Monday, September 23, 2019

"Let Me Tell you"

         Myrtle Jean Sharp standing in front of some of her paintings. 9-23-2019 Perryton, TX

Let me tell you life is good if we chose to make it that way. Sometimes we hang onto things that sap us from victory, but when we finally do decide to let go, the happiness begins in a big way. I am posting myself portrait today just one day after I posted a very bad day for me yesterday. I was extremely blessed at the Center today while having lunch with friends. Of course my heart was still sad, and always will be, but The good Lord puts a smile on our faces even in times of sadness. He makes us forget, and will heal every tear that dim our eyes. I took this picture of myself immediately after I walked in my house after lunch. I had felt such peace, and joy till I just had to share. Some of my friends and I made plans to celebrate together an evening at the newly opened, beautiful casino near where we live. Before the luncheon I was invited to a birthday party that I am so looking forward to. The invites just keep coming making me to know for sure that I made a right choice yesterday even thought it broke my heart. I do not know what the future holds, but I am sure of one thing, I know who holds the future. It took me several years to give up on something I wanted to happen so badly. Now I am sure it just was not God's will. Now I am reaping the benefits of my long sufferings. How can I ever thank God enough?

The rest of this day is being spent by doing two hours of painting, and cooking a meal to take to my son's house tomorrow. I have been getting a lot of things done that I had been putting off for a way too long. I even ran the sweeper this morning before I started getting ready for the luncheon. Believe it or not that was the second time this week I had ran it. I even washed my breakfast dishes, one bowl and a cup, a spoon and a fork. Yep, this is me coming back to life. I don't know how long it will last, but it sure feels good while it is lasting. Please don't mistake me for bragging. I am just letting people know that God still answers prayer if we will give him a chance.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I know more blessings are in store for me. I hope this bit of sharing will prompt you to change an old way, and give God a chance to bless you even more than before. It's not always easy, but it wasn't easy for Jesus to die on the cross either. He paved the road for you and I. Let us not continue to make it hard for Him. He simply asks us to trust, and obey. If we trust we will be obeying when we make a tough decision.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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