Friday, September 20, 2019

"A Drop Of Rain From Above Is Better Than A Gallon From Undergroundd"

Rain drops are falling on my pavement. Rain clouds are coming closer. 9-20-2019 Perryton, TX

The rain did happen while I was asleep. I had .25 hundredths of an inch in my rain gauge this morning. There is still an overcast, and a slight chance of more rain. The temperature is a cool 64 degree at 11 o'clock this morning. I am not looking forward to winter, as my sister reminded me this morning. I need to change my attitude and be thankful for all the blessings in my life. I have a long, black, winter coat I haven't worn but once or twice in several years. I haven't thought I had an appropriate time to wear it, but just maybe I can sport it this winter. It wasn't exactly cheap, and I was sorry I ever bought it. I will now be waiting for that extra cold day when I can show it off, even if it may be out of style. I'm glad I have something to make me feel better about winter.

It's always nice to talk to a sister. I visited by phone with one of mine in Oklahoma City this morning. We talked for close to an hour, and I thanked God again for keeping my sisters happy, and cheerful when they really have a lot of things happening to them to make them less cheerful. I have three sisters who mean the world to me. I am the oldest so I can be the bossy one sometimes. It just so happens none of us want to boss the others, so we have a beautiful relationship. However, I do use my opinion a lot. All of us are widows so we are fully free to do what we want. Our independence is worth more than money, so we feel pretty rich. My plans for now are to spend two or three days with two of my sisters next week. I plan to travel to Oklahoma City, but my plans are not concrete. A few things have to be decided yet before I will know for sure.

I'm back now from a lunch break. I had a big crispy bierox, and a cup of coffee. The last time I made bierox I put several in the freezer wrapped individually in foil. I can heat them in the oven for 30 minutes, and they are just like fresh. They are not a diet food, but sometimes I have to forget the diet. I have two hours ahead of me to work on portraits, so I must change my train of thought and start consecrating on the many mistakes I have made on these four faces I have painted. They are minor ones, but when I change any little thing it causes to have to change another two or three more. I will get there if I don't get spellbound on perfection. If I wait for a mood I would never finish a painting, and it's hard to paint when you are not in the mood. Now that the sun has come out I am going to paint.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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