Monday, September 16, 2019

"My Surprise For Today"

           Long winged odonate dragonfly. Glad it didn't land on my nose. 9-16-2019 Perryton, TX

This bug kept my interest today for quite some time. I'm classifying it as a Odonata Dragonfly. It landed on a small cable line right in front of me. It flew off several times, but immediately came right back. I was able to take many pictures of it. The wings were so long and skinny that I could not identify it. I saw a picture of a odonate dragonfly on google that looked like it. I don't think I had ever seen one like it before. I was not able to read it's mind as to why it kept sitting on a cable line. I'm sure it was not getting any nourishment from that. It was close to my head, and I could move as close as I wanted to it and it wouldn't fly away. However, it did fly away several time when I wasn't even moving, but just instantly came back. I'm always ready to find something different whether it be bugs, clouds, birds or whatever. I was raised on a farm with three brothers, and a creek running through our land. We would go out almost every day hunting for living creatures, and we always found a lot. We never killed any of them just liked to look at them. Today when I'm out looking for unusual creatures, I somehow feel like my brothers are still with me. They have all left me, and I miss them so much.

I haven't been so industrious today. Maybe I used too much of my energy yesterday. I did vacuum my floors, and that is hard for me to manage. I did some banking, and stopped at the grocery store, and lumber yard, now I am restfully writing my blog. I can always unload my thoughts on this computer, and sometimes I get some impute. I always welcome everything anyone has to say to me. Most of the time the comments are encouraging, even though we may not agree. I want the true feeling from people, and not just to flatter. I try hard to be that same kind of person. I think disagreement can be spoken in the most loving kind of way. We all have the bible to help us come to our conclusions. When we are finished with this life then we will be judged according to our honesty, and not our lies. Two lies don't make a right, and one lie is bad for the soul. I truly believe America has lost all decency when it comes to lying. I also believe this is a loss that can never be recovered. I do believe also that we should think more seriously about this hell bound nation than ignoring it. Evil will not go away just because we don't want to think about it. If we stay true to God it's going to take a lot of praying on our part. Yes, we all are going to be tried, because the bible teaches that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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