me win the million dollar lottery, although if I should win it, I would certainly give Him praise. I do not want that million if God didn't make it available for me. How wonderful it is to trust in God for everything we have whether it be precious children, and grandchildren, or a roof over our heads. I love everything God gives me, and will always thank Him for them.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
So my sunshine was right
back to see me this morning. It was so bright till I had to get
behind a tree to take it's picture. The difference between me and my
sunshine when I first wake up in the morning I have to hide from the
public for quite awhile or I would scare them. I walk bent over, my
face is certainly not shinning, and my hair is standing straight up
all over my head. I like to keep my pajamas on sometimes till noon.
The sun don't wear pajamas, and it never sleeps. When it's hiding
it's not because it looks bad. It is still shinning somewhere. When I
see it first peeping through the horizon it always has a brightness
that would blind the eye to look directly at it. Seeing this bright
sunshine this morning has helped me today to do a heap of things that
makes me happy. I was out of my pajamas early, taking my bath, and
getting ready to go for lunch at the Center. I got a good meal, and
saw a lot of smiles while I was there. When I got home I painted for
two hours, and now I'm writing my blog. I was especially happy when I
checked to see how many clicks was on my yesterday's blog. A big
total of 78, and the time for that blog viewing will not be up till 7
o'clock this evening. I'm so thankful that someone is possible
getting something out of my commits. I never know what I'm going to
write till I sit down at my computer. I told God years ago if I had a
talent to please help me to use it. I didn't want to be like the
servant in the bible that buried his talent because he was afraid he
would not be able to increase it if he tried to use it. God took it
away from him because of his lack of faith. I haven't buried my
talent, but if it has increased I'm not aware of it. I will continue
to trust God with all I have.
The thing I like most about trusting God is I know He will not fail. Sometimes my prayers get answered quickly, and sometimes it has taken years, but I keep the victory because I know I will get them answered bye, and bye. His timing is always better than mine, and I don't want to rush Him, because I don't always ask for things that would be the best for me. I would never ask God to let me win the million dollar lottery, although if I should win it, I would certainly give Him praise. I do not want that million if God didn't make it available for me. How wonderful it is to trust in God for everything we have whether it be precious children, and grandchildren, or a roof over our heads. I love everything God gives me, and will always thank Him for them.
God Bless
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "You Are My Sunshine"
Jean's Comment's: "You Are My Sunshine": I'll take this every day of the year if it be possible. 9-29-2019 Perryton, TX I stand in my yard looking up ...
"You Are My Sunshine"
I'll take this every day of the year if it be possible. 9-29-2019 Perryton, TX
Being a widow, and all of
my children living hundreds of miles form me except one, makes me
lonely, but I am so thankful for my blessed life. Some winters I may
not see any snow at all, and never do I see large drifts for months
at a time. The coldest days are not so bad that I don't get out if I
have somewhere I want to go. Of course I prefer the summers, and that
great sunshine, but I won't complain when the sun don't shine. I
always know it will be back in a short while. The great state of
Texas is my choice of all, and the great United States of America is
my choice of all other nations. May we all fight with our President
Trump to keep it in our control. God Bless America.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
I stand in my yard looking
up at a bright sun, and beautiful white clouds moving quickly around
the globe. I watch also on my I-phone as it says the Governor of
Montana has declared a state of emergency after several feet of snow
was dumped a few hours ago on their state. That makes me so thankful
that my husband and I, decided to quit his good job in Montana with
Shell Oil Company, and come back to God's country. That was about 55
years ago, but I still remember the terrible cold winters we had to
live through while there. My husband had such a good job till it was
hard for us to give it up, but we've never been sorry. However, I
will always be thankful we were transferred to Montana because it was
there that I met my Lord Jesus personally. I was desperate for
something real to show me that God was also blessing people in a
cold, blizzardous country. I was met with the real Spirit of Jesus,
and have never been the same since. I think it was this personal
experience that gave me the faith to encourage my distressed husband
to quit his job, and go back home. He was going out in the oil field
every morning where he never saw a person all day long, just reading
meters, and making logs. He had to drive on ice the entire time he
left the house until he got to his work location. The winters were
long, and almost unbearable for I, and our two little boys. The town
we lived in was barely a town. There was nothing there but a few
places where one could survive on the few food items until they could
get to a larger town several miles away. The moving van came and
loaded our furniture, and within weeks we were permanently settled in
Perryton, Texas where I still live as a widow. I have many precious
memories, but I still have a few that weren't so good. Sometimes God
leads us through dark valleys so He can rescue our souls.
Myrtle Jean Sharp
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "The Morning Glory Message"
Jean's Comment's: "The Morning Glory Message": Climbing the wall escaping the death sentence. What bravery, 9-28-2019 Perryton, TX I was a little surprised this morning t...
"The Morning Glory Message"
Climbing the wall escaping the death sentence. What bravery, 9-28-2019 Perryton, TX
Sending out prayers to all who have followed the wrong way in life, and are now realizing it.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
I was a little surprised
this morning to look out my window and see these morning glories
coming back to life. I guess they can be called a fall flower after
all. Just a touch of life in the stems of any flower in my yard makes
me feel revived. I've always loved a lot of color, and never could
understand why people like the looks of paleness in their lovely
homes. White carpet, white walls, white woodwork, and white
decorations with just a touch of color. If I were in an environment
like that for long, I would turn white also. I gotta have that bright
color to cheer me up. And to say I like to look like everyone else
looks is a sin for me. I want to be what my taste calls for. Most
likely it will not be the same chocolate cake that others like, but
maybe a serving of watermelon, or mixed fruit. Sometimes I look
through the clothing at the ladies shops for hours, and never find
one thing I want. Other times I find several things like yeah, this,
and this, and feel like I hit the jack pot. It's just fun to be able
to chose my own likes. What privileged people we are to be able to be
picky with both our food, and everything else that makes us one of a
kind. We know that millions are waiting for a bite of food just to
ease the hunger pain. We see pictures of their bones without any
flesh on them. I fear that someday my own family will be in that kind
of shape. At my age I don't worry about myself, but my grandchildren
yet to be born, I have a terrible fear for them. It is showing
positive at this time that times like those will soon be the norm
right here in America. Can anyone explain the reason for this great
change except for Satan gaining more power every day? No PHD or
Doctorate degree can stop this from happening regardless of what some
may say. Those who have failed to pass down the Word of God to their
children, and grandchildren are going to feel the sorrow before they
die. It was a great mistake that nothing can correct after they are
grown, except a miracle of God. That mistake turned into may that
will only be a positive failure when the papers are graded. How sad,
but how true, even if it takes the joy out of your life to hear it
mow. It's never too late to turn to God for help.
Sending out prayers to all who have followed the wrong way in life, and are now realizing it.
God Bless
Friday, September 27, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "After Death What Then"
Jean's Comment's: "After Death What Then": A few of the birthday well wishers at a party yesterday for two wonderful gals. 9-27-2019 Perryton, TX The birthday party would not be ...
"After Death What Then"
A few of the birthday well wishers at a party yesterday for two wonderful gals. 9-27-2019 Perryton, TX
The birthday party would
not be complete without the showing of what made it a success.
Approximately forty guest came to show their love for the honorees.
This is the kind of love that will keep America the greatest nation
on earth. Sadly too much of genuine love has been eroded from the
almighty gift of God. Jealously, pride, and power seekers, are but a
few of the many sins that have destroyed the better part of God's
great creation. When people become too stupid to see the end results
of their hypocritical actions, it is heart breaking to those who love
them. The Heavenly Father being the one who hurts the most, is the
one who will hurt the disobedient the most. His Word teaches that
ignorance is no excuse for sin. He wrote it all down for man to
follow, and has always had teachers to help those who need help. When
men, and woman destroy their own life by refusing to follow God's
Word, they have no one to blame but themselves. I would to God that
people would seek God's will more than trying to prove to Him that
they are the smarter . He knows the heart, and He grades the
examination papers, which will probably be true of false questions.
There will be no allowance for explanation. I believe we must prepare
ourselves for these test every day of our lives. We may not have a
chance to correct them tomorrow.
So with all this being said I will search for friends I can trust, and share the things that I feel important enough to be wise enough to inform. It takes prayer, and faith in God to undertake such a adventure. If any have such friends as this consider yourself very blessed of God. They aren't as numerous as the untrustworthy kind. I am a firm believer that we can be identified by the friends we keep. We can love our enemies, and absolutely pray for them, but we cannot trust them with God's laws or commands. Jesus had no place to lay His head on this earth so the bible tells us, yet He was the King of all Kings. How can we relate to that? Not only was He poor, He had very few friends. Hardly no one wanted to believe that He was the son of God. His own people rejected Him, and I can relate to that. He never gave up on bearing His cross, and finally carried it to the Mount Calvary where He so willingly gave up His life. I believe that is why I have such good friends today. Jesus paid the price. It will be only with His continued love, and great power that I will someday join Him in Paradise, but it is up to me to stay worthy of His love, and power almighty. There is a daily price we must pay even though Jesus paid the greatest price.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
So with all this being said I will search for friends I can trust, and share the things that I feel important enough to be wise enough to inform. It takes prayer, and faith in God to undertake such a adventure. If any have such friends as this consider yourself very blessed of God. They aren't as numerous as the untrustworthy kind. I am a firm believer that we can be identified by the friends we keep. We can love our enemies, and absolutely pray for them, but we cannot trust them with God's laws or commands. Jesus had no place to lay His head on this earth so the bible tells us, yet He was the King of all Kings. How can we relate to that? Not only was He poor, He had very few friends. Hardly no one wanted to believe that He was the son of God. His own people rejected Him, and I can relate to that. He never gave up on bearing His cross, and finally carried it to the Mount Calvary where He so willingly gave up His life. I believe that is why I have such good friends today. Jesus paid the price. It will be only with His continued love, and great power that I will someday join Him in Paradise, but it is up to me to stay worthy of His love, and power almighty. There is a daily price we must pay even though Jesus paid the greatest price.
God Bless
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "I See Beauty All Around Me"
Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "I See Beauty All Around Me": Jean's Comment's: "I See Beauty All Around Me" : Let the people rejoice. God is taking care of everything. 9-25-...
"Happy Birthday To My Friends"
Almost the same age, still young, and spry. 9-26-2019 Perryton TX
I did have to miss most of the testimony of Acting Intelligence Director, Joseph Aguirre at the Congressional hearing this morning. I had too many others things going, but I did hear a lot of it. I am fully convinced that this Democratic party is nothing but a bunch of American traitors who are working around the clock to destroy America. They must be stopped before they go any farther. It's gone so far out of control now till it will take an act of war to ever settle the problem. I fully believe more people are for fighting for American than those against it. The wise will always do everything in their power to avoid war, but if needs to be, it will happen. That would undoubtedly be a worse war than the previous Civil War. We must not ever give into evil regardless what the price might be.
With this turbulence we all are living in at this time, it is always soothing to get away like this morning, and attend a happy birthday party with friends whom you can fully trust. We cannot conquer the fear, and reality of a bad situation in our country, but we can get a shot of pain relief just by sharing good old times, and some humorous words that only good people can produce. That, and a time in prayer with our God, will take us through to a safe landing. I feel pumped up, and would so like to tell some of those evil democrats, and a few RINO'S just where they are headed. I know it wouldn't faze them, but it sure would make me feel better. As long as we can joke, and still be serious, I believe we are in good shape. I will be attending the luncheon tomorrow at the Center, and will again get another pain relief shot. Those smiles, and funny remarks are the best pain killers I know of. Thank you Lord for giving me the privilege of being part of such strong, and sweet fellowship.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
What a happy time about
forty of us had today at two of our good friends birthday party. It
was a surprise, and when another friend brought the two honorees in
for lunch they had no idea that a large crowd was going to have lunch
with them. It was such fun, and I got to see some old co-workers that
I hadn't seen in years. One of the birthday honorees sister-in-law's
so graciously planned, and hosted the lovely buffet luncheon. All
invitees were so appreciative of her generous gift to them. One of
the birthday gals had been a co-worker of mine over forty years ago.
We still share our friendship at the Senior Citizen's Center three
times a week. Nothing could make the heart rejoice more than being at
a party like we were today. I feel so blessed to have such a great
bunch of wonderful friends,
I did have to miss most of the testimony of Acting Intelligence Director, Joseph Aguirre at the Congressional hearing this morning. I had too many others things going, but I did hear a lot of it. I am fully convinced that this Democratic party is nothing but a bunch of American traitors who are working around the clock to destroy America. They must be stopped before they go any farther. It's gone so far out of control now till it will take an act of war to ever settle the problem. I fully believe more people are for fighting for American than those against it. The wise will always do everything in their power to avoid war, but if needs to be, it will happen. That would undoubtedly be a worse war than the previous Civil War. We must not ever give into evil regardless what the price might be.
With this turbulence we all are living in at this time, it is always soothing to get away like this morning, and attend a happy birthday party with friends whom you can fully trust. We cannot conquer the fear, and reality of a bad situation in our country, but we can get a shot of pain relief just by sharing good old times, and some humorous words that only good people can produce. That, and a time in prayer with our God, will take us through to a safe landing. I feel pumped up, and would so like to tell some of those evil democrats, and a few RINO'S just where they are headed. I know it wouldn't faze them, but it sure would make me feel better. As long as we can joke, and still be serious, I believe we are in good shape. I will be attending the luncheon tomorrow at the Center, and will again get another pain relief shot. Those smiles, and funny remarks are the best pain killers I know of. Thank you Lord for giving me the privilege of being part of such strong, and sweet fellowship.
God Bless
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "I See Beauty All Around Me"
Jean's Comment's: "I See Beauty All Around Me": Let the people rejoice. God is taking care of everything. 9-25-2019 Perryton, TX I thought these pretty flowers were wort...
"I See Beauty All Around Me"
Let the people rejoice. God is taking care of everything. 9-25-2019 Perryton, TX
We who are reading our bibles, and trusting in God have nothing to worry about; but you who are believing in science, and greater knowledge obtained from it, you should be very scared. Man was made to fail. Only God will never fail. I am a firm believer in seeking knowledge for things in this world, but never going so far as to try to become smarter, or even equal with God. He made man, then He made woman, and anyone who tries to change that will surly die in grief, and sorrow. Anyone who leaves God out of their life will also suffer for their ignorance. We must not forget that we are made from dust of God's big earth, and dust we will return. That includes even the greatest scientist ever born, whether it be world power seekers, or body changers. I know I will be laughed at for saying this, but I wouldn't change places with any of the like. Others may not know this about me, but I know I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. I also know I am a child of the King of the Kings, As long as I know it doesn't matter what others think. It didn't cost me a cent, just a sincere heart seeking the truth, and willing to die for Christ if God should decide. I gave Him my all, and He gave me His all.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
I thought these pretty
flowers were worthy to be put on my blog since we are already in the
autumn season. They are part of a neighbors lovely yard, that I
always admire. Flowers never fail to make me appreciate their beauty.
I'm going to miss mine so much this winter. I will have to settle for
snow covered trees, and bushes. Even icicles hanging from the roof
tops sometimes four feet long. I have to get used to staying home a
lot because of icy pavement we have to walk on. It's not a pleasant
thought, but we can handle it. I have low rate telephone service,
access to the internet, and plenty of art projects to keep me busy.
Then there is the news that is reporting something new every day. It
doesn't stay boring for very long at a time. Wickedness seems to be
increasing more than abortions. Or should I say more than just
abortions. It's a sad world when people lose all respect for God. The
result is more respect for Satan, and his hell angles. The day is
coming when God will destroy this wicked world by fire, and I'm
beginning to believe it won't be much longer. God put a rainbow in
the sky after He destroyed the world by water. That was to say floods
will never destroy the world again, but we haven't seen a fire
extinguisher in the sky yet because the world has yet to be destroyed
by fire.
We who are reading our bibles, and trusting in God have nothing to worry about; but you who are believing in science, and greater knowledge obtained from it, you should be very scared. Man was made to fail. Only God will never fail. I am a firm believer in seeking knowledge for things in this world, but never going so far as to try to become smarter, or even equal with God. He made man, then He made woman, and anyone who tries to change that will surly die in grief, and sorrow. Anyone who leaves God out of their life will also suffer for their ignorance. We must not forget that we are made from dust of God's big earth, and dust we will return. That includes even the greatest scientist ever born, whether it be world power seekers, or body changers. I know I will be laughed at for saying this, but I wouldn't change places with any of the like. Others may not know this about me, but I know I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. I also know I am a child of the King of the Kings, As long as I know it doesn't matter what others think. It didn't cost me a cent, just a sincere heart seeking the truth, and willing to die for Christ if God should decide. I gave Him my all, and He gave me His all.
God Bless
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "Like A Tree Thats Planted By The Water I Shall No...
Jean's Comment's: "Like A Tree Thats Planted By The Water I Shall No...: What beautiful trees I passed today. 9-24-2019 Perryton, TX On my way home from work today I noticed ...
"Like A Tree Thats Planted By The Water I Shall Not Be Moved"
What beautiful trees I passed today. 9-24-2019 Perryton, TX
The tree of human life we are will also die, but will live again in a different yard. The skeleton we became will not be made to live again, but a new body with everlasting beauty, and painless spirits will replace the temporal bodies we now have. I for one have made peace in accepting this fact from our Heavenly Father. For that reason I will commit to leaving every one of my loved ones in God's hand. Of course that includes my own life. All of the hurts, and disappoints that have been flooding this old earthly body will be put to rest. We must accept the part of the blame we ourselves have caused others to bare. We can never undo that hurt we caused others, but we can trust God to lighten the sorrow. However, we must admit our guilt, and be sorry for it.
Many people have not had that veil removed from their eyes that Paul speaks about in 2 Corinthians chapter 3. Moses put a veil over his face so the people could not see the brightness of God, because they did not believe in Moses teaching. To this day the veil is still blinding those who do not believe the New Testament. Only God can remove that veil, and only if people will truly believe in Jesus Christ. Those who say they believe in Jesus, but have not proven to God the Father that they do, will never have the veil removed. They die as a blind person who never saw the spirit of Jesus. The blind cannot lead the blind lest they both fall into the ditch. Matthew 15:14. So much of the truth of God has been passed up for a tickling of the ears. Therefore they have a veil over their eyes. God said He would not have the wombs reopened of his Son Jesus. He will not allow Jesus to be mocked. Again people would say oh I would never do that yet they do it every time they mock one of Jesus accepted followers. It is a serious thing to mock a child of God, even with the veil over their eyes. I am just reveling what I have been taught by the Holy Spirit. Hopefully it will lead others to become more serious with God.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
On my way home from work
today I noticed these gorgeous trees. The sun was reflecting on the
leaves making them look like silver dollars. The uniform shape of
each tree made them look fake. These trees made a lovely attraction
to the property. I had to thank God again for His beautiful creation,
and His desire to make people enjoy a life of peace and joy. In just
a few weeks the trees will be bare of all those silvery leaves, and
only skeletons will be visible for several months; But even the life
of the deep rooted trees will spring back to when the time has passed
for them to rest.
The tree of human life we are will also die, but will live again in a different yard. The skeleton we became will not be made to live again, but a new body with everlasting beauty, and painless spirits will replace the temporal bodies we now have. I for one have made peace in accepting this fact from our Heavenly Father. For that reason I will commit to leaving every one of my loved ones in God's hand. Of course that includes my own life. All of the hurts, and disappoints that have been flooding this old earthly body will be put to rest. We must accept the part of the blame we ourselves have caused others to bare. We can never undo that hurt we caused others, but we can trust God to lighten the sorrow. However, we must admit our guilt, and be sorry for it.
Many people have not had that veil removed from their eyes that Paul speaks about in 2 Corinthians chapter 3. Moses put a veil over his face so the people could not see the brightness of God, because they did not believe in Moses teaching. To this day the veil is still blinding those who do not believe the New Testament. Only God can remove that veil, and only if people will truly believe in Jesus Christ. Those who say they believe in Jesus, but have not proven to God the Father that they do, will never have the veil removed. They die as a blind person who never saw the spirit of Jesus. The blind cannot lead the blind lest they both fall into the ditch. Matthew 15:14. So much of the truth of God has been passed up for a tickling of the ears. Therefore they have a veil over their eyes. God said He would not have the wombs reopened of his Son Jesus. He will not allow Jesus to be mocked. Again people would say oh I would never do that yet they do it every time they mock one of Jesus accepted followers. It is a serious thing to mock a child of God, even with the veil over their eyes. I am just reveling what I have been taught by the Holy Spirit. Hopefully it will lead others to become more serious with God.
God Bless
Monday, September 23, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "Let Me Tell you"
Jean's Comment's: "Let Me Tell you": Myrtle Jean Sharp standing in front of some of her paintings. 9-23-2019 Perryton, TX Let me tell you life is good if we chos...
"Let Me Tell you"
Myrtle Jean Sharp standing in front of some of her paintings. 9-23-2019 Perryton, TX
The rest of this day is being spent by doing two hours of painting, and cooking a meal to take to my son's house tomorrow. I have been getting a lot of things done that I had been putting off for a way too long. I even ran the sweeper this morning before I started getting ready for the luncheon. Believe it or not that was the second time this week I had ran it. I even washed my breakfast dishes, one bowl and a cup, a spoon and a fork. Yep, this is me coming back to life. I don't know how long it will last, but it sure feels good while it is lasting. Please don't mistake me for bragging. I am just letting people know that God still answers prayer if we will give him a chance.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I know more blessings are in store for me. I hope this bit of sharing will prompt you to change an old way, and give God a chance to bless you even more than before. It's not always easy, but it wasn't easy for Jesus to die on the cross either. He paved the road for you and I. Let us not continue to make it hard for Him. He simply asks us to trust, and obey. If we trust we will be obeying when we make a tough decision.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
Let me tell you life is
good if we chose to make it that way. Sometimes we hang onto things
that sap us from victory, but when we finally do decide to let go,
the happiness begins in a big way. I am posting myself portrait today
just one day after I posted a very bad day for me yesterday. I was
extremely blessed at the Center today while having lunch with
friends. Of course my heart was still sad, and always will be, but
The good Lord puts a smile on our faces even in times of sadness. He
makes us forget, and will heal every tear that dim our eyes. I took
this picture of myself immediately after I walked in my house after
lunch. I had felt such peace, and joy till I just had to share. Some
of my friends and I made plans to celebrate together an evening at
the newly opened, beautiful casino near where we live. Before the
luncheon I was invited to a birthday party that I am so looking
forward to. The invites just keep coming making me to know for sure
that I made a right choice yesterday even thought it broke my heart.
I do not know what the future holds, but I am sure of one thing, I
know who holds the future. It took me several years to give up on
something I wanted to happen so badly. Now I am sure it just was not
God's will. Now I am reaping the benefits of my long sufferings. How
can I ever thank God enough?
The rest of this day is being spent by doing two hours of painting, and cooking a meal to take to my son's house tomorrow. I have been getting a lot of things done that I had been putting off for a way too long. I even ran the sweeper this morning before I started getting ready for the luncheon. Believe it or not that was the second time this week I had ran it. I even washed my breakfast dishes, one bowl and a cup, a spoon and a fork. Yep, this is me coming back to life. I don't know how long it will last, but it sure feels good while it is lasting. Please don't mistake me for bragging. I am just letting people know that God still answers prayer if we will give him a chance.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I know more blessings are in store for me. I hope this bit of sharing will prompt you to change an old way, and give God a chance to bless you even more than before. It's not always easy, but it wasn't easy for Jesus to die on the cross either. He paved the road for you and I. Let us not continue to make it hard for Him. He simply asks us to trust, and obey. If we trust we will be obeying when we make a tough decision.
God Bless
Sunday, September 22, 2019
"Thanking God For Freedom Of Uselesss hope"
Myrtle Jean Sharp
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "Roses To Cheer Me Up Today"
Jean's Comment's: "Roses To Cheer Me Up Today": Just when I needed them they showed up. 9-21-2019 Perryton, TX Just when I thought I would see no more roses...
"Roses To Cheer Me Up Today"
Just when I needed them they showed up. 9-21-2019 Perryton, TX
I will be excusing myself from the Widower's group this evening because I won't be finished with my work in time to attend. I did plan to go, but just didn't work out this time. There is also a special meeting at the Senior Citizen's Center tonight. This would be a fun night out, but again I have too much to do today to be going out tonight. Hopefully I can make up for all the fun I am missing this week when I go to Oklahoma City next week. Tomorrow I will be busy getting everything ready for the trip. Also Monday I will be doing last minute details. Tuesday I will work, then Wednesday I will be leaving. I would appreciate prayers for my sister, and a safe trip for me.
One of my most needed scriptures to stand on is Nehemiah 8:10. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Fifty years after the loss of a baby at three days old, I still grieve. I grieve every day for all of my lost loved ones. If I didn't pray daily, and seek to keep myself entertained, I believe I would go crazy. It has been hard for me all of my life to give up a loved one to death. Even others who are not related to me, I just don't want to give them up. I have read the bible through several times, and have been trusting God most of my life, but it is still beyond my understanding why people must die, The only thing that comforts me is the Word of God, and to fully put my trust in Him. However, I will never say I don't feel nothing when people die. Every human life is a creation from God, and without a doubt I believe God grieves when any of them die. That's because He feels their pain, even though He knows to die is to gain. So to pass off death in a nonchalant manner is an insult to me. I am glad to share my grief with the Lord of all.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
Just when I thought I
would see no more roses this year, today I find these beauties
smiling at me. I smiled back, and took their picture. I guess the
little bit of rain three days ago gave them some new life. It
definitely is getting near heater time. I haven't turned mine on yet,
but neither do I turn on the air conditioner. I don't even open the
windows, or doors because it's comfortable with just natural
temperature. I sat outside a bit earlier today, and it was so
pleasant. It's just one of my days to feel real good in my soul. I
had finished my two hours of painting, and ate my lunch so I needed
to get some fresh air, and rest awhile. Now I am writing my daily
blog, and when I am finished with it I will beautify myself in my own
beauty parlor, and be ready for an exciting new week next week. I'll
be making a trip to Oklahoma City to visit two of my sisters. My
youngest sister isn't well, and I need to be with her for awhile.
I will be excusing myself from the Widower's group this evening because I won't be finished with my work in time to attend. I did plan to go, but just didn't work out this time. There is also a special meeting at the Senior Citizen's Center tonight. This would be a fun night out, but again I have too much to do today to be going out tonight. Hopefully I can make up for all the fun I am missing this week when I go to Oklahoma City next week. Tomorrow I will be busy getting everything ready for the trip. Also Monday I will be doing last minute details. Tuesday I will work, then Wednesday I will be leaving. I would appreciate prayers for my sister, and a safe trip for me.
One of my most needed scriptures to stand on is Nehemiah 8:10. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Fifty years after the loss of a baby at three days old, I still grieve. I grieve every day for all of my lost loved ones. If I didn't pray daily, and seek to keep myself entertained, I believe I would go crazy. It has been hard for me all of my life to give up a loved one to death. Even others who are not related to me, I just don't want to give them up. I have read the bible through several times, and have been trusting God most of my life, but it is still beyond my understanding why people must die, The only thing that comforts me is the Word of God, and to fully put my trust in Him. However, I will never say I don't feel nothing when people die. Every human life is a creation from God, and without a doubt I believe God grieves when any of them die. That's because He feels their pain, even though He knows to die is to gain. So to pass off death in a nonchalant manner is an insult to me. I am glad to share my grief with the Lord of all.
God Bless
Friday, September 20, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "A Drop Of Rain From Above Is Better Than A Gallon...
Jean's Comment's: "A Drop Of Rain From Above Is Better Than A Gallon...: Rain drops are falling on my pavement. Rain clouds are coming closer. 9-20-2019 Perryton, TX The rain did happen while I was aslee...
"A Drop Of Rain From Above Is Better Than A Gallon From Undergroundd"
Rain drops are falling on my pavement. Rain clouds are coming closer. 9-20-2019 Perryton, TX
It's always nice to talk to a sister. I visited by phone with one of mine in Oklahoma City this morning. We talked for close to an hour, and I thanked God again for keeping my sisters happy, and cheerful when they really have a lot of things happening to them to make them less cheerful. I have three sisters who mean the world to me. I am the oldest so I can be the bossy one sometimes. It just so happens none of us want to boss the others, so we have a beautiful relationship. However, I do use my opinion a lot. All of us are widows so we are fully free to do what we want. Our independence is worth more than money, so we feel pretty rich. My plans for now are to spend two or three days with two of my sisters next week. I plan to travel to Oklahoma City, but my plans are not concrete. A few things have to be decided yet before I will know for sure.
I'm back now from a lunch break. I had a big crispy bierox, and a cup of coffee. The last time I made bierox I put several in the freezer wrapped individually in foil. I can heat them in the oven for 30 minutes, and they are just like fresh. They are not a diet food, but sometimes I have to forget the diet. I have two hours ahead of me to work on portraits, so I must change my train of thought and start consecrating on the many mistakes I have made on these four faces I have painted. They are minor ones, but when I change any little thing it causes to have to change another two or three more. I will get there if I don't get spellbound on perfection. If I wait for a mood I would never finish a painting, and it's hard to paint when you are not in the mood. Now that the sun has come out I am going to paint.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
The rain did happen while
I was asleep. I had .25 hundredths of an inch in my rain gauge this
morning. There is still an overcast, and a slight chance of more
rain. The temperature is a cool 64 degree at 11 o'clock this morning.
I am not looking forward to winter, as my sister reminded me this
morning. I need to change my attitude and be thankful for all the
blessings in my life. I have a long, black, winter coat I haven't
worn but once or twice in several years. I haven't thought I had an
appropriate time to wear it, but just maybe I can sport it this
winter. It wasn't exactly cheap, and I was sorry I ever bought it. I
will now be waiting for that extra cold day when I can show it off,
even if it may be out of style. I'm glad I have something to make me
feel better about winter.
It's always nice to talk to a sister. I visited by phone with one of mine in Oklahoma City this morning. We talked for close to an hour, and I thanked God again for keeping my sisters happy, and cheerful when they really have a lot of things happening to them to make them less cheerful. I have three sisters who mean the world to me. I am the oldest so I can be the bossy one sometimes. It just so happens none of us want to boss the others, so we have a beautiful relationship. However, I do use my opinion a lot. All of us are widows so we are fully free to do what we want. Our independence is worth more than money, so we feel pretty rich. My plans for now are to spend two or three days with two of my sisters next week. I plan to travel to Oklahoma City, but my plans are not concrete. A few things have to be decided yet before I will know for sure.
I'm back now from a lunch break. I had a big crispy bierox, and a cup of coffee. The last time I made bierox I put several in the freezer wrapped individually in foil. I can heat them in the oven for 30 minutes, and they are just like fresh. They are not a diet food, but sometimes I have to forget the diet. I have two hours ahead of me to work on portraits, so I must change my train of thought and start consecrating on the many mistakes I have made on these four faces I have painted. They are minor ones, but when I change any little thing it causes to have to change another two or three more. I will get there if I don't get spellbound on perfection. If I wait for a mood I would never finish a painting, and it's hard to paint when you are not in the mood. Now that the sun has come out I am going to paint.
God Bless
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "We May Sleep Through The Rain"
Jean's Comment's: "We May Sleep Through The Rain": Rain has been predicted but I have to wonder. It's way pat the time it was suppose to start. 9-19-2019 Perryton, TX We keep wai...
"We May Sleep Through The Rain"
Rain has been predicted but I have to wonder. It's way pat the time it was suppose to start. 9-19-2019 Perryton, TX
We keep waiting for the
rain that was suppose to have started two hours ago. They keep
promising, but it looks like a false sign. It has been raining all
around us, but not one drop here. The sun is hid, and dark clouds are
in sight, but I do believe we will be left out of any moister. I can
be content in my cozy little home, because here I have plenty of
water for all my needs. However, I know the rain is what makes the
earth flourish with food that our mortal bodies have to have. We will
keep waiting for rain until the rain man decides to soak our land.
The worse thing about waiting for rain is to know you better stay
home. I probably would not be going anywhere anyway, but to know I
can't just makes things worse. How spoiled some of us are when it
comes to choosing our own time, and place to go.
I spent most of the day with my son, Chuck. He is suffering with an attack of gout. It is very painful, and has to run it's course. A mother cannot find excitement in anything when she has children suffering for any reason. But we can find peace, and contentment to get us through the toughest times. It requires a lot of prayer, and determination to deal with such unpleasant situations, but we always feel blessed after the battle has been won. I always remember to be thankful for not being in some people's shoes that are bearing unbelievable pain, and stress. Most of us are not thankful enough for the good life God has given us. If we don't already have it, we need to pray for a song in our heart at night. “Anyone can sing when the sun is shinning bright, but we need a song in our heart at night.” I can say I do have that song at night. Thank God for His mercy.
I'm getting ready to have a light evening meal, then relax and watch the latest news. A lot is happening in this old sinful world, but again I can say I have peace through it all. God has told us to trust Him with all problems, and I have learned to do that. I'm not only waiting for rain in this old world, but I'm waiting for a mansion in the new world. I know without a doubt that the mind cannot even imagine the glorious beauty, and everlasting life, God has prepared for us. Let us be patient, and run this race with enthusiasm, and encourage others who are lagging behind. I love being a coach for all runners who are numbered among this spiritual race. It's not about who gets there first, but who stays the course. I am about to shout already. What a great day that will be!
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
I spent most of the day with my son, Chuck. He is suffering with an attack of gout. It is very painful, and has to run it's course. A mother cannot find excitement in anything when she has children suffering for any reason. But we can find peace, and contentment to get us through the toughest times. It requires a lot of prayer, and determination to deal with such unpleasant situations, but we always feel blessed after the battle has been won. I always remember to be thankful for not being in some people's shoes that are bearing unbelievable pain, and stress. Most of us are not thankful enough for the good life God has given us. If we don't already have it, we need to pray for a song in our heart at night. “Anyone can sing when the sun is shinning bright, but we need a song in our heart at night.” I can say I do have that song at night. Thank God for His mercy.
I'm getting ready to have a light evening meal, then relax and watch the latest news. A lot is happening in this old sinful world, but again I can say I have peace through it all. God has told us to trust Him with all problems, and I have learned to do that. I'm not only waiting for rain in this old world, but I'm waiting for a mansion in the new world. I know without a doubt that the mind cannot even imagine the glorious beauty, and everlasting life, God has prepared for us. Let us be patient, and run this race with enthusiasm, and encourage others who are lagging behind. I love being a coach for all runners who are numbered among this spiritual race. It's not about who gets there first, but who stays the course. I am about to shout already. What a great day that will be!
God Bless
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "My Eyes Behold The Beauty"
Jean's Comment's: "My Eyes Behold The Beauty": Two other boys not in picture. A happy family for sure. 9-18-2019 Perryton, TX These little guys are in boy heaven today. They...
"My Eyes Behold The Beauty"
Two other boys not in picture. A happy family for sure. 9-18-2019 Perryton, TX
These little guys are in boy heaven today. They drove this little new, red, Goff cart to the practice field to watch the ranger football boys work out for the next game. A dad sat in the passengers seat for good reasons. How it thrills my heart to see happy children, There are so many who do not share in happiness, and that breaks my heart. I had to be reminded when my husband, and I had a lake home near Sanford, Texas. We kept our little four year old grandson with us a lot while his parents worked. We had a Goff cart that we drove around the lake in. Our little grandson had a little electric car that he drove beside us in. Once he got behind, and completely stopped. Grandpa jumps off the Goff cart and goes back to see what was wrong. Just as grandpa got nearly to the little car our little grandson pushed the pedal and takes off like a streak of lightening. Grandpa felt like a fool that his four year old grandson had pulled the wool over his eyes, but he was laughing his head off. This is the kind of love that only God can give, and only God can take away, but only temporarily. Grandpa is in heaven, and he looks down on that little four year old grandson who has turned 25 now, and still smiles at the intelligent jobs he has mastered. The little, would be, car-jacker, has been without his grandpa for nearly seven years now, but he will never forget him. God bless all the little children whether they have a loving family, or have a selfish family who didn't want them.
My lunch time was spent with good company today. Enjoyed some fun, and a good meal. The big family of senior citizens we are never fail to be thankful for the nice, large, building with all the good help that make it absolutely delightful. If one takes their troubles there, they sure don't take them back home with them. Can you find a place any more priceless than that? We do lose a member from time to time, but God always gives us peace over it. We never forget the memories. At the end of every meal we hear that someone is going on an exciting trip of some kind. It makes for an anxious wait to hear from them at the next luncheon or maybe two. or three. We hear the positive, and the negative side of every place the seniors choose to go. It just creates a diversity of good fellowship, and helps us get out of out own little box. Hopefully we can forget our own worries, and dream for awhile. It seems like everyone is always ready to come back to the next luncheon. Then there's always that thought that we may miss something. For instance I learned today that one of my close friends has a new boyfriend. She didn't tell me. I learned it at the Center before she got there. She still didn't mention it, but I'm tickled pink for her. May she be blessed with this new relationship.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
Monday, September 16, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "My Surprise For Today"
Jean's Comment's: "My Surprise For Today": Long winged odonate dragonfly. Glad it didn't land on my nose. 9-16-2019 Perryton, TX This bug kept my interest tod...
"My Surprise For Today"
Long winged odonate dragonfly. Glad it didn't land on my nose. 9-16-2019 Perryton, TX
I haven't been so industrious today. Maybe I used too much of my energy yesterday. I did vacuum my floors, and that is hard for me to manage. I did some banking, and stopped at the grocery store, and lumber yard, now I am restfully writing my blog. I can always unload my thoughts on this computer, and sometimes I get some impute. I always welcome everything anyone has to say to me. Most of the time the comments are encouraging, even though we may not agree. I want the true feeling from people, and not just to flatter. I try hard to be that same kind of person. I think disagreement can be spoken in the most loving kind of way. We all have the bible to help us come to our conclusions. When we are finished with this life then we will be judged according to our honesty, and not our lies. Two lies don't make a right, and one lie is bad for the soul. I truly believe America has lost all decency when it comes to lying. I also believe this is a loss that can never be recovered. I do believe also that we should think more seriously about this hell bound nation than ignoring it. Evil will not go away just because we don't want to think about it. If we stay true to God it's going to take a lot of praying on our part. Yes, we all are going to be tried, because the bible teaches that.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
This bug kept my interest
today for quite some time. I'm classifying it as a Odonata
Dragonfly. It landed on a small cable line right in front of me. It
flew off several times, but immediately came right back. I was able
to take many pictures of it. The wings were so long and skinny that I
could not identify it. I saw a picture of a odonate dragonfly on
google that looked like it. I don't think I had ever seen one like
it before. I was not able to read it's mind as to why it kept sitting
on a cable line. I'm sure it was not getting any nourishment from
that. It was close to my head, and I could move as close as I wanted
to it and it wouldn't fly away. However, it did fly away several time
when I wasn't even moving, but just instantly came back. I'm always
ready to find something different whether it be bugs, clouds, birds
or whatever. I was raised on a farm with three brothers, and a creek
running through our land. We would go out almost every day hunting
for living creatures, and we always found a lot. We never killed any
of them just liked to look at them. Today when I'm out looking for
unusual creatures, I somehow feel like my brothers are still with me.
They have all left me, and I miss them so much.
I haven't been so industrious today. Maybe I used too much of my energy yesterday. I did vacuum my floors, and that is hard for me to manage. I did some banking, and stopped at the grocery store, and lumber yard, now I am restfully writing my blog. I can always unload my thoughts on this computer, and sometimes I get some impute. I always welcome everything anyone has to say to me. Most of the time the comments are encouraging, even though we may not agree. I want the true feeling from people, and not just to flatter. I try hard to be that same kind of person. I think disagreement can be spoken in the most loving kind of way. We all have the bible to help us come to our conclusions. When we are finished with this life then we will be judged according to our honesty, and not our lies. Two lies don't make a right, and one lie is bad for the soul. I truly believe America has lost all decency when it comes to lying. I also believe this is a loss that can never be recovered. I do believe also that we should think more seriously about this hell bound nation than ignoring it. Evil will not go away just because we don't want to think about it. If we stay true to God it's going to take a lot of praying on our part. Yes, we all are going to be tried, because the bible teaches that.
God Bless
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "How Smart Are Cats"
Jean's Comment's: "How Smart Are Cats": This cat is playing it safe. She knows me well, but is testing me to see if I have mellowed. 9-15-2019 Perryton, TX This cat knows she ...
"How Smart Are Cats"
This cat is playing it safe. She knows me well, but is testing me to see if I have mellowed. 9-15-2019 Perryton, TX
This cat knows she is not
allowed in my yard. She is lying close to the hole she came through
from the neighbors yard. The white spot at the bottom of the fence is
her door. If I move one inch closer to her she will dart through that
hole. I don't have to deal with her babies after she has given birth
to 6 or 7 kittens. If the neighbor wants to do that it's o k with me.
I don't know about my neighbor, but some people will just kill the
kittens as soon as they are born. I could never do that or have the
animal control lady to come and pick them up without taking the
mother. The mother is never around when the lady comes to get the
kittens. I think this mother cat was testing me today to see if I had
mellowed any. The first time she saw me today she made a dive for her
hole without me saying a thing to her. Usually I scream at them when
they come in my yard. A little latter she snuggled up against the
fence close to the hole to see If I was going to scream at her. I
just didn't have the nerve today, Oh Lord help me! “An ounce of
prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” The little storage
shed I have in my yard sure makes a good home for mother cats to have
their babies. It's happened before, and OMG, I was sympathetic and
angry both. I kept running the mother out of my yard, and when the
babies got old enough to walk she took them some place else. That was
several years ago, and I haven't been bothered much since with stray
This is Sunday, and I have worshiped the Lord at home today. Sometimes I feel closer to Him at home than I do at church. With what little energy I have I needed to do some things here today. I am progressing slowly, but am pleased so far on my accomplishments. I had a good breakfast, and lunch, now I am writing my blog. I need to peal peaches and make Chuck another cobbler, then wash dishes, and mop the kitchen floor. I think the vacuuming will have to wait. The easier things come first always. I did paint two hours, and kept the cats out of my yard for awhile. The big white clouds were beautiful, and rolling by fast. The sky was a lovely blue, and I did see a jet stream or two coming out of the clouds. It was cool under the apple tree, and all I needed was someone to talk to. I did talk to God long enough to thank Him for all His beautiful creation. Also he had already answered a pray for me this morning. I have to be bubbling over for that. Looking forward to a new day, with new energy.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
This is Sunday, and I have worshiped the Lord at home today. Sometimes I feel closer to Him at home than I do at church. With what little energy I have I needed to do some things here today. I am progressing slowly, but am pleased so far on my accomplishments. I had a good breakfast, and lunch, now I am writing my blog. I need to peal peaches and make Chuck another cobbler, then wash dishes, and mop the kitchen floor. I think the vacuuming will have to wait. The easier things come first always. I did paint two hours, and kept the cats out of my yard for awhile. The big white clouds were beautiful, and rolling by fast. The sky was a lovely blue, and I did see a jet stream or two coming out of the clouds. It was cool under the apple tree, and all I needed was someone to talk to. I did talk to God long enough to thank Him for all His beautiful creation. Also he had already answered a pray for me this morning. I have to be bubbling over for that. Looking forward to a new day, with new energy.
God Bless
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "Youthful Energy Is So Presious"
Jean's Comment's: "Youthful Energy Is So Presious": Having fun while being helpful. God loves the little children, 9-14-2019 Perryton, TX After the little guys football games thi...
"Youthful Energy Is So Presious"
Having fun while being helpful. God loves the little children, 9-14-2019 Perryton, TX
This being Saturday I had a lot of shopping to do. I shopped at three different stores with the last being the grocery store. I bought a large bill of groceries, and have them all put up. I fixed my own lunch instead of going out to eat with the widowed group. I have a lot of time left, but my back pain is telling me I can't do much else today. The arthritis medicine helps but doesn't completely kill the pain. It's always worse some days than others. I do appreciate that. It's always nice to get out of bed in the mornings without any pain at all. I realize my blessings are many, and I am so thankful.
I read in the paper this morning where another one of my long time friends has passed away. I did not know she was having any health issues. I hadn't seen her in awhile, and assumed she was still working for the School Distract. I don't know what happened, but she was a Christian, and I believe she is now in heaven. Every time I lose a friend, (and it's getting to be pretty often,) I wonder how much more time do I have left. I don't let that thought bother me much because I still enjoy my life, and look forward to a new day at the end of every day. I learned years ago to Trust God, because that's what He told me to do. Whatever happens or don't happen, I will trust God. I still have lots of living friends, and I fully enjoy their friendship. My neighbors are the best ever, and I see them every day. What an encouragement they are to me. I pray that I can be the same to them. When it's all said and done, we all will be together forever in the place of eternal peace, and rest.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
After the little guys
football games this morning the clean-up cart is covering the grounds
while a couple of little boys jump off and pick up every little piece
of trash. This school puts a lot of time and money into keeping the
buildings, and grounds neat and clean. The big game was last night
with the Perryton Rangers and the Canadian Wildcats. Sorry to say the
score was 48-0 in favor of the Wildcats. Even worse several of the
Rangers were left with injuries. I am glad to say that I no longer
have sons, or grandsons playing football, although they all still are
very much big fans of the game. My husband and I used to have
reserved seats at the Perryton football stadium, and never missed a
game. But those days have long been over, and I now sat on my porch
and watch the score board and listen to the excitement. Time does
make changes in our lifestyles, and will continue to do so as long as
we live. I'm just thankful for the slower speed instead of the no
speed at all.
This being Saturday I had a lot of shopping to do. I shopped at three different stores with the last being the grocery store. I bought a large bill of groceries, and have them all put up. I fixed my own lunch instead of going out to eat with the widowed group. I have a lot of time left, but my back pain is telling me I can't do much else today. The arthritis medicine helps but doesn't completely kill the pain. It's always worse some days than others. I do appreciate that. It's always nice to get out of bed in the mornings without any pain at all. I realize my blessings are many, and I am so thankful.
I read in the paper this morning where another one of my long time friends has passed away. I did not know she was having any health issues. I hadn't seen her in awhile, and assumed she was still working for the School Distract. I don't know what happened, but she was a Christian, and I believe she is now in heaven. Every time I lose a friend, (and it's getting to be pretty often,) I wonder how much more time do I have left. I don't let that thought bother me much because I still enjoy my life, and look forward to a new day at the end of every day. I learned years ago to Trust God, because that's what He told me to do. Whatever happens or don't happen, I will trust God. I still have lots of living friends, and I fully enjoy their friendship. My neighbors are the best ever, and I see them every day. What an encouragement they are to me. I pray that I can be the same to them. When it's all said and done, we all will be together forever in the place of eternal peace, and rest.
God Bless
Friday, September 13, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "A Friendly Bird Stole The Boredom Today"
Jean's Comment's: "A Friendly Bird Stole The Boredom Today": This bird made me to forget to watch the time. It kept me entertained for several minutes. 9-13-2019 Perryton, TX This bird lande...
"A Friendly Bird Stole The Boredom Today"
This bird made me to forget to watch the time. It kept me entertained for several minutes. 9-13-2019 Perryton, TX
A complimentary lunch was served with every kind of goodies that could be thought of. The crowd was the largest I had seen in one place ever before. Lots of men in black suits were walking around like they were ready to assist you in any way. I left some money there, but I considered it a small price to pay for such great entertainment, good food, and lively atmosphere. Our minds were free from politics, and all the confusion it leaves a person wondering about every day they sit in their homes. I am not recommending that people should visit the Casino's more, and be dumb enough to lose more money than they can afford, but neither am I for going on expensive cruses, and taking chances of either drowning, or getting burned up like some have just recently had to happen. I am a modest person in every aspect of life. And for my imperfections I repent daily, for I know I have plenty even if I am not aware of them. This day is coming to an end, and I am feeling much better than when I got up this morning. I wasn't happy about going to work at the old grind after such a wonderful day yesterday. But common since does come with time. I can wait for the next chance I get to be entertained, and enjoy the few years I might have left in this life. I can also share my tears with those who are having a hard time dealing with depression, and anxiety. Those numbers are increasing tremendously every day. I will help them fight their battles in any way I can.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
This bird landed on the
concrete slab near where I was sitting out at Chucks house today. It
pranced back and forth for quite some time while I watched it. I am
sure this bird knew I was watching it as I was sitting there when it
landed in front of me. No other bird joined it all the time it danced
around, and that is unusual. Most of the time other birds follow
suit, and never stay but a few seconds, then they all fly away. This
day had to be an unusual day for me in more ways than one. I attended
the Grand Opening of the Golden Mesa Casino at
Guymon, Oklahoma yesterday. This place has been a century in reality
of it's opening. We are thrilled to have a place close by to spend
time with friends, and let the rest of the world go by. I was so over
whelmed at the awesome design of this huge building with all the
latest technology features even with a money machine where one could
either get money out of their bank account, of get cash for their
tickets taken out of their game machines. This is a very new feature
for me. Always before two machines were needed to do both
transactions. The entire interior was sparking clean with many
beautiful, colored lights. I saw more smiling faces there than I've
seen anywhere in one place. It was obvious that everyone was having a
great time. People were extra friendly, and helpful.
A complimentary lunch was served with every kind of goodies that could be thought of. The crowd was the largest I had seen in one place ever before. Lots of men in black suits were walking around like they were ready to assist you in any way. I left some money there, but I considered it a small price to pay for such great entertainment, good food, and lively atmosphere. Our minds were free from politics, and all the confusion it leaves a person wondering about every day they sit in their homes. I am not recommending that people should visit the Casino's more, and be dumb enough to lose more money than they can afford, but neither am I for going on expensive cruses, and taking chances of either drowning, or getting burned up like some have just recently had to happen. I am a modest person in every aspect of life. And for my imperfections I repent daily, for I know I have plenty even if I am not aware of them. This day is coming to an end, and I am feeling much better than when I got up this morning. I wasn't happy about going to work at the old grind after such a wonderful day yesterday. But common since does come with time. I can wait for the next chance I get to be entertained, and enjoy the few years I might have left in this life. I can also share my tears with those who are having a hard time dealing with depression, and anxiety. Those numbers are increasing tremendously every day. I will help them fight their battles in any way I can.
God Bless
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "Two People Made Without Sex"
Jean's Comment's: "Two People Made Without Sex": Adam and Eve after the serpent made a fool of Eve. Sorry it didn't come out more clear, but at least it's very clear on my wall. 9...
"Two People Made Without Sex"
Adam and Eve after the serpent made a fool of Eve. Sorry it didn't come out more clear, but at least it's very clear on my wall. 9-11-2019 Perryton, TX
I wanted to post one of my
favorite paintings today. It's Adam and Even in the beautiful garden
before sin entered the world. Their only friends were the animals,
the fowl, the fishes, the poultry, and the reptiles. Because there
were no sin the friends of every nature of creature were nothing but
a body of love. However, I am stumped again when I read that the
snake was the first evil friend who caused the whole world to become
sin. The serpent attacked Eve with a lot of lies, and because of
it's beauty, Eve was persuaded to believe it. I am believing the
snake had legs and walked like the other animals before it caused Eve
to disobey the God of all creation. The reason I believe that is
because the Word tells us that after it deceived Eve, God caused it
to crawl on it's belly every after. I tried to paint a beautiful
snake for that reason, but because I hate snakes so much I had
trouble making the snake look like anything but the way I see them
today. My idea of Adam was a tall, muscular, dark headed man with
long hair. I saw Eve as being medium built with blond hair, and tiny
breast. No offense to blonds, but somehow they seem more fragile,
than other beautiful women. This painting occurred after the sin was
committed, but nothing had changed yet except the guilt of nakedness.
The leaves the couple used to cover their genital organs is obvious
that God never intended the sex parts of the body to be uncovered in
the public eye. It was an automatic feeling Adam, and Eve got quickly
when they realized they had disobeyed God. In other words those who
use the nakedness of others, or themselves, for lust are committing a
dirty crime against our God. It was the beginning of sexual desire,
although there was not any sin yet, that made this evil world explode
with sin. Worse than that the majority of the people do not believe
that being sexual promiscuous is wrong. How can anyone claim to be a
friend of God who laugh at the idea of sexual promiscuous being
wrong? I've heard many times that the road to hell is paved with sin.
Smooth sailing until you get there.
So many times we say our two cents is not going to make a difference, but I am not satisfied to not put it in anyway. God's beautiful world of sinless beginning has become a dwelling place of a filthy gutter filled with sickening diseases, both physically, and mentally. Everyone has to deal with the consequences there off. Have you just one penny to place in the offering plate? We might someday be told that our one or two cents bought a lot of goods. It's worth a try. At least we can be called servants of God for a good reason.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
So many times we say our two cents is not going to make a difference, but I am not satisfied to not put it in anyway. God's beautiful world of sinless beginning has become a dwelling place of a filthy gutter filled with sickening diseases, both physically, and mentally. Everyone has to deal with the consequences there off. Have you just one penny to place in the offering plate? We might someday be told that our one or two cents bought a lot of goods. It's worth a try. At least we can be called servants of God for a good reason.
God Bless
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "Living A Long Beautiful Life Is God's Choice"
Jean's Comment's: "Living A Long Beautiful Life Is God's Choice": Today September 10, 2019 these flowers are still beautiful. Thank you Lord. 9-10- 2019 Perryton, TX Nothing short of frost is going ...
"Living A Long Beautiful Life Is God's Choice"
Today September 10, 2019 these flowers are still beautiful. Thank you Lord. 9-10- 2019 Perryton, TX
Nothing short of frost is
going to make these sunflowers give up. They are very lively, and
pretty I must say. I still have a good crop of them in my back yard.
No other flower is alive back there, just the sunflowers. We are in
mid September, and all other green stuff is completely dead. But of
course the asparagus. It will probably out live the sunflower. I
started to cut, and rake up all the dead stuff back there the other
day, but when I opened the back door to my patio a 12' snake started
crawling off the patio. I didn't have a chance to kill it, so I am
through with the yard work until I'm sure all the snakes have bedded
up for winter. I haven't seen even a baby snake in my yard for years,
but I'm sure this one has a mom, and dad somewhere close by. Chuck
said it's only a garden shake, but it might as well be a rattle
snake, because a snake is a snake. They are evil from their head to
their tail. One more snake and I'm leaving my happy home. I can
handle spiders, frogs, lizards, and even mosquito's, but snakes no.
The most exciting thing to happen today is the football boys getting ready for a big game Friday. Even that is not drawing near as much attention as it used to. Something definitely is happening to the American sports enthusiasm. There is no need to deny it, America has lost a lot of what used to make it a great country in which to live. What lies ahead is anyone's guess, but most people have developed a negative feeling. We must fight that attitude with everything we've got. “Only the righteous shall live by faith,” and I hope I am one of those. I am convinced there is not enough evil in hell, or on earth, to over power the Great Creator. We must praise God through pain, and tears. He will never leave nor forsake us. We may have to wade through confusion, but the air is clean just a few steps away. I sat with an old Christian friend yesterday having a coke together. She ask me at least three or four times in a few minutes how old I was. She is very much in a pitiful shape, and it breaks my heart. Yet she still has drivers licenses, and goes out to eat every day. She couldn't remember yesterday if she had eaten or not when I arrived. I'm sure she had because she orders her food as soon as she walks through the door. The table was clean except for the drinks, but she could not remember. I have trouble understanding things like this. Sometimes she remembers things clearly that happened years ago, but she can't remember if she had eaten or not. This lady was a business person, and was very successful in her business. She has wealth, but does not know one thing about her business now. She eats, and talks like she is living in poverty. She has one son who is trying hard to deal with her, but it is very stressful for him. What is it that makes God's believers lose their minds? I must not ask such questions.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
The most exciting thing to happen today is the football boys getting ready for a big game Friday. Even that is not drawing near as much attention as it used to. Something definitely is happening to the American sports enthusiasm. There is no need to deny it, America has lost a lot of what used to make it a great country in which to live. What lies ahead is anyone's guess, but most people have developed a negative feeling. We must fight that attitude with everything we've got. “Only the righteous shall live by faith,” and I hope I am one of those. I am convinced there is not enough evil in hell, or on earth, to over power the Great Creator. We must praise God through pain, and tears. He will never leave nor forsake us. We may have to wade through confusion, but the air is clean just a few steps away. I sat with an old Christian friend yesterday having a coke together. She ask me at least three or four times in a few minutes how old I was. She is very much in a pitiful shape, and it breaks my heart. Yet she still has drivers licenses, and goes out to eat every day. She couldn't remember yesterday if she had eaten or not when I arrived. I'm sure she had because she orders her food as soon as she walks through the door. The table was clean except for the drinks, but she could not remember. I have trouble understanding things like this. Sometimes she remembers things clearly that happened years ago, but she can't remember if she had eaten or not. This lady was a business person, and was very successful in her business. She has wealth, but does not know one thing about her business now. She eats, and talks like she is living in poverty. She has one son who is trying hard to deal with her, but it is very stressful for him. What is it that makes God's believers lose their minds? I must not ask such questions.
God Bless
Monday, September 9, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "Every Ear Must Hear The Word Of God"
Jean's Comment's: "Every Ear Must Hear The Word Of God": It's past time to speak out. "The idol mind is the devil's workshop" 9-9-2019 Perryton, TX If I'm not sayin...
"Every Ear Must Hear The Word Of God"
It's past time to speak out. "The idol mind is the devil's workshop" 9-9-2019 Perryton, TX
If I'm not saying it you are not hearing it. I have been silent the past couple of days just reading, and thinking. Now I am speaking out on something that troubles me. I would like for everyone to read Paul's letter he wrote to the Corinthians in chapter 4 and 5. I am far from understanding this message. Remember this teaching from Paul is in the New Testament after Christ came and made us to no longer live under the old law, but under grace. Yet it seems as though Paul is speaking very harsh, and plain words about what we should do about abstaining from sinful people. Corinthians 4:11, But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater,or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. Right before this scripture, and after also, Paul is telling us not to judge any man. If I am any interpreter at all, I am hearing Paul say do not keep company with Christians, yes he says any man that is called a brother, if they are involved with this kind of life. Would we not be judging if we did that? I suppose he meant if we knowingly keep company with these kind of brothers we are sinning ourselves. It's hard to read the Apostle John's book of love, then turn to Paul's book of strict instructions.
The early churches were all more positive than abstract about the Word of God. It was considered to be a high honor to be accepted by Christ, and know for sure that He had forgiven them of their sins. It carried a high penalty if one professed to being a Christian, then went back to their old ways. It was called backsliding, and most people were in that state of being several times before they ever overcame the old way of life. I for one have been led by the Word to believe, once a Christian, always a Christian, but every Christian commits sin every day. We must repent daily for our sins, and strive to live more perfect. If we knowingly commit sin, it is much harder to receive forgiveness, because the Word plainly says, “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” We can get forgiveness, but we also have to reap the sin. So the thing about good and evil is something to keep us thinking every minute of every day. We must think strongly before we act. No one gets a free pass to do anything they want to do. It must be o k with God, like it had to be o k with our earthly fathers, before we do things that we may not be sure about. When all guilt has left our minds, we can be a happy, joyous, blessed person. We have a duty to claim victory over past sins, because Jesus died for that reason.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "Jewelry Not For Sale"
Jean's Comment's: "Jewelry Not For Sale": Jewelry that I wear the most. It's easy to find something to match what I'm wearing. 9-7-2019 Perryton, TX I looked at my dress...
"Jewelry Not For Sale"
Jewelry that I wear the most. It's easy to find something to match what I'm wearing. 9-7-2019 Perryton, TX
I looked at my dresser
today, and I thought to myself, I can't believe this. It is totally
cluttered. Mostly jewelry that I need to keep laid out so I can match
pieces that I want to wear with a certain outfit. My jewelry boxes
are all full, and it takes too much time to go through them to pick
out something to wear. I just got into the habit of laying all the
pieces that match together on the top of my dresser. I save a lot of
time that way. I can never have a house cleaner to clean my house
because they couldn't move all my stuff so they could dust. The same
goes with running the vacuum sweeper. I have so many purses stacked
up in a corner of my dinning room till it would be impossible to move
them long enough to sweep. I sweep around them, and sometimes I dust
around the jewelry. My several pieces of luggage is usually stored in
certain places in my four bedrooms because the closets are already
full of other stored things. This is not the same person that raised
four kids, and worked outside the home, and kept everything in order
around the house. Yes, it is the same person, but not the same
particular person who had to have everything perfect when dressing
the children for school, and at least partly picking up after
everyone left before I went to work. I don't know why the change, but
there certainly has been a big one. I can't even keep picked up after
myself now. Rather I don't, but it's not that I can't. I still am
very good at procrastinating. Better than ever before. But the truth
is I want to keep it that way. Clean, yes, but perfect, and nothing
out of place, no. I guess I finished with trying to keep up with the
lovely look of nothing out of place, no dust to be seen, and no
dishes in the sink. I know I'm not in heaven yet, but I am trying out
the leisure before I get there.
I have only one big job left today before I take my bath and go to bed. I have to peal fresh peaches and make a big cobbler for church tomorrow. But I do have to manicure my nails after the bath. Laying all jokes aside I still have a lot of have to's if I continue to enjoy my life. I also cut and fix my hair. Sometimes I spend hours searching for cloths that must take my eye. I am the best bargain hunter in the world. I never see anything expensive that I like. I guess that is one of my talents. I love life, I love people, and I love doing things that I enjoy the most. These are the things that make my life happy, and blessed.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
I have only one big job left today before I take my bath and go to bed. I have to peal fresh peaches and make a big cobbler for church tomorrow. But I do have to manicure my nails after the bath. Laying all jokes aside I still have a lot of have to's if I continue to enjoy my life. I also cut and fix my hair. Sometimes I spend hours searching for cloths that must take my eye. I am the best bargain hunter in the world. I never see anything expensive that I like. I guess that is one of my talents. I love life, I love people, and I love doing things that I enjoy the most. These are the things that make my life happy, and blessed.
God Bless
Friday, September 6, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "Some Will Last longer Than Others"
Jean's Comment's: "Some Will Last longer Than Others": One of the last to go, but it will go soon. 9-6-2019 Perryton Trying to get a grip on what I'm seeing...
"Some Will Last longer Than Others"
One of the last to go, but it will go soon. 9-6-2019 Perryton
Trying to get a grip on
what I'm seeing, and hearing, after the hurricane, Dorian, hit the
Bahamas six days ago. The reporter was standing in the midst of a
ravaged neighborhood with nothing higher than his knees standing.
Honestly it looked like crushing machinery had been placed there. I
thought it was bad until I heard him say bodies were protruding
everywhere. After six days and bodies were partly showing all over
the large area of a ravaged neighborhood? I can only relate to a rose
bush where beautiful roses used to be in full bloom, and brought
smiles to all who viewed them. Now since the high wind, and hail,
along with the terrible heat, this one little sickly rose is all that
is left, but still trying to smile. The confirmed dead at this time
in the Bahamas is 30, but the reporter said thousands were missing.
News like this can have a devastating effect on weaklings like me. I
know it's true, but so hard to believe. This happened in God's
country, and for what reason? God was the one who gave the signal for
it to happen. No man-made power could stop it. Not even those who
claim they can control the climate. Will it get to where human lives
are no more important than the flies we swat on our food tables? I
believe to some it will, but to others never. Of course those killed
in that hurricane have the same promise of a new life in a better
place just like the rest of us. Whether it's one life at a time, or
thousands, we all are leaving this old sinful world in time. I'm so
thankful for God's strength to those who grieve so hard.
Whether it was the bad news or something else, I have not been very productive today. I partly cleaned my kitchen before I went to lunch at the Center, but so far I've done nothing else. I guess there will be a tomorrow, if not I won't need to do anything else anyway. As far today I will be still, and wait upon the Lord. I have plans but who knows if they will materialize or not. I am sure of one thing, whatever I decide to do it will be God's direction for me. I am just that positive of His love for me. We may not always understand, but we will always take, and be thankful for whatever happens in our life. I am sure tomorrow, if it does come, will be a new, and more blessed day for me. God will have comforted me from the deadly hurricane, and the mass shooting both of which took place this week. I may have to wake up in the night, like I did last night, and plead the blood of Jesus over the enemy taking control of my sleep, and giving me nightmares, but God is always there to touch my mind, and make it think normal again. He has never failed me yet.
God Bless
Whether it was the bad news or something else, I have not been very productive today. I partly cleaned my kitchen before I went to lunch at the Center, but so far I've done nothing else. I guess there will be a tomorrow, if not I won't need to do anything else anyway. As far today I will be still, and wait upon the Lord. I have plans but who knows if they will materialize or not. I am sure of one thing, whatever I decide to do it will be God's direction for me. I am just that positive of His love for me. We may not always understand, but we will always take, and be thankful for whatever happens in our life. I am sure tomorrow, if it does come, will be a new, and more blessed day for me. God will have comforted me from the deadly hurricane, and the mass shooting both of which took place this week. I may have to wake up in the night, like I did last night, and plead the blood of Jesus over the enemy taking control of my sleep, and giving me nightmares, but God is always there to touch my mind, and make it think normal again. He has never failed me yet.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Jean's Comment's: "Not The Straw That Broke The Campbell's Back"
Jean's Comment's: "Not The Straw That Broke The Campbell's Back": Broken not sawed apple tree trunk. I picked the top piece up from off the ground to take this picture. 9-5-2019 Perryton, TX This is...
"Not The Straw That Broke The Campbell's Back"
Broken not sawed apple tree trunk. I picked the top piece up from off the ground to take this picture. 9-5-2019 Perryton, TX
This is the picture of the
apple tree that snapped like a piece of dry spaghetti and threw me
backward to the ground when I was trying to straighten it. I'm still
shocked at how a tree trunk this big could snap completely off. The
little tree had lively looking branches with green leaves, and had
made a few apples earlier this summer. I could see It breaking if too
much force was put on it, but not snapping in two pieces. Good bye
special grafted apple tree wish you could have stayed with us. I took
a very hard fall, but I am only slightly sore. God has been good to
me. I was able to mop floors, carry in heavy bags of groceries, and
cook a big meal. I also picked a pan full of fresh peaches off
Chuck's tree. This will be the cobbler for Sunday pot luck. I am
ready for a big, busy week-end. Lunch at the Center, and pot luck at
church Sunday.
I have noticed that this
football season in Perryton, Texas is barely existing. A lack of
enthusiasm is very noticeable. At this time of the season in times
past I could hardly back out of my driveway, and it was hard to drive
down the street without hitting another car, or a pedestrian. I live
across the street from the practice field, and the football stadium.
I don't believe it's only in Perryton that this sports attraction is
noticeable. I sense that even on television the sports interest has
declined greatly. I blame this to the arising disloyalty that has
stricken the most watched enthusiastic, entertainment action in the
arena. The loss of love for our country has robbed us of all future
hope of being a respectable country again. No longer are we one
nation under God, but many nations against God. Little by little the
fear of God is becoming the wrath of God in action. We witness every
day the evil taking place in the most unexpected places. Also to some
of the most important people God has to help Him win this battle.
When the time has fully come for a day of reckoning American citizens
will fall to their knees, and worship God. Those who were spared the
worst kind of punishment. How many of us will be left to have a
second chance? It's not how good of a person we are, but how much we
fear and respect God. In other words it's what is in our hearts that
will take us through hazardous times. There won't be any way one can
talk their way out of the mess they have made of their lives. The
Great Judge has already decided the verdict. No appealing will be
allowed. I truly believe this is what the bible teaches. If we love
God we will obey His teachings. We can't keep on doing the things
that have messed up our lives. Hard to swallow? Yes indeed, but truth
is truth, and it's in the bible.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
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