Saturday, September 21, 2019

"Roses To Cheer Me Up Today"

                         Just when I needed them they showed up. 9-21-2019 Perryton, TX

Just when I thought I would see no more roses this year, today I find these beauties smiling at me. I smiled back, and took their picture. I guess the little bit of rain three days ago gave them some new life. It definitely is getting near heater time. I haven't turned mine on yet, but neither do I turn on the air conditioner. I don't even open the windows, or doors because it's comfortable with just natural temperature. I sat outside a bit earlier today, and it was so pleasant. It's just one of my days to feel real good in my soul. I had finished my two hours of painting, and ate my lunch so I needed to get some fresh air, and rest awhile. Now I am writing my daily blog, and when I am finished with it I will beautify myself in my own beauty parlor, and be ready for an exciting new week next week. I'll be making a trip to Oklahoma City to visit two of my sisters. My youngest sister isn't well, and I need to be with her for awhile.

I will be excusing myself from the Widower's group this evening because I won't be finished with my work in time to attend. I did plan to go, but just didn't work out this time. There is also a special meeting at the Senior Citizen's Center tonight. This would be a fun night out, but again I have too much to do today to be going out tonight. Hopefully I can make up for all the fun I am missing this week when I go to Oklahoma City next week. Tomorrow I will be busy getting everything ready for the trip. Also Monday I will be doing last minute details. Tuesday I will work, then Wednesday I will be leaving. I would appreciate prayers for my sister, and a safe trip for me.

One of my most needed scriptures to stand on is Nehemiah 8:10. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Fifty years after the loss of a baby at three days old, I still grieve. I grieve every day for all of my lost loved ones. If I didn't pray daily, and seek to keep myself entertained, I believe I would go crazy. It has been hard for me all of my life to give up a loved one to death. Even others who are not related to me, I just don't want to give them up. I have read the bible through several times, and have been trusting God most of my life, but it is still beyond my understanding why people must die, The only thing that comforts me is the Word of God, and to fully put my trust in Him. However, I will never say I don't feel nothing when people die. Every human life is a creation from God, and without a doubt I believe God grieves when any of them die. That's because He feels their pain, even though He knows to die is to gain. So to pass off death in a nonchalant manner is an insult to me. I am glad to share my grief with the Lord of all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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