Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Heavenly Father Knows All Things"

Jean's Comment's: "The Heavenly Father Knows All Things": My son, Chuck, is concerned about bag worms eating up his evergreen. 7-31-2018 Perryton, TX   I sneaked a picture of my son, Chuck, whi...

"The Heavenly Father Knows All Things"

My son, Chuck, is concerned about bag worms eating up his evergreen. 7-31-2018 Perryton, TX
I sneaked a picture of my son, Chuck, while he was looking over the evergreen tree that bag worms are eating away on. If anyone wants to see a beautiful head of wavy, gray
hair click on the zoom button, and there it is. He has worn his hair long every since he graduated from high school. The school he attended would not allow the boys to have long hair, so he waited till he graduated. I think his graduation picture is nothing short of a handsome young man. I have been told that by many others, but handsome was not what my son wanted to be. He wanted to identify more with bible characters. His favorite being Jesus. He is not a religious person, but he definitely believes in the bible. He could tell you some very interesting stories about the bible times, but he will never say but just a slight introduction to his deep-felt understanding of the ancient creation of God. To say it more clearly, Chuck is the mystery guy that everyone who ever knew him talks about. Even his class mates who became lawyers, doctors, teachers, and all in between wonder why Chuck wasted his life away. He will tell you he never had a chance to develop his high IQ. That is partly true, but mostly because of his own doing. He will never admit that any of it was ever his fault, nor was he ever treated fairly by those in authority. He does not blame his parents, because he knows they went that extra mile for him, but he does hold grudges against some high-up people in this community. Several of them have long ago died, but I never have heard Chuck say they got what they deserved, although I have said it many times, though not where Chuck could hear me. We taught him to respect those in authority, whether we believed them to be right or wrong. The mystery will go to the grave with him. But I pray in the next life I can be given the reason for all his miserable life, when he really loves all people, and would never raise a finger to make anyone sorry for mistreating him. This is just the tip of the iceberg of my description of the son who Physiologist explained to us like this. He said there was just a thin line between genus and abnormality. If we understood the Physiologist right, our son was neither. That's why we have had so much patience with him all of his life. If ever we had a question that needed an intelligent answer, we always asked Chuck. Whether it be Bible related, ancient history, American history, or up to date happenings all over the world. I can't recall ever seeing much of a smile, or a tear from this mysterious, loving son. He was engaged once when very young. The marriage never happened, and I don't know of another serious relationship Chuck ever had, but he has many friends both male and female. He has a carbon copy mind. He is 67 years old. And now I have shared the most truthful and loving words I could possible find of my oldest son, Chuck.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 30, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Will Of Nature"

Jean's Comment's: "The Will Of Nature": This butterfly was the first this spring to come back to my flowers. It wouldn't open it's wings, but was a pretty sight with them...

"The Will Of Nature"

This butterfly was the first this spring to come back to my flowers. It wouldn't open it's wings, but was a pretty sight with them open. 7-30-2018 Perryton, TX
Maybe it's too early yet, but this is the third butterfly I have seen this summer. Last summer my flowers were covered with butterflies at this time. The beauty of the flowers are fading fast. I'm not happy about that, but like everything else good in life they are here for a short time. We doctor and nurse these beauties and it helps keep them alive and looking prettier, but when their time is up they have to go. What is this big world of wonder anyway? I won't even try to explain. I walk by faith, and not by sight. I go to bed at night, and get up in the morning day after day. I have done that for 85 years now. I'm still blooming, but not zooming. I still cook the good food I learned how when I was a very young little girl. I have a big meatloaf in the oven now, and I wonder why I keep doing it. It's really because Chuck and I still have to eat. I always have extra to put in the freezer. Chuck can have something to eat when I am away from home for awhile. I must admit I am enjoying my life more every day. How is that possible? Another wonder of this world. I see lot's of other people my age having the same excitement as I am. We are tough, winterized flowers refusing to fall off the stalk. A little faded, but not ugly. We still have some admirers, and I thank God for that.

Not a day goes by but what I get a surprise, and a good one at that. I think that is what keeps the little girl in me who somewhat still believes in the tooth fairy. I don't have any more teeth to trade in,( I'm tooth sound, not subject to decay,) but the dream fairy is still real to me. It's not like I dream of Prince Charming coming my way, it's like I dream of going Prince Charmings' way. I know he is out there somewhere, and I will keep looking for him. I will not settle for anything less. I will not be surprised when this happens. It might be in the next life, but who cares I am contented to wait. I could be the party pooper and leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth, but I prefer to spread some happiness, so help me God. I don't want any more wrinkles on my face. A smile will keep them off. I love people who smile a lot. Especially those who seemingly have nothing to smile about. It does hurt me terribly, but I smile with them. A great reward is waiting for them. No one knows the pain someone may be feeling behind that smile. How could anyone not be thankful for the times they are having fun? Never, never forget to ask God to put a smile on everyone's face. And also to send them a great big blessing. Life is not, nor never has been a bed of roses for anyone. Never forget that. We don't know why, but it is that way.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Let Us Remember The Beauty Of Others"

Jean's Comment's: "Let Us Remember The Beauty Of Others": Sorry, Sunny my love. you lived long past your life span. and I thank you for the happiness you gave me. 7-29-2018 Perryton, TX   I lif...

"Let Us Remember The Beauty Of Others"

Sorry, Sunny my love. you lived long past your life span. and I thank you for the happiness you gave me. 7-29-2018 Perryton, TX
I lifted up her head and spoke these words to her. “Sorry Sunny Flower, that you have to go, but you have lived much longer than your expected life span just so you could keep me happy. May you die peacefully.” This sun flower has been broad and bold for a long time. It grew alone, and out performed the other sun flowers in size and beauty. It has finally had to say good-bye. I mourn her death since she has been so perfectly adorned among-est the Morning Glories. She will be in hospice for several days yet, then I will place her seeds in a urn maybe for planting next year. Life and death are essential, so we need to use this life for the best to help others. There will be no more smiles for us after the last breath is breathed. Just memories will linger on. Like the sun flower I have enjoyed showing my true beauty, and enjoyed the sweetness of those who let me know of it, but when the time comes to say good-bye, all we can expect is a gentle hand lifting our face to say, “sorry you have made me happy many times. May you rest in peace.” But let me add, this sun flower is not near ready to die. I haven't even grown to the best beauty of my life. I am expecting wings instead of pedals to surround my seeds. They haven't even began to show yet. I will keep on growing till I accomplish that hope. I don't care if it's a thousand years from now, I am having fun.

Hallelujah, what a thought, Jesus my salvation bought, Victory, yes victory.” My mind may cone and go, but it will never be able to remove this promise of God from me. If you forget, I will remind you. No matter how bored, or how depressed, I may have coming my way from time to time, I will never be beyond remembering that promise from God. If you ever doubt, just lay your hands on the bible. The old evil lair cannot stand the touch of the Holy Word. He will immediately start fading away to ashes. I am living proof of that. He can keep you grieving, but he can't keep you from believing. He can only stay in your mind for a very short time if you refuse to let him stay. Rebuke, rebuke.

At the end of the day I must rest and be glad that the Lord is watching over me. Tomorrow is filled with excitement that I don't even know about. Since I know that, I am going to go and find it even though I may not have any idea where. “Trust Me, Trust Me.” Yes Lord I will always do that. Please join me in that exciting venture of hunting for the best day of our life. It's there for the finding.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 28, 2018

"Help Me To Grow Like The Asparagus"

                                 This is not a tree. it is asparagess. 7-29-2018 Perryton, TX

If we keep getting rain this asparagus is going to get as tall as the trees. Another inch and 2/10 was in the rain gauge this morning. That makes four days in a row we have had rain. It's too bad that we can only eat the shoots of this asparagus when it comes through the ground. Never over 2 or 3 inches of first growth. It gets too tough after that. The stalks continue to stay green, and grow faster than a weed. When I was a child my parents used to go in early spring down to the creek bottoms and cut first growth of polk greens to cook and eat. They too were fit to eat for just a few days after coming through the ground. They grew wild, and had to be hunted. Nothing could be better than a pot of polk greens cooked with bacon drippings. How I wish for some today.

My mind is in the wondering stage today. After coming home from a grand ole time at the Senior dance last night, I am like lost today. I don't know if I want to make this a habit or not. If I didn't have to drive so far I know I would go more. It is just a fun time being with wonderful people who have finished their work life, but still have time left on earth to manage. There are so many who are single after losing their mate, but don't enjoy living the lonely life of single. The three or four hours of socializing with others helps to get you through another week. The exercise, the humor, the good food and drinks, along with a short time of thanking God for his blessings, sure makes the heart glad. But for some reason when the party is over, the fun is over, what then? We can't bring it home. We can only bring the memories with us. What do we do for the rest of the week, especially if we have to drive another 100 miles or over to recharge our batteries. I have found no answer for that question. I don't think I have left any thought out of my mind, and there is just not a solution to the single person life after being married for 63 years. We must adapt, or adopt. I know I have to adapt, but that cannot be done without lots of outside help. I've struggled with this issue for nearly six years. I am not a quitter so I will find a longer lasting peace in time. I don't understand why the day after a wonderful time has to be so boring. Nothing I could go and do sounds interesting. NOTHING. I need to hear some laughs, and see some smiles. I need to hug, and be hugged. The physical as well as the spiritual needs to be met. OMG thank you for what I am just now seeing. I don't know why it's happening, but it is good, and it is You,

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 27, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Two Events In One Day"

Jean's Comment's: "Two Events In One Day": Waiting for time to leave for a Senior Citizen's dance in Liberal, Kansas. Time to laugh and enjoy. 7-27-2018 Perryton, TX   The 3 ...

"Two Events In One Day"

Waiting for time to leave for a Senior Citizen's dance in Liberal, Kansas. Time to laugh and enjoy. 7-27-2018 Perryton, TX
The 3 inches of rain last night has left us shouting with joy. We are going to be celebrating this evening, and showing off our blessings. A friend and I will be going to a Seniors Citizen's dance where everyone is always glad to share in the fun. This event is a combination of Patriotic, and Christian faith in a great country, and a great God. Everyone leaves their worries at home, and go to dance away any thought that may have been bothering them. Like children we almost forget when it's time to go home. The bible tells us that God created the pleasures, and I will always thank Him for it. When everything else seems to fail try stepping out on faith, and trusting God more. It does work, and the after affects are worth it all.

I got a head start today at the Citizen's luncheon. A young girl who helps serve our meals is such a blessing to older people. She makes us feel young to the point we want to show it. She makes us laugh till it hurts. Some young man is overlooking this beautiful young lady, or else he hasn't seen her yet. I love her like my granddaughter. God definitely has something in store for her. To say the least my time at the Center today was a load of fun. I'm taking it with me tonight to the dance.

I will be cutting this blog short because I have to go to the store and pick up something for finger food to take with me. A lot of food is spread on the table to enjoy during recess, I didn't have time to fix something like I usually do so I will cheat just a little. I have drank a pot of coffee today so I should be wide awake for the duration. I will be sharing more tomorrow.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Harvest Time At Last"

Jean's Comment's: "Harvest Time At Last":                  A plate full of cheap bird seed. Going in this feeder. 7-26-2018 Perryton, TX   I raised a good crop of bird food this...

"Harvest Time At Last"

                 A plate full of cheap bird seed. Going in this feeder. 7-26-2018 Perryton, TX
I raised a good crop of bird food this summer. These tiny sunflower seeds are great for the birds to eat out of their feeder. I have lots of them. I will thrash, and dump them into the feeder, and watch the birds have a seed feast. The last bag of bird seed I bought cost $3.00 and it didn't last but a few hours. The little purple finch birds will be the ones to gobble these seeds down. I enjoy watching them gather around this little feeder 3 or 4 at a time and wasting no time about pecking out the seeds. I am also glad that the sunflowers were able to keep blessing me, and the birds, even after they died. What a fun, exciting world we live in if we decide to make it that way.

We are praising God for the rain last night. The ½ inch sure made a difference in the scorched grass and flowers. We are suppose to get more tonight. We welcome it anytime. I have also noticed the smiles on more faces today. Rain is just something that makes everyone happy. I'm sure the farmers are very happy. My day at work seemed easier also. It had to be my better attitude. I am looking forward to a fun week-end. I have nothing planned as yet, but I know something will impress me. I'm keeping everything up to par just in case. Somehow I lost my worries during the night. I couldn't find them when I got up this morning, and when I saw it had rained, I didn't look any further.

I won't deny that my good, long-time friend, Arthur Itis, won't leave me for very long, but I have learned to ignore him, and go on about my business. I have given him strong pills, but nothing seems to want to kill him, however I will out live him. Of course it would be more fun if I didn't have to share my life with him, but I can't change that part of me. I'm anxiously waiting for a pain free eternity. Thank God at least I don't have a room in my tisim, so I just have to deal with Arthur Itis. I have never been gay because it stinks too much. It might help, but I rather smell good than smell like been gay. I'm so happy to be the humorous person I am accused of being, because I can use that for an excuse for being dumb. Only God and I know the difference.

My time has expired if I get this blog posted to show I didn't miss a day, so I will sign off, and hope to have more time tomorrow.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Miss Hollyhock Reaching Out To Me"

Jean's Comment's: "Miss Hollyhock Reaching Out To Me":          Miss. Hollyhock reaching out to me. Thank you sister. 7-25-2018 Perryton, TX    This little hollyhock is reaching out to me. ...

"Miss Hollyhock Reaching Out To Me"

         Miss. Hollyhock reaching out to me. Thank you sister. 7-25-2018 Perryton, TX 
This little hollyhock is reaching out to me. I need to lift it back to it's normal position, and secure it to the fence. I have not paid attention to it, and it just keeps on growing toward me. It's been too hot for me to take proper care of my flowers. Anywhere from 102 to 110 degree for the past several days. We haven't had rain either, and the flowers are all about to die. It has been an extra hot summer for our part of the country. A good rain would cheer us all up. Other wise we may have to go dancing again. The attendance at the Center today was small emphasizing the need for more comfortable weather. Everyone was quite today, and was ready to leave sooner than usual. I suppose we are going through one of those unpleasant times in life. I am ready for it to pass by quickly.

I made roast beef with potatoes, carrots, and gravy for dinner this evening, and lunch tomorrow. No more cooking for me till the weather changes. I can catch up on all the latest news. I have to admit that I have been too involved in self entertainment to know what all has happened lately with the evil war in our country. I felt like I had to take a break. It is in this relaxing time that I have been made aware of some of the problems within the ranks of my own family, and friends that needs to be given more attention than the problems of the world. Life doesn't let us sing but one or two songs, or dance but one or two dances till the stones start coming our way again. We just need to put up our shields, and keep the faith our God has given us. Every battle we fight in His name brings more honor unto Him after it's over. We live by faith, and not by sight. The injuries from our enemies will quickly heal, leaving only the scares to remind us what we've been victorious over. “Joy cometh in the morning.”

When some of my family or friends get hurt, I hurt too. Therefore, I will pray for myself to heal knowing that when I am healed the other person is healed also. I will not return the stones, but look out, I might throw a big rock. “I know from whench my strength cometh.” The greatest gift on earth is the gift of God's Son to forgive us of our sins. If there be one who has not received this gift yet, It's free, but you have to ask for it. I, nor no one else can give it to you, only God can do that. Money, nor fame can purchase this gift. Once it's given it will never be taken back, but it will not give you freedom from pain, and sorrow, while here on earth. It's just a free pass into Heaven.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Dancing Beneath The Grand Ole Flag"

Jean's Comment's: "Dancing Beneath The Grand Ole Flag": Notice the American flag hanging in the back ground of this senior citizens dance floor. 7-24-2018 Perryton, TX   I am late getting my ...

"Dancing Beneath The Grand Ole Flag"

Notice the American flag hanging in the back ground of this senior citizens dance floor. 7-24-2018 Perryton, TX
I am late getting my blog written today because of unpleasant things coming to my attention recently. Just when we think we have everything going our way we suddenly find out that is not so. My friend and I went to a senior citizen's dance last Saturday night and had a great time, Everyone there seemed to be enjoying themselves and no one really wanted to leave when the dance was over. I have posted another picture I took while there because the American flag was the focal point of the dance floor. All the older American citizens are ever so proud of that flag, and will keep it in view at every place they congregate. On the other hand the majority of the younger citizens have been brainwashed into believing that Old Glory needs to go. Few people realize just how drenched our country has become with gutter-type sewer. The seriousness of this phenomenon is beyond measure. We older, wiser, and hard shell people will keep the grand old flag flying until we're all gone. Then the minor league of soft shell, book taught players will slang at a gnat, and swallow a fly. If they don't die from nausea they may remember to keep their mouths shut the next time. Let's hope they remember their childhood teaching. So its hats off to all the senior citizens who are reaping the joys of a long, productive life of love of God and country.

Tomorrow I will again be having lunch with my senior friends. I have a new joke to tell, and a few serious ideas to mention. I already know my serious ideas are not going to be taken seriously, but since we have been asked for ideas I will be giving mine. No card games for me or crochet gatherings, no road trips, but a two-step or three might be fun once a month. Some of us would not have to travel fifty or sixty miles one way to enjoy a dance. A dancing party now and then is a must if we want to keep our hearts happy, not to even mention the good exercise it gives. Retired people don't need the extra rest that working people need. Too much home life can become boring if we no longer go to work. The Perryton Senior Citizen is the only one I know of that don't have a dance once a month. They have a band once in awhile but no dancing. It would be something to consider.

Let us all remember to be in prayer for our country, and for our leaders. Our only hope is God, and no matter who tells you different, that is a positive fact. Only fools would deny that. I may not be blood kin to Einstein, but I am a child of God, the Creator of all Einstein's. Prove me wrong if you wish, but I advise you not to try.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 23, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Sweet Words Are Priceless"

Jean's Comment's: "Sweet Words Are Priceless":            Are you serious? Myrtle Jean to someone special.  7-23-2014 Perryton, TX Oh! dear, let me think about this. I often get...

"Sweet Words Are Priceless"

           Are you serious? Myrtle Jean to someone special.  7-23-2014 Perryton, TX

Oh! dear, let me think about this. I often get asked if I would like to do something, but now I am in question if I've really been asked or just being kidded. I have my thinking cap on, and I know the confusion will soon be gone. At this point in life I am a very happy stranger to myself. I'm learning more about me every day. I just love all the sweet people around me who are always saying nice things to me. They out number the ones who speak disrespectfully of me. I hope I can be worthy of all the nice compliments I get.

Today was one of my better days. I felt a sweet spirit following me both yesterday, and today. I love it, and it helped me to help someone else who was in dire need of a sweeter spirit than they had been dealing with. I will be going on with my work duties, but the time will pass more quickly because I have a ton of joy that has just been handed me. I will wisely use every ounce of it, and try to give part of it away. The grief pains I have so often been hit with will finally disappear forever. I no longer will be a dead spirit living in my old body. I am alive in body, soul, and spirit. My Heavenly Father can depend on me, and I will keep depending on Him. His love is sweeter than honey.

I had lunch with friends today at the Center. It was good to be in company with super nice people who all are living in a difficult world together. We never give up when one of us is hit with a bad blow to the body sometimes sending us to the grave or the nursing home. It leaves us sad, but not feeling forsaken. We are here for each other as long as we can speak or move. What a joy to be part of a kind, and loving family. The cooks are special, and make everything they fix taste delicious. We are now waiting for a new display of art to be hung. This feather is also a great interest to all who want to come and view it. You do not have to be a member or eat a meal to come see the art display. I am not sure who's art is next up, but I know it will be interesting. Each artist leaves their art hanging at the Center for about two months. Most of the time the art work is for sale. You might find that one special piece that you've been looking for, for so long. It could fit right into your theme or be the accent of your story. It could even add an extra chapter to your story. Keep us in mind when you redecorate your home or office.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Thank God For His Creation Of Pleasure"

Jean's Comment's: "Thank God For His Creation Of Pleasure":     My friend, Jean Horner, at the Guymon Senior Citizen's dance. 7-22-2018 Perryton, TX It was on the spur of a moment that a frie...

"Thank God For His Creation Of Pleasure"

    My friend, Jean Horner, at the Guymon Senior Citizen's dance. 7-22-2018 Perryton, TX
It was on the spur of a moment that a friend and I decided to go to the Senior Citizen's dance at Guymon, Oklahoma last night. It was our first time to be there and we thoroughly enjoyed it. We met several nice people whom we expect to be seeing more of as time goes by. One of the members was celebrating his birthday with a group of his family members, and they sat at a long table by themselves. This nice guy paid for every person's attendance charge, and had two or three large birthday cakes for the people to enjoy. Finger food was in abundance all during the dance. The music was the 50 and 60's greatest hits. A live band that really turned the dancing spirit on was also great. My friend spent the night with me, and we went out for breakfast this morning. She left for home about 11 o'clock. It has been a good week-end for me, and we look forward for more just like it.

The past two days has been extra busy for me. I didn't have time to write a blog, and I regret that I didn't somehow make time to do so. The little bit of time I spend in writing a short message of self, well-being each day keeps me looking up, and not down. My life hinges on an open door of the blessings of God. I need to share those blessings with others as they are shared with me. For the past two days I have failed to do that, and I feel the effects of it now that the party is over. Let me reassure you that I have been blessed to the fullest this week. I can't begin to mention them all. I am so humbled to be shown such love, and kindness. I do ask God for equal love and kindness to give others.

I do have to admit that now that the party is over I am left a bit bored. My dad had a solution for that feeling when I was a child. He would say, “get up and get to work. There's plenty to do.” I know that is true, but it takes a lot of self discipline since my dad no longer has control over me. I have to waste a lot of time just being idle while I hold onto the good ole memories. I can work when it can no longer wait to be done. My Heavenly Father will take my dad's place when He has to. I'm thankful for His way of correcting me. I need it often. No doubt about it God is moving to make me more contented, and self-secure. I'm patiently waiting for the “big one.” When it happens, I'm going to be asking, “is this you God, or did I make it happen?” Oh! For more wisdom every day. In Jesus name, I ask.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Won't Even Ask"

Jean's Comment's: "I Won't Even Ask": What the heck has happened to our postal service? A new one on me. 7-18-2018 Perryton, TX   It seems like every time I go to the post ...

"I Won't Even Ask"

What the heck has happened to our postal service? A new one on me. 7-18-2018 Perryton, TX
It seems like every time I go to the post office any more to mail a package, I get another shocking surprise. Today I went to mail a friend one of my books. The postal clerk asked me if I wanted to guarantee delivery. I had been asked before if I wanted to insure the contents, or if I wanted to send with a quicker delivery, but never if I wanted to send for sure delivery. Nothing about insurance was mentioned, and I knew this clerk had been working there for years. When she saw the puzzled look on my face she replied. Guarantee delivery is $26.48 cents, otherwise it will be $4.60 cents. I answered “I want the $4.60 cent stamp.” I am wondering if I can request a Special Investigation into our Postal Department. I sometimes feel like I'm living in a new world. I am being overwhelmed with questions, and the lack of explanation, almost every time I spend money for a service or a new piece of every-day living necessities. I have a new vacuum sweeper setting in my closet that I can't find out how to get the brushes to turn, or how to empty the dirt canister. The only instructions that came with it is written in Spanish, and I have to assume it's Spanish because I can't read it. I can read a big print label that says, Do not take this product back to the store where you bought it. There is a number to call for questions, which I haven't tried to do yet. I feel like it would just be another lost cause. I am hoping my good neighbor can help me with the problem. He just returned from vacation, and I hesitate to call on him just yet. Otherwise I will have to wait till one of my children come to see me which is not often because they live several hundred miles away. They too tell me they are having the same problems in dealing with modern-day life as I am. They are younger, and use their computer to find answers to all their questions.

I went to the Senior Citizen's dinner today after leaving the post office, and there I found some bit of peace which I needed badly. My fellow Senior friends share in the same difficulties as I. It's just that we all laugh about this younger generation, and how bad it is for them that they failed to get the simple education we got. We did it without drugs, but I'm afraid I can't say that about the majority of our younger generation. I mean prescription drugs that the doctors deemed necessary to calm the stress that most intelligent people have to deal with today. I'm staying drug free so I can pray for all the good, hard-working, faith-believing characters that are fighting for our troubled nation with every ounce of determination they can find. I am sure they will, “come forth as gold in the end.”

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Natural Not Hand Made"

Jean's Comment's: "A Natural Not Hand Made": This arch is framing my car. It isn't attached to the other tree but reaches nearly to the ground. 7-17-2018 Perryton, TX   While ...

"A Natural Not Hand Made"

This arch is framing my car. It isn't attached to the other tree but reaches nearly to the ground. 7-17-2018 Perryton, TX
While at my son, Chuck's house today, I was astonished at my discovery of this long, curved, limb making a large arch to another tree, and curved downward enclosing the entire tree. My car can be seen between these two trees. I had to marvel at the very nature of this scenery. I believe that is the longest limb I've ever seen on a tree, and the fist to have a complete arched curve. My eyes are always searching for nature's amazing wonders. I used to think you had to go a thousand miles from home to see the beautiful, natural scenery, but I have since learned that everything God created has a beauty of it's own. We so many times fail to notice the unusual things surrounding us because we are so used to seeing them. I had seen this long, arched limb many times before, but never had I thought about the real beauty it made while framing my car. I am asking God every day to show me more of his creative beauty even in my own yard. It has made a huge difference in the way I spend my extra time. Being a widow, and semi retired, I do have lots of space in a 24 hour day. I used to would have called this particular tree a neglected, unbalanced, horrible sight. I admit the tree does need some trimming, but don't touch that hard working limb that has stolen the show.

When I came home today my yard had been mowed, and again I had to marvel at the beauty my lawn care-giver, had made from the two-week, rain soaked growth of grass. I was feeling pretty depressed about that shaggy yard when I left for work this morning. My neighbors are all so prompt in getting their yards cared for, but I have not been so neat since the weed and feed I put on this summer didn't help at all. Within two days after mowing long stems of wild grass shoot up. A complete opposite from what it was last summer. But I will keep looking for beauty even in the wild grass growing in my yard.

I am ready to rest, and have a good night's sleep so I can go tomorrow to the Senior Citizen's luncheon, and wear my happy smile. At least for a week or two I will be walking in tall cotton. God has promised me a reward for the burden's I have been carrying. I will do it again later. Both burden, and rewards, keeps me in balance and I can walk straight without a cane. What an awesome God we have in The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. All work together as One to make our lives blessed. By faith I will accept it as such, and will never question. I'm just thankful to be a part of the Great Kingdom.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 16, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Thank You Sun For This Flower"

Jean's Comment's: "Thank You Sun For This Flower":                               The lonely sunflower has no friends. 7-16-2018 Perryton, TX   I have posted one of the three sunflowers...

"Thank You Sun For This Flower"

                              The lonely sunflower has no friends. 7-16-2018 Perryton, TX

I have posted one of the three sunflowers growing in my blackberry patch. The other two are almost invisible. This one growing so tall, and obviously all alone is refusing to be hurt by having no friends. There is another sunflower growing in a planter across the yard from this one, but it is poorly looking, and has a half dozen little ones nursing it's very life away. I have never planted a sunflower seed, but most likely the birds did. It's amazing how mother nature has a way of supplying us with things we didn't ask for. Some are good, some are bad. I'm glad we have a choice to either keep them all, or just the good ones.

This theory does not apply to the good, and bad flowers growing in God's flower garden. We do not have a choice to keep who we want, and cast the others aside. This will be done only by the Master Gardner when it's time to clean up the entire earth, and all its fullness thereof. If we keep our own lives clean we must not expressively show our bias against others. To be clear this does not mean that the more beautiful a flower we are gives the less beautiful more right to cast us out. As I have already said we are all flowers in God's big garden, and only He has a right to judge when the time comes. We should all hope that God does not cast us out because of our bias (prejudice or haute attitude). Even the flowers with Satan's face plain and clear, we must let them grow till they can no longer survive on their own. We all have the right to keep the soil under our roots for our own nourishment.

For those of you who think I am talking over my head please read the bible book called Ecclesiastes. This book is words of the preacher which I feel has been ordained by God Himself. Everyone may not interpret this preacher the way I do, but to me it's pretty plain. It keeps me searching my soul every day. It could be used as a good fertilize for the growth of our own flower. If we apply we could grow stronger, and live longer. As we struggle and toil in this life let us be aware that we have no choice but to keep growing, and showing our beauty for all the world to see. Otherwise we are like the sunflower who never had a good life from the beginning, and gave birth to many scroungy-looking off spring. The lonely sunflower may not have many friends, but it stands tall, and strong in it's healthy environment. It's my responsibility to keep my environment healthy. I need to make sure I stay close to God, and never do things to displease Him. I believe He expects me to grow, and be nourished by his own food daily.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Awesome Beauty Of The Rose"

Jean's Comment's: "The Awesome Beauty Of The Rose": Sharing my rosy beauty with you. Flawless and sweet smelling. 7-15-2018 Perryton, TX    I came home from church today without a clue as...

"The Awesome Beauty Of The Rose"

Sharing my rosy beauty with you. Flawless and sweet smelling. 7-15-2018 Perryton, TX 
I came home from church today without a clue as what to write on my blog. I had heard a sermon that left me confused. It was on prophesy, Amos 7: 7-17.Ten verses is a lot to preach one sermon on, but that's what happened this morning. The verses were long, and very frightful. Why was our pastor preaching on prophesy? Because he sees it being fulfilled today in our churches. To get to the main point, God was angry with Israel and was punishing them to the fullest. He was going to drive them out of their land. All because they were a rebellious nation and God lost patience with them. We may look at this scripture and ask, how could a loving God be so cruel to any human especially His own chosen people? Many Christian are believing today that God would never do that to Christian America. They are blind to the fact that it's happening already. The pastor mentioned that many people believe that America is the New Jerusalem. It could possibly be so, and if so, it fits the very nature of the Israelite's God led out of Egypt's bondage. This seventh chapter of Amos needs to be read by everyone who believes in God. I know some don't believe in the Old Testament, but why do they think it is part of God's Word? How can anyone in their right mind not believe in the entire bible?

So as I thought and kept thinking about something to write on my blog today, I took my camera and went outside. Immediately my eyes fell on this perfectly shaped white rose.
So beautiful, and smelled heavenly. I must take a picture and place it on the blog that God was beginning to give me to write. The stinking fear of an ugly, but truthful sermon vanished quickly. I am sure that the message I heard this morning will not go away, but for now I have some peace of mind. All we can ask for is strength to endure whatever comes our way. I am definitely aware that troubles will come, and worsen by the day, but I am also sure that God will keep us safe, and for the most part, satisfied. Like the beautiful white rose, we can bless others, as others bless us. Confusion cannot control us if we don't allow it. God said in His Word that he was not the author of confusion, but the author and finisher of peace. I am a firm believer of that promise. I will always try to do my best to help others even though I may sometimes rebuke, and offer forgiveness, but by the grace of God I will never use that person to make me look good. It just doesn't work that way. Only a fool would believe that they can gain respect by insulting the child of God. Jokes are jokes, but the mind of Christ knows the difference.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The White Rose Is A Symbol Of Purity"

Jean's Comment's: "The White Rose Is A Symbol Of Purity":                    White rose bush doing well. Just started blooming. 7-14-2018 Perryton, TX   What a lovely morning in Perryton,...

"The White Rose Is A Symbol Of Purity"

               White rose bush doing well. Just started blooming. 7-14-2018 Perryton, TX

What a lovely morning in Perryton, Texas. A nice cool breeze. and sun shinning brightly makes you forget all the world's problems. I am still rejoicing over all the blessings I received this past week. God is good all the time. I hear that phrase repeated a lot. I agree with it 100 percent. Right now He has me weighted down because otherwise I might fly away to a place that I would regret later. Thoughts are coming to me fast, and furious. Thank God for wisdom when we need it most. I just can't help but take a jab now and then at someone who disrespectfully uses me to gain attention for themselves. Those people know who they are, and so does God. They are very good at hypocrisy. Too bad they are not smart enough to know that. I fear that the evil that has flooded our country is starting to take a toll on me like millions of others. We should be praying for wisdom in the most sincere way every day. God said, “vengeance is mine, I will repay.” I have tried to stand on this bible scripture for many years. The word of God also says, “shun the very appearance of evil.” Where do we draw the line? “God help us to know where, and when. Please give us strength when we feel uncertain. You are the one who has helped us overcome all the obstacles that got in our path. I will trust You the rest of my life.”

Today I am praying for ambition to get my work done. I have put off several things that really need my attention. Not hard work at all, just not what I enjoy doing. It will hit me soon, I hope, that all the neglected things will suddenly become so exciting, and I will be proud of my finished job. Until then I will squirm in my chair while I watch this evil witch-hunt against our President continue. I know I am on the sideline, but even fans are important for how hard the team plays. This fan speaks up every day either in person, or on the internet in addition to the prayers I say every day to the Almighty God. I join up with millions every day on the internet to support this President. We have to build that wall, and enforce our laws no matter what. Otherwise we have no country. How could anyone not see through this evil ex-empowered group of people who have gotten themselves rich by selling out our country? And now they are lying, refusing to comply to our laws, and working around the clock to think of another scheme to use to try to keep their butts from going to prison. They are enemies to God, and everything He stands for. Until they confess, repent, and ask for forgiveness they should be given the choice to die fighting on, or die peacefully. I am a believer of the New Testament, but also the Old Testament. All evil must be punished.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 13, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "One More Year Behind Me"

Jean's Comment's: "One More Year Behind Me":                         America the beautiful, today and forever. 7-13-2018 Perryton, TX   Good evening to everyone. I am back at home ...

"One More Year Behind Me"

                        America the beautiful, today and forever. 7-13-2018 Perryton, TX
Good evening to everyone. I am back at home and rejoicing in the good report I got from my doctor. The doctor's exact words to me, :you are doing excellent.” I don't ever remember being told that before. Usually it's you're doing good, but not excellent. I am giving God the glory for this good report. It is nice to be back home. I drove about 400 miles there and back. Spent one night in a motel room. I was tired when I got home, but am resting nicely now. I got home in time to see a lot of exciting, important news. Things are still in an uproar with our great country. I would judge that President Trump is taking three steps forward, and one step back. He is still gaining on getting the swamp drained, but it turned out to be more like a bog. Much more rotten matter is being found than ever expected. I have no doubt that President Trump will be successful in cleaning up the wasteland, but it will not be easy. He needs our prayers more every day. He is making history right and left, but the more good he does the more harder he has to fight. Something very inflated is about to get the air let out with a mighty blast. Let us be patient, because I am sure it is going to happen. Don't get too far away from FOX news. That is the station you can depend on for the latest, correct, up-to-date news.

Everywhere I talk to people they tell me how great the economy is doing in their city. It's almost a hundred percent turn-a-round from what it was before President Trump became president. Of course there is some downfall to that boom also, because housing is always problem. Property owners can get high rent prices, making it less prosperous for the working class to get ahead. In the end it will all work out and life can be more enjoyable. The stock market is a good example of what a bad, to good, economy can produce. It's a way unbalanced, and is causing a lot of concern for the investor. Little by little, but surely, the wheels of fame, and fortune for America will start turning smoothly. Our love for one another is much more important than money. I am not looking for more riches. I am looking for peace, joy, and happiness. Money can never buy those three things. It is known by most people that money is powerful, but if it is obtained through evil doings it will rot the bones of it's holder. I believe America is becoming rich because of a leader who learned by God-given wisdom how to control money. He learned that power over evil is not gained by money, but by the cause of money. Israel because of America, is the country that will never be defeated. America, because of Israel, is the country who will defend both Jews and Gentiles as is written in the Word. “God bless America, and God bless Israel.”

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 9, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Proving Me Wrong Again"

Jean's Comment's: "Proving Me Wrong Again":               Roses have started to bloom. Better late than never. 7-8-2018 Perryton, TX   The hot dry weather has let up a bit, and...

"Proving Me Wrong Again"

              Roses have started to bloom. Better late than never. 7-8-2018 Perryton, TX

The hot dry weather has let up a bit, and now the roses are blooming. I am excited because I had given up on them blooming this summer. I appreciate the roses more than any of my, large variety of flowers, although it takes all kinds to make a beautiful floral arrangement. I spent another hour and one-half working in the flower garden this morning. I have a feeling I will have sore muscles tomorrow. I have to bend over to pull up all the unwanted greenery. Wild grass, bindweed, dandelions, and much more. A lot of that stuff has to be dug out with a sharp pointed knife. But it's fun. And I like to see the bare ground when I have gotten rid of it.

The long list of things I needed to do today before I leave tomorrow for my doctor's appointment is not shrinking very fast. I have spent most of the day working in the yard. I could not let the place burn up, and grow up while I was gone. I had to prepare enough food to leave for Chuck for a couple of days. It's a good thing he likes beef stew. I made a large pot, and that's mostly what he will be eating while I am gone. My doctor will be coming to Weatherford, Oklahoma from Oklahoma City. My appointment is at 9:30 Wednesday morning at the Weatherford Hospital. I am writing this information for anyone who may want to see me at that time. I am originally from Weatherford. I have family and friends still living there, and in the vicinity. Soon after my appointment I will be leaving for home.

I have notified my children to let them know I will be gone. I never leave home without letting them know where I am going. I am so thankful for loving children and grandchildren. They also let me know when they are going to be traveling, and when they will be back. This is called close family ties, which I think every family should
boast of. I do have family who vacations often both far and near. I have a granddaughter now in Alaska, and a grandson in Iceland. Another grandson and wife will be leaving for Alaska in a few days. They will be going on a cruse out of Alaska. I will be keeping them all in my prayers.

It is time for me to start packing so I must say so long for a couple of days. I will miss writing this blog, and I hope you will miss reading it, but I will be back on the job Thursday. Hopefully I will have something more exciting to say when I get back. I will also miss some important world news because I won't be watching television while I am gone, but that too can be caught up. When I leave home I leave all my norms there. I just want to relax, and take a break from it all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Food For Thought"

Jean's Comment's: "Food For Thought": Fruit salad plate I took for church dinner today. Pineapple. cherries and cantaloupe 7-8-2018 Perryton, TX   I fixed a quick and easy ...

"Food For Thought"

Fruit salad plate I took for church dinner today. Pineapple. cherries and cantaloupe 7-8-2018 Perryton, TX
I fixed a quick and easy dish for church dinner this morning. Just wasn't in the mood to cook so I made a large fruit salad. To my surprise every bit of it was eaten except a few pineapple chunks. It was needed to balance out the rest of the food. Everything was very good. Someone even brought a freezer of homemade ice cream. A huge angel food cake was sitting beside it. We do enjoy our church dinners, and sharing with friends. When I got home I laid down and rested for a couple of hours. Then my son called, and we had a good long visit. All in all this day has been a blessed one. Since it's Sunday I don't feel bad about being lazy, although I have a full week ahead of me. I have an annual doctor's check up coming Wednesday. I have to drive nearly two hundred miles for that. I will spend one night then come home the next day. I am looking forward to getting away for a little while.

Tomorrow I will again be going to the Senior's luncheon at the Center. They are having Mexican Pile On, and that includes everything good that you can pile on your plate. Our cooks makes wonderful Mexican food. We never know who we might see that we haven't seen in a long time. It is a place of many surprises. Some of the best people in the world attend these lunches regularly. There are also a lot of younger people go there to eat. It is a place for everyone, but respect is shown to all who attend. Nothing is taken for granite.

I have just started the book of Ecclesiastes in my daily bible reading. In the first chapter where I was reading last night I learned something new. I'm sure I have heard this scripture quoted many times before, but I must have forgotten. The first verse, of the first chapter of Ecclesiastes says, these are the words of the Preacher, the son of David, King in Jerusalem. I don't know, but I wonder if this is not talking about Solomon. Because this book is all about wisdom. King Solomon was the wisest King on earth. The part that got my attention the most was the 18th verse of that first chapter. “For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.” I am stumped as to just what that means. Does it mean that people with wisdom and knowledge have to suffer more than those without it? I do remember the scripture that says “he whom much has been given, much will be required.” Does it mean that God will not accept anything but our best? Wow! Everyone needs to read the book of Ecclesiastes, the words of the Preacher, King Solomon. Then to make things more confusing This wise King Solomon turned away from God. 1 Kings chapter 11. He suffered much sorrow. It seems like there was no end to the terrible things he did. God help us through this life of troubles and sorrow.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "How Far Will They Grow?

Jean's Comment's: "How Far Will They Grow?:                     Looks like the apple tree is growing sunflowers. 7-7-2018 Perryton, TX   What a blah Saturday. Nothing has happene...

"How Far Will They Grow?

                    Looks like the apple tree is growing sunflowers. 7-7-2018 Perryton, TX

What a blah Saturday. Nothing has happened worth bragging about. It's very hot, and I tried to work in the yard a little, but didn't get much done. I cut some weeds and grass, but mostly watered the flowers. I took a picture of the tall sunflowers that have reached the tree branches. They never turn their face away from the sun, Thought about putting sun glasses on them. I did pick a few strawberries, but not enough to make a short cake. They just ripen a few at a time. Chuck makes sure I have fruit pie filling available all the time. He just brought me another quart of blackberry, ready to go, pie filling made by the Amish people. He likes their fie filling a lot. I just have to make the crust and pour the filling in and bake. The Amish take the seeds out of their blackberries, and it really is good. I did accomplish another little job today. I looked in Walmart's yesterday while I was in Liberal, for a cushion to place in my car seat. I needed to be higher than what the seat would raise. All I could find for a cushion was an uncovered, pillow-like pad. I bought some material to cover it with. I didn't want to get my sewing machine out this morning for such a minor job, so I sewed it by hand. Good job, bragging after all.

I still have things to do today that I must get started on. Tomorrow is dinner at church Sunday, and I have to fix a platter of fresh fruit. I will be making a large pot of Chile also. My energy is running slow so I need to hurry along. There is always lots of dishes to wash, and cleaning up to do after cooking. I completely missed my nap today, but when you've made a vow to get more stuff done you can't nap. I have been true to my promise for several weeks now. It's been hard, but necessary in order to stay young and healthy. Our attitude means everything to our health. Our prayers means everything to our attitudes. How dare we lose reality of this fact. The pain from our tired bodies makes it hard to keep moving, but the more pain, the better it feels when we know we have finished our job for the day. Rest comes easier, and sleep takes over our troubled minds for awhile. A new day, and a rested body is worth more than silver or gold. God will always provide if we put Him first. Here's sending out prayers to all my readers, and wishing all the very best for a new week. Like the sunflowers may our faith grow taller, and produce more blooms every day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 6, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Plane Was Climbing High Line Wires"

Jean's Comment's: "The Plane Was Climbing High Line Wires":                 Spray plan approaching the ground to spray a crop. 7-6-2018 Perryton, TX   Coming back from Liberal, Kansas today a c...

"The Plane Was Climbing High Line Wires"

                Spray plan approaching the ground to spray a crop. 7-6-2018 Perryton, TX

Coming back from Liberal, Kansas today a crop spray plane flew right over my car.
The pilot lowered the plane to within a few feet off the ground. He then let go of the spray and in a few seconds he was lifting the plane back up. It all was happening so fast, and the sun was right in my eyes til I couldn't get a shot of the lowest level the plane traveled. It was fun though to see such precise maneuvering from this pilot as he dipped down, and raised back up within seconds. This little show was the best thing about my trip to Liberal. I went there to do some shopping, and to pick up my son's 3 month supply of skoal. Liberal is about fifty miles from Perryton, and people go there often to shop.

I had lunch at the Center before I left for Liberal. It was nice to be back at the Center after missing several times. The Center was closed on the Fourth of July, and I had not been able to attend for a few times before. Every so often we do have things to flare up that interferes with our normal routine. Everything is back to normal now, and I am rejoicing at the way it all came back together. Car fixed, insurance mistake corrected, scam proven not to be real, just a scare, and several other dirty rats that wanted to see us miss some sleep at night. As always God was with us. I must quit doubting, lest the Lord loses patience with me.

I am fixing to tell you something that I vowed I would never tell. Last night I woke up about 1:00 a m. My body was trembling worse than ever before. I felt like I was going to start climbing the wall. I had had a good day, and went to sleep immediately after going to bed, I did not take any kind of drug except my cholesterol and blood pressure medication. I never take sleeping pills. However I believe my cholesterol has something that causes my body to jerk after going to bed. It's common for me to stay awake till around 1:00. But last night I didn't have any trouble going to sleep. I must not have been asleep over an hour when I woke up. I had these tremors so bad I was about to go to the ER. I lay there trying to fight it out for about thirty minutes. It wasn't getting better so I got up. I don't know why, but I decided to take a hot bubble bath at 2:00 in the morning. I don't remember ever doing a bath at that hour ever. I soaked for about thirty minutes then got out and dried off. I then went to the living room and trimmed my toe nails. I went back to bed feeling like I had just conquered the world. I don't remember having any trouble going back to sleep. I woke up about 7:30 but I didn't want to get up. I was resting so well, but I knew I had to go to Liberal, so I climbed out of bed. I was clean, my toe nails trimmed, and why not go to the Center before I leave for Liberal? Oh,Yes. I had also removed the old polish from my fingernails. All I had to do was put on my make-up, fix my hair, and dress. I eagerly did all of that, and was so glad I did. I am baffled at the healing my body got from an early morning bath. I usually take my baths in the morning, but I may change all that now. Hopefully not at 2:00 though.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Loving Couple Is Beautiful"

Jean's Comment's: "A Loving Couple Is Beautiful":                    My exotic Sun Double Lily made me smile. 7-5-2018 Perryton, TX What could be more beautiful than an Exotic Sun Doubl...

"A Loving Couple Is Beautiful"

                   My exotic Sun Double Lily made me smile. 7-5-2018 Perryton, TX
What could be more beautiful than an Exotic Sun Double Lily? I had to stand and admire this beauty till the mosquitoes drove me in the house. These are the most blooming flowers I have ever seen. Just when I think they are through blooming, wham o! There they go again. It has been very hot today, but these lilies seems to love it. Of course I keep them watered well. In a few days I should have a solid mass of blooming flowers of many varieties in my flower garden and flower beds. Even the roses have decided to start blooming. Life just wouldn't be as sweet without all the beautiful flowers God created for us.

Now that the Fourth of July is over I had to take down my Old Glory. That's not to say I won't put it back up. I just wanted to be sure that people knew I wasn't becoming senile. I think everyone should keep their flags waving every day, It might call for a few fights, but at least people would know who we stand for. If we don't fight for our country then we are not a good citizen. I had my morale boosted to a high level this week when I saw so many large American flags waving all around our city. The wind was high on Independence day, and the beauty of those flags waving their pride, made me want to shout. I hope the flag manufactures are flooded with orders for red, white, and blues till the stars in heaven will take notice. “God Bless America.”

Folks the fight between good, and evil, in our country is becoming more fierce everyday. Right now I see Trey Gowdy on television telling the American people, in so many words, that this evil conspiracy is going to be conquered no matter what it takes. Hillary Clinton made the statement that if she went to jail half of DC would go with her. (paraphrasing) That is becoming more clear everyday. She is just the straw that broke the camel's back. I tremble at the thought at what might happen before this war is over. I'm sure there are some bible scholars who could tell us their thoughts, but I know from reading the bible myself that evil will be defeated no matter who is involved. How long will it take? No one, not even bible scholars, can know that. I believe during this time people will be tested and tried. No hokey-pokey will work like seemingly it's working now. The end is soon coming. Money and fame will not be wanted any longer. Some of us can feel lucky that we never craved it. God has supplied all our needs, and of course we managed our money well because God demanded it of us, but He also taught us to work for our money. I'm thankful for everything worldly I have, but I'm more thankful for the giver of it all. It all belongs to Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "My Home Sweet home"

Jean's Comment's: "My Home Sweet home":              Can you see it? God Bless America my home sweet home. 7-4-2018 Perryton, TX The flag is waving, The shish ka-bobs are cook...

"My Home Sweet home"

             Can you see it? God Bless America my home sweet home. 7-4-2018 Perryton, TX
The flag is waving, The shish ka-bobs are cooking on the grill, and the potatoes are baking in the oven. Salad and melons are ready to go. Hello 4th of July you are more than welcome here. I have never seen as many flags up before. I think people are fed up at the way some people are doing. Step up and be counted with those who still love America, and will not be silent while it is being stolen from us. These red, white, and blue stars, and strips, flying all over our city brings tears to my eyes. If our dead soldiers could come out of the graves they would go right back to fighting. Don't we owe them some peace and rest and take their place to carry on with the battle? Let us use our voices to rebuke the enemy even if we know we might be beaten for it. That is what our soldiers did. They fought for God, and country. We are all soldiers if we claim God as our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ as our Savior. If we are ashamed of Them, They will be ashamed of us. Freedom is to be praised forever. Let us not fail.

I mentioned in my blog yesterday that I would be staying home today to grieve the 5th death anniversary of my beloved brother. It didn't happen. I did stay home, but I have been celebrating the birthday of our country all day. My neighbors on both sides came out this morning while I was out, and the smiles they were showing made me forget to grieve. One lady, who just lost her husband three months ago, was putting up the flag in its usual place like her veteran husband always did,. Her smile turned me on to thanking God for our country. Before long I had my flag up. The neighbor on the other side placed his flag back in the holder after taking it down for the night. After this bit of loyalty to our country, I began to get coals ready to grill shish ka-bobs for Chuck and I. The day seemed to sail by without me having to cry for my lost loved ones. I thought about them, and said a prayer for them, but God wouldn't let me cry. A good friend who lives in another city was ready to tell me about her great week-end, and I was blessed from listening to her. This Fourth of July day has been exceptionally good to me. Tomorrow I will get back to business as usual. That is if it's the Lord's will. I'm just happy to say I'm happy now. I will close and call Chuck for dinner. What a delicious looking stick of shish ka bobs that is waiting for him. He loves them so much. Hope everyone has had as good of day as I have had.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "God Bless America"

Jean's Comment's: "God Bless America":       Happy birthday America. You are the best country in the world. 7-3-2018 Perryton, TX   I'm so proud that my next-door neighbo...

"God Bless America"

      Happy birthday America. You are the best country in the world. 7-3-2018 Perryton, TX
I'm so proud that my next-door neighbor has shared a flag with me to celebrate our great country. America is the greatest, and has the meanest fighters in the world. Thank you President Donald Trump. Leave our country alone evil doers, and we will leave you alone. Other wise you will be hit hard. We will not let our forefathers down. All we ask of newcomers to our country is follow our laws, and love our freedom as much as we do. You must fight for our country, and not against it. America was founded upon Christian principles, and come hell, or high water, we will keep it that way. “God Bless America.”

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. I've decided I will stay home and grieve for my baby brother. He died on the Fourth of July five years ago. He would be 80 if God hadn't of called him home. He was five years younger than I. I was so close to this brother, and have had a hard time letting go of his love for me. We have had many good times in our life time, and we shared a mutual happiness that can't be explained. I can barely tolerate the loss of he, and my husband, who had died just six moths prior. The three of us was almost like one. My brother had been most helpful to me in getting over my husband's loss, and when I lost him, I was lost, also. Let me add, my husband died on this brother's birthday, the 19th of January. I could not even wish my brother a happy birthday. He understood, and didn't want anyone to wish him a happy birthday. It is the memory of these two dear people that has given me strength to carry on. My children have also been there for me, but for the past several years they had been married, moved away, and had family of their own. My brother had the same loneliness as I. I have never felt too weak to fight for my country. God will never let me lose it.

After the Fourth of July, tomorrow, I will be back to laughing, and enjoying my life in spite of my loss, That's just how great our God is. I still have work to be done for Him. I love my job of helping others, and I really enjoy it when a miracle happens in my life. There has been many. I look forward to a new day everyday. My flowers are the joy of my life. Can anyone explain that? Is it because I am their tenderer, or does all flowers mean a lot to me? I think a lot of both is the answer to that. When my husband passed, my brother sent me a huge Peace Lily plant. It had several white blooms, and I thought it was the most beautiful plant I had ever seen. I tried with everything I had to not let it die, but within a year it just gave up. It served it's purpose, and I still see that lovely plant growing in my house, mentally.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp