Sunday, September 29, 2019

"You Are My Sunshine"

                 I'll take this every day of the year if it be possible. 9-29-2019 Perryton, TX

I stand in my yard looking up at a bright sun, and beautiful white clouds moving quickly around the globe. I watch also on my I-phone as it says the Governor of Montana has declared a state of emergency after several feet of snow was dumped a few hours ago on their state. That makes me so thankful that my husband and I, decided to quit his good job in Montana with Shell Oil Company, and come back to God's country. That was about 55 years ago, but I still remember the terrible cold winters we had to live through while there. My husband had such a good job till it was hard for us to give it up, but we've never been sorry. However, I will always be thankful we were transferred to Montana because it was there that I met my Lord Jesus personally. I was desperate for something real to show me that God was also blessing people in a cold, blizzardous country. I was met with the real Spirit of Jesus, and have never been the same since. I think it was this personal experience that gave me the faith to encourage my distressed husband to quit his job, and go back home. He was going out in the oil field every morning where he never saw a person all day long, just reading meters, and making logs. He had to drive on ice the entire time he left the house until he got to his work location. The winters were long, and almost unbearable for I, and our two little boys. The town we lived in was barely a town. There was nothing there but a few places where one could survive on the few food items until they could get to a larger town several miles away. The moving van came and loaded our furniture, and within weeks we were permanently settled in Perryton, Texas where I still live as a widow. I have many precious memories, but I still have a few that weren't so good. Sometimes God leads us through dark valleys so He can rescue our souls.

Being a widow, and all of my children living hundreds of miles form me except one, makes me lonely, but I am so thankful for my blessed life. Some winters I may not see any snow at all, and never do I see large drifts for months at a time. The coldest days are not so bad that I don't get out if I have somewhere I want to go. Of course I prefer the summers, and that great sunshine, but I won't complain when the sun don't shine. I always know it will be back in a short while. The great state of Texas is my choice of all, and the great United States of America is my choice of all other nations. May we all fight with our President Trump to keep it in our control. God Bless America.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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