Thursday, September 26, 2019

"Happy Birthday To My Friends"

                         Almost the same age, still young, and spry. 9-26-2019 Perryton TX

What a happy time about forty of us had today at two of our good friends birthday party. It was a surprise, and when another friend brought the two honorees in for lunch they had no idea that a large crowd was going to have lunch with them. It was such fun, and I got to see some old co-workers that I hadn't seen in years. One of the birthday honorees sister-in-law's so graciously planned, and hosted the lovely buffet luncheon. All invitees were so appreciative of her generous gift to them. One of the birthday gals had been a co-worker of mine over forty years ago. We still share our friendship at the Senior Citizen's Center three times a week. Nothing could make the heart rejoice more than being at a party like we were today. I feel so blessed to have such a great bunch of wonderful friends,

I did have to miss most of the testimony of Acting Intelligence Director, Joseph Aguirre at the Congressional hearing this morning. I had too many others things going, but I did hear a lot of it. I am fully convinced that this Democratic party is nothing but a bunch of American traitors who are working around the clock to destroy America. They must be stopped before they go any farther. It's gone so far out of control now till it will take an act of war to ever settle the problem. I fully believe more people are for fighting for American than those against it. The wise will always do everything in their power to avoid war, but if needs to be, it will happen. That would undoubtedly be a worse war than the previous Civil War. We must not ever give into evil regardless what the price might be.

With this turbulence we all are living in at this time, it is always soothing to get away like this morning, and attend a happy birthday party with friends whom you can fully trust. We cannot conquer the fear, and reality of a bad situation in our country, but we can get a shot of pain relief just by sharing good old times, and some humorous words that only good people can produce. That, and a time in prayer with our God, will take us through to a safe landing. I feel pumped up, and would so like to tell some of those evil democrats, and a few RINO'S just where they are headed. I know it wouldn't faze them, but it sure would make me feel better. As long as we can joke, and still be serious, I believe we are in good shape. I will be attending the luncheon tomorrow at the Center, and will again get another pain relief shot. Those smiles, and funny remarks are the best pain killers I know of. Thank you Lord for giving me the privilege of being part of such strong, and sweet fellowship.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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