Monday, July 30, 2018

"The Will Of Nature"

This butterfly was the first this spring to come back to my flowers. It wouldn't open it's wings, but was a pretty sight with them open. 7-30-2018 Perryton, TX
Maybe it's too early yet, but this is the third butterfly I have seen this summer. Last summer my flowers were covered with butterflies at this time. The beauty of the flowers are fading fast. I'm not happy about that, but like everything else good in life they are here for a short time. We doctor and nurse these beauties and it helps keep them alive and looking prettier, but when their time is up they have to go. What is this big world of wonder anyway? I won't even try to explain. I walk by faith, and not by sight. I go to bed at night, and get up in the morning day after day. I have done that for 85 years now. I'm still blooming, but not zooming. I still cook the good food I learned how when I was a very young little girl. I have a big meatloaf in the oven now, and I wonder why I keep doing it. It's really because Chuck and I still have to eat. I always have extra to put in the freezer. Chuck can have something to eat when I am away from home for awhile. I must admit I am enjoying my life more every day. How is that possible? Another wonder of this world. I see lot's of other people my age having the same excitement as I am. We are tough, winterized flowers refusing to fall off the stalk. A little faded, but not ugly. We still have some admirers, and I thank God for that.

Not a day goes by but what I get a surprise, and a good one at that. I think that is what keeps the little girl in me who somewhat still believes in the tooth fairy. I don't have any more teeth to trade in,( I'm tooth sound, not subject to decay,) but the dream fairy is still real to me. It's not like I dream of Prince Charming coming my way, it's like I dream of going Prince Charmings' way. I know he is out there somewhere, and I will keep looking for him. I will not settle for anything less. I will not be surprised when this happens. It might be in the next life, but who cares I am contented to wait. I could be the party pooper and leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth, but I prefer to spread some happiness, so help me God. I don't want any more wrinkles on my face. A smile will keep them off. I love people who smile a lot. Especially those who seemingly have nothing to smile about. It does hurt me terribly, but I smile with them. A great reward is waiting for them. No one knows the pain someone may be feeling behind that smile. How could anyone not be thankful for the times they are having fun? Never, never forget to ask God to put a smile on everyone's face. And also to send them a great big blessing. Life is not, nor never has been a bed of roses for anyone. Never forget that. We don't know why, but it is that way.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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