Not something one would want to be hovering over you for long. 9-22-2019 Perryton, TX.
I am posting a dangerous
looking cloud this afternoon that seems to describe the condition of
my heart until this present morning. For many years I have dealt with
problems out of my control, but I could not release them from my
heart because of a love God had given me for certain people. That
love was so great until I actually toiled for years trying to change
the disgraceful ways some were sticking with till death do them part.
The scripture “Love covereth a multitude of sin,” 1 Peter 4:8.
seemed to over shadow all hopelessness I so often felt. This morning
September 22, 2019 I am positive that I got the message loud and
clear that I was to let go of this hopeless situation. The feeling
was like I buried some of my precious loved ones this morning that I
had struggled for years to help keep alive. When the final good-bye
was said, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my heart. I
had such peace like I had not felt in years. My love for these souls
has not lessened, but I no longer carry the hope I had for so long. I
have now joined the ranks of “do what's right even if it kills
you.” Too many people ignore the scripture in Genesis 6:3-5, “My
Spirit shall not always strive with man.” Some will argue that this
is found in the old testament, true, but I am led to believe it holds
true today. When God says enough is enough, He means it. I fully
believe all men have had a chance to repent of their sins, but
refused for lack of disbelief. A person with deaf ears to God's Word
is a sad case of eternal damnation.
This could even be my last
day on earth, but if so I am ready, and will be waiting for my call.
I know I haven't been the greatest warrior for God, but I know I have
been fighting for many years for His cause. I trust that when my time
comes I will be given the sweetest peace one could ever imagine. All
of my earthly fears, and pain will forever be gone. I can truly say I
have some of the sweetest friends, and loved ones any person could
hope for, but I must also say I have some of the most cruel, and
disrespectful enemies one can barely endure. Jesus told us if we are
hated by many just to remember He was hated before us. That is the
help I depend on when I am lied to, and made to look like a fool.
Stephen looked up to heaven when he was being stoned for being a
Christian and said, “Father forgive them for they know not what
they do.” I say the same prayer for my killers today. This is what
brings the victory that overcomes the world.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
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