Monday, September 9, 2019

"Every Ear Must Hear The Word Of God"

It's past time to speak out. "The idol mind is the devil's workshop"  9-9-2019 Perryton, TX

If I'm not saying it you are not hearing it. I have been silent the past couple of days just reading, and thinking. Now I am speaking out on something that troubles me. I would like for everyone to read Paul's letter he wrote to the Corinthians in chapter 4 and 5. I am far from understanding this message. Remember this teaching from Paul is in the New Testament after Christ came and made us to no longer live under the old law, but under grace. Yet it seems as though Paul is speaking very harsh, and plain words about what we should do about abstaining from sinful people. Corinthians 4:11, But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater,or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. Right before this scripture, and after also, Paul is telling us not to judge any man. If I am any interpreter at all, I am hearing Paul say do not keep company with Christians, yes he says any man that is called a brother, if they are involved with this kind of life. Would we not be judging if we did that? I suppose he meant if we knowingly keep company with these kind of brothers we are sinning ourselves. It's hard to read the Apostle John's book of love, then turn to Paul's book of strict instructions.

The early churches were all more positive than abstract about the Word of God. It was considered to be a high honor to be accepted by Christ, and know for sure that He had forgiven them of their sins. It carried a high penalty if one professed to being a Christian, then went back to their old ways. It was called backsliding, and most people were in that state of being several times before they ever overcame the old way of life. I for one have been led by the Word to believe, once a Christian, always a Christian, but every Christian commits sin every day. We must repent daily for our sins, and strive to live more perfect. If we knowingly commit sin, it is much harder to receive forgiveness, because the Word plainly says, “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” We can get forgiveness, but we also have to reap the sin. So the thing about good and evil is something to keep us thinking every minute of every day. We must think strongly before we act. No one gets a free pass to do anything they want to do. It must be o k with God, like it had to be o k with our earthly fathers, before we do things that we may not be sure about. When all guilt has left our minds, we can be a happy, joyous, blessed person. We have a duty to claim victory over past sins, because Jesus died for that reason.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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