Friday, September 6, 2019

"Some Will Last longer Than Others"

                              One of the last to go, but it will go soon. 9-6-2019 Perryton

Trying to get a grip on what I'm seeing, and hearing, after the hurricane, Dorian, hit the Bahamas six days ago. The reporter was standing in the midst of a ravaged neighborhood with nothing higher than his knees standing. Honestly it looked like crushing machinery had been placed there. I thought it was bad until I heard him say bodies were protruding everywhere. After six days and bodies were partly showing all over the large area of a ravaged neighborhood? I can only relate to a rose bush where beautiful roses used to be in full bloom, and brought smiles to all who viewed them. Now since the high wind, and hail, along with the terrible heat, this one little sickly rose is all that is left, but still trying to smile. The confirmed dead at this time in the Bahamas is 30, but the reporter said thousands were missing. News like this can have a devastating effect on weaklings like me. I know it's true, but so hard to believe. This happened in God's country, and for what reason? God was the one who gave the signal for it to happen. No man-made power could stop it. Not even those who claim they can control the climate. Will it get to where human lives are no more important than the flies we swat on our food tables? I believe to some it will, but to others never. Of course those killed in that hurricane have the same promise of a new life in a better place just like the rest of us. Whether it's one life at a time, or thousands, we all are leaving this old sinful world in time. I'm so thankful for God's strength to those who grieve so hard.

Whether it was the bad news or something else, I have not been very productive today. I partly cleaned my kitchen before I went to lunch at the Center, but so far I've done nothing else. I guess there will be a tomorrow, if not I won't need to do anything else anyway. As far today I will be still, and wait upon the Lord. I have plans but who knows if they will materialize or not. I am sure of one thing, whatever I decide to do it will be God's direction for me. I am just that positive of His love for me. We may not always understand, but we will always take, and be thankful for whatever happens in our life. I am sure tomorrow, if it does come, will be a new, and more blessed day for me. God will have comforted me from the deadly hurricane, and the mass shooting both of which took place this week. I may have to wake up in the night, like I did last night, and plead the blood of Jesus over the enemy taking control of my sleep, and giving me nightmares, but God is always there to touch my mind, and make it think normal again. He has never failed me yet.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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