Saturday, September 7, 2019

"Jewelry Not For Sale"

Jewelry that I wear the most. It's easy to find something to match what I'm wearing. 9-7-2019 Perryton, TX
I looked at my dresser today, and I thought to myself, I can't believe this. It is totally cluttered. Mostly jewelry that I need to keep laid out so I can match pieces that I want to wear with a certain outfit. My jewelry boxes are all full, and it takes too much time to go through them to pick out something to wear. I just got into the habit of laying all the pieces that match together on the top of my dresser. I save a lot of time that way. I can never have a house cleaner to clean my house because they couldn't move all my stuff so they could dust. The same goes with running the vacuum sweeper. I have so many purses stacked up in a corner of my dinning room till it would be impossible to move them long enough to sweep. I sweep around them, and sometimes I dust around the jewelry. My several pieces of luggage is usually stored in certain places in my four bedrooms because the closets are already full of other stored things. This is not the same person that raised four kids, and worked outside the home, and kept everything in order around the house. Yes, it is the same person, but not the same particular person who had to have everything perfect when dressing the children for school, and at least partly picking up after everyone left before I went to work. I don't know why the change, but there certainly has been a big one. I can't even keep picked up after myself now. Rather I don't, but it's not that I can't. I still am very good at procrastinating. Better than ever before. But the truth is I want to keep it that way. Clean, yes, but perfect, and nothing out of place, no. I guess I finished with trying to keep up with the lovely look of nothing out of place, no dust to be seen, and no dishes in the sink. I know I'm not in heaven yet, but I am trying out the leisure before I get there.

I have only one big job left today before I take my bath and go to bed. I have to peal fresh peaches and make a big cobbler for church tomorrow. But I do have to manicure my nails after the bath. Laying all jokes aside I still have a lot of have to's if I continue to enjoy my life. I also cut and fix my hair. Sometimes I spend hours searching for cloths that must take my eye. I am the best bargain hunter in the world. I never see anything expensive that I like. I guess that is one of my talents. I love life, I love people, and I love doing things that I enjoy the most. These are the things that make my life happy, and blessed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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