Monday, September 30, 2019

"The Sun Is Shinning In My Soul"

Yes, it's the sun shinning through the tree. I loved the way it touched me this morning. 9-30-2019 Perryton, TX

So my sunshine was right back to see me this morning. It was so bright till I had to get behind a tree to take it's picture. The difference between me and my sunshine when I first wake up in the morning I have to hide from the public for quite awhile or I would scare them. I walk bent over, my face is certainly not shinning, and my hair is standing straight up all over my head. I like to keep my pajamas on sometimes till noon. The sun don't wear pajamas, and it never sleeps. When it's hiding it's not because it looks bad. It is still shinning somewhere. When I see it first peeping through the horizon it always has a brightness that would blind the eye to look directly at it. Seeing this bright sunshine this morning has helped me today to do a heap of things that makes me happy. I was out of my pajamas early, taking my bath, and getting ready to go for lunch at the Center. I got a good meal, and saw a lot of smiles while I was there. When I got home I painted for two hours, and now I'm writing my blog. I was especially happy when I checked to see how many clicks was on my yesterday's blog. A big total of 78, and the time for that blog viewing will not be up till 7 o'clock this evening. I'm so thankful that someone is possible getting something out of my commits. I never know what I'm going to write till I sit down at my computer. I told God years ago if I had a talent to please help me to use it. I didn't want to be like the servant in the bible that buried his talent because he was afraid he would not be able to increase it if he tried to use it. God took it away from him because of his lack of faith. I haven't buried my talent, but if it has increased I'm not aware of it. I will continue to trust God with all I have.

The thing I like most about trusting God is I know He will not fail. Sometimes my prayers get answered quickly, and sometimes it has taken years, but I keep the victory because I know I will get them answered bye, and bye. His timing is always better than mine, and I don't want to rush Him, because I don't always ask for things that would be the best for me. I would never ask God to let me win the million dollar lottery, although if I should win it, I would certainly give Him praise. I do not want that million if God didn't make it available for me. How wonderful it is to trust in God for everything we have whether it be precious children, and grandchildren, or a roof over our heads. I love everything God gives me, and will always thank Him for them. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp                                    

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