Adam and Eve after the serpent made a fool of Eve. Sorry it didn't come out more clear, but at least it's very clear on my wall. 9-11-2019 Perryton, TX
I wanted to post one of my
favorite paintings today. It's Adam and Even in the beautiful garden
before sin entered the world. Their only friends were the animals,
the fowl, the fishes, the poultry, and the reptiles. Because there
were no sin the friends of every nature of creature were nothing but
a body of love. However, I am stumped again when I read that the
snake was the first evil friend who caused the whole world to become
sin. The serpent attacked Eve with a lot of lies, and because of
it's beauty, Eve was persuaded to believe it. I am believing the
snake had legs and walked like the other animals before it caused Eve
to disobey the God of all creation. The reason I believe that is
because the Word tells us that after it deceived Eve, God caused it
to crawl on it's belly every after. I tried to paint a beautiful
snake for that reason, but because I hate snakes so much I had
trouble making the snake look like anything but the way I see them
today. My idea of Adam was a tall, muscular, dark headed man with
long hair. I saw Eve as being medium built with blond hair, and tiny
breast. No offense to blonds, but somehow they seem more fragile,
than other beautiful women. This painting occurred after the sin was
committed, but nothing had changed yet except the guilt of nakedness.
The leaves the couple used to cover their genital organs is obvious
that God never intended the sex parts of the body to be uncovered in
the public eye. It was an automatic feeling Adam, and Eve got quickly
when they realized they had disobeyed God. In other words those who
use the nakedness of others, or themselves, for lust are committing a
dirty crime against our God. It was the beginning of sexual desire,
although there was not any sin yet, that made this evil world explode
with sin. Worse than that the majority of the people do not believe
that being sexual promiscuous is wrong. How can anyone claim to be a
friend of God who laugh at the idea of sexual promiscuous being
wrong? I've heard many times that the road to hell is paved with sin.
Smooth sailing until you get there.
So many times we say our
two cents is not going to make a difference, but I am not satisfied
to not put it in anyway. God's beautiful world of sinless beginning
has become a dwelling place of a filthy gutter filled with
sickening diseases, both physically, and mentally. Everyone has to
deal with the consequences there off. Have you just one penny to
place in the offering plate? We might someday be told that our one or
two cents bought a lot of goods. It's worth a try. At least we can
be called servants of God for a good reason.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
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