Tuesday, September 10, 2019

"Living A Long Beautiful Life Is God's Choice"

Today September 10, 2019 these flowers are still beautiful. Thank you Lord. 9-10- 2019 Perryton, TX
Nothing short of frost is going to make these sunflowers give up. They are very lively, and pretty I must say. I still have a good crop of them in my back yard. No other flower is alive back there, just the sunflowers. We are in mid September, and all other green stuff is completely dead. But of course the asparagus. It will probably out live the sunflower. I started to cut, and rake up all the dead stuff back there the other day, but when I opened the back door to my patio a 12' snake started crawling off the patio. I didn't have a chance to kill it, so I am through with the yard work until I'm sure all the snakes have bedded up for winter. I haven't seen even a baby snake in my yard for years, but I'm sure this one has a mom, and dad somewhere close by. Chuck said it's only a garden shake, but it might as well be a rattle snake, because a snake is a snake. They are evil from their head to their tail. One more snake and I'm leaving my happy home. I can handle spiders, frogs, lizards, and even mosquito's, but snakes no.

The most exciting thing to happen today is the football boys getting ready for a big game Friday. Even that is not drawing near as much attention as it used to. Something definitely is happening to the American sports enthusiasm. There is no need to deny it, America has lost a lot of what used to make it a great country in which to live. What lies ahead is anyone's guess, but most people have developed a negative feeling. We must fight that attitude with everything we've got. “Only the righteous shall live by faith,” and I hope I am one of those. I am convinced there is not enough evil in hell, or on earth, to over power the Great Creator. We must praise God through pain, and tears. He will never leave nor forsake us. We may have to wade through confusion, but the air is clean just a few steps away. I sat with an old Christian friend yesterday having a coke together. She ask me at least three or four times in a few minutes how old I was. She is very much in a pitiful shape, and it breaks my heart. Yet she still has drivers licenses, and goes out to eat every day. She couldn't remember yesterday if she had eaten or not when I arrived. I'm sure she had because she orders her food as soon as she walks through the door. The table was clean except for the drinks, but she could not remember. I have trouble understanding things like this. Sometimes she remembers things clearly that happened years ago, but she can't remember if she had eaten or not. This lady was a business person, and was very successful in her business. She has wealth, but does not know one thing about her business now. She eats, and talks like she is living in poverty. She has one son who is trying hard to deal with her, but it is very stressful for him. What is it that makes God's believers lose their minds? I must not ask such questions.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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