Wednesday, September 25, 2019

"I See Beauty All Around Me"

          Let the people rejoice. God is taking care of everything. 9-25-2019 Perryton, TX

I thought these pretty flowers were worthy to be put on my blog since we are already in the autumn season. They are part of a neighbors lovely yard, that I always admire. Flowers never fail to make me appreciate their beauty. I'm going to miss mine so much this winter. I will have to settle for snow covered trees, and bushes. Even icicles hanging from the roof tops sometimes four feet long. I have to get used to staying home a lot because of icy pavement we have to walk on. It's not a pleasant thought, but we can handle it. I have low rate telephone service, access to the internet, and plenty of art projects to keep me busy. Then there is the news that is reporting something new every day. It doesn't stay boring for very long at a time. Wickedness seems to be increasing more than abortions. Or should I say more than just abortions. It's a sad world when people lose all respect for God. The result is more respect for Satan, and his hell angles. The day is coming when God will destroy this wicked world by fire, and I'm beginning to believe it won't be much longer. God put a rainbow in the sky after He destroyed the world by water. That was to say floods will never destroy the world again, but we haven't seen a fire extinguisher in the sky yet because the world has yet to be destroyed by fire.

We who are reading our bibles, and trusting in God have nothing to worry about; but you who are believing in science, and greater knowledge obtained from it, you should be very scared. Man was made to fail. Only God will never fail. I am a firm believer in seeking knowledge for things in this world, but never going so far as to try to become smarter, or even equal with God. He made man, then He made woman, and anyone who tries to change that will surly die in grief, and sorrow. Anyone who leaves God out of their life will also suffer for their ignorance. We must not forget that we are made from dust of God's big earth, and dust we will return. That includes even the greatest scientist ever born, whether it be world power seekers, or body changers. I know I will be laughed at for saying this, but I wouldn't change places with any of the like. Others may not know this about me, but I know I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. I also know I am a child of the King of the Kings, As long as I know it doesn't matter what others think. It didn't cost me a cent, just a sincere heart seeking the truth, and willing to die for Christ if God should decide. I gave Him my all, and He gave me His all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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