Sunday, July 29, 2018

"Let Us Remember The Beauty Of Others"

Sorry, Sunny my love. you lived long past your life span. and I thank you for the happiness you gave me. 7-29-2018 Perryton, TX
I lifted up her head and spoke these words to her. “Sorry Sunny Flower, that you have to go, but you have lived much longer than your expected life span just so you could keep me happy. May you die peacefully.” This sun flower has been broad and bold for a long time. It grew alone, and out performed the other sun flowers in size and beauty. It has finally had to say good-bye. I mourn her death since she has been so perfectly adorned among-est the Morning Glories. She will be in hospice for several days yet, then I will place her seeds in a urn maybe for planting next year. Life and death are essential, so we need to use this life for the best to help others. There will be no more smiles for us after the last breath is breathed. Just memories will linger on. Like the sun flower I have enjoyed showing my true beauty, and enjoyed the sweetness of those who let me know of it, but when the time comes to say good-bye, all we can expect is a gentle hand lifting our face to say, “sorry you have made me happy many times. May you rest in peace.” But let me add, this sun flower is not near ready to die. I haven't even grown to the best beauty of my life. I am expecting wings instead of pedals to surround my seeds. They haven't even began to show yet. I will keep on growing till I accomplish that hope. I don't care if it's a thousand years from now, I am having fun.

Hallelujah, what a thought, Jesus my salvation bought, Victory, yes victory.” My mind may cone and go, but it will never be able to remove this promise of God from me. If you forget, I will remind you. No matter how bored, or how depressed, I may have coming my way from time to time, I will never be beyond remembering that promise from God. If you ever doubt, just lay your hands on the bible. The old evil lair cannot stand the touch of the Holy Word. He will immediately start fading away to ashes. I am living proof of that. He can keep you grieving, but he can't keep you from believing. He can only stay in your mind for a very short time if you refuse to let him stay. Rebuke, rebuke.

At the end of the day I must rest and be glad that the Lord is watching over me. Tomorrow is filled with excitement that I don't even know about. Since I know that, I am going to go and find it even though I may not have any idea where. “Trust Me, Trust Me.” Yes Lord I will always do that. Please join me in that exciting venture of hunting for the best day of our life. It's there for the finding.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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