Saturday, September 14, 2019

"Youthful Energy Is So Presious"

    Having fun while being helpful. God loves the little children, 9-14-2019 Perryton, TX

After the little guys football games this morning the clean-up cart is covering the grounds while a couple of little boys jump off and pick up every little piece of trash. This school puts a lot of time and money into keeping the buildings, and grounds neat and clean. The big game was last night with the Perryton Rangers and the Canadian Wildcats. Sorry to say the score was 48-0 in favor of the Wildcats. Even worse several of the Rangers were left with injuries. I am glad to say that I no longer have sons, or grandsons playing football, although they all still are very much big fans of the game. My husband and I used to have reserved seats at the Perryton football stadium, and never missed a game. But those days have long been over, and I now sat on my porch and watch the score board and listen to the excitement. Time does make changes in our lifestyles, and will continue to do so as long as we live. I'm just thankful for the slower speed instead of the no speed at all.

This being Saturday I had a lot of shopping to do. I shopped at three different stores with the last being the grocery store. I bought a large bill of groceries, and have them all put up. I fixed my own lunch instead of going out to eat with the widowed group. I have a lot of time left, but my back pain is telling me I can't do much else today. The arthritis medicine helps but doesn't completely kill the pain. It's always worse some days than others. I do appreciate that. It's always nice to get out of bed in the mornings without any pain at all. I realize my blessings are many, and I am so thankful.

I read in the paper this morning where another one of my long time friends has passed away. I did not know she was having any health issues. I hadn't seen her in awhile, and assumed she was still working for the School Distract. I don't know what happened, but she was a Christian, and I believe she is now in heaven. Every time I lose a friend, (and it's getting to be pretty often,) I wonder how much more time do I have left. I don't let that thought bother me much because I still enjoy my life, and look forward to a new day at the end of every day. I learned years ago to Trust God, because that's what He told me to do. Whatever happens or don't happen, I will trust God. I still have lots of living friends, and I fully enjoy their friendship. My neighbors are the best ever, and I see them every day. What an encouragement they are to me. I pray that I can be the same to them. When it's all said and done, we all will be together forever in the place of eternal peace, and rest.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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