Tuesday, September 24, 2019

"Like A Tree Thats Planted By The Water I Shall Not Be Moved"

                              What beautiful trees I passed today. 9-24-2019 Perryton, TX

On my way home from work today I noticed these gorgeous trees. The sun was reflecting on the leaves making them look like silver dollars. The uniform shape of each tree made them look fake. These trees made a lovely attraction to the property. I had to thank God again for His beautiful creation, and His desire to make people enjoy a life of peace and joy. In just a few weeks the trees will be bare of all those silvery leaves, and only skeletons will be visible for several months; But even the life of the deep rooted trees will spring back to when the time has passed for them to rest.

The tree of human life we are will also die, but will live again in a different yard. The skeleton we became will not be made to live again, but a new body with everlasting beauty, and painless spirits will replace the temporal bodies we now have. I for one have made peace in accepting this fact from our Heavenly Father. For that reason I will commit to leaving every one of my loved ones in God's hand. Of course that includes my own life. All of the hurts, and disappoints that have been flooding this old earthly body will be put to rest. We must accept the part of the blame we ourselves have caused others to bare. We can never undo that hurt we caused others, but we can trust God to lighten the sorrow. However, we must admit our guilt, and be sorry for it.

Many people have not had that veil removed from their eyes that Paul speaks about in 2 Corinthians chapter 3. Moses put a veil over his face so the people could not see the brightness of God, because they did not believe in Moses teaching. To this day the veil is still blinding those who do not believe the New Testament. Only God can remove that veil, and only if people will truly believe in Jesus Christ. Those who say they believe in Jesus, but have not proven to God the Father that they do, will never have the veil removed. They die as a blind person who never saw the spirit of Jesus. The blind cannot lead the blind lest they both fall into the ditch. Matthew 15:14. So much of the truth of God has been passed up for a tickling of the ears. Therefore they have a veil over their eyes. God said He would not have the wombs reopened of his Son Jesus. He will not allow Jesus to be mocked. Again people would say oh I would never do that yet they do it every time they mock one of Jesus accepted followers. It is a serious thing to mock a child of God, even with the veil over their eyes. I am just reveling what I have been taught by the Holy Spirit. Hopefully it will lead others to become more serious with God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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