Friday, July 13, 2018

"One More Year Behind Me"

                        America the beautiful, today and forever. 7-13-2018 Perryton, TX
Good evening to everyone. I am back at home and rejoicing in the good report I got from my doctor. The doctor's exact words to me, :you are doing excellent.” I don't ever remember being told that before. Usually it's you're doing good, but not excellent. I am giving God the glory for this good report. It is nice to be back home. I drove about 400 miles there and back. Spent one night in a motel room. I was tired when I got home, but am resting nicely now. I got home in time to see a lot of exciting, important news. Things are still in an uproar with our great country. I would judge that President Trump is taking three steps forward, and one step back. He is still gaining on getting the swamp drained, but it turned out to be more like a bog. Much more rotten matter is being found than ever expected. I have no doubt that President Trump will be successful in cleaning up the wasteland, but it will not be easy. He needs our prayers more every day. He is making history right and left, but the more good he does the more harder he has to fight. Something very inflated is about to get the air let out with a mighty blast. Let us be patient, because I am sure it is going to happen. Don't get too far away from FOX news. That is the station you can depend on for the latest, correct, up-to-date news.

Everywhere I talk to people they tell me how great the economy is doing in their city. It's almost a hundred percent turn-a-round from what it was before President Trump became president. Of course there is some downfall to that boom also, because housing is always problem. Property owners can get high rent prices, making it less prosperous for the working class to get ahead. In the end it will all work out and life can be more enjoyable. The stock market is a good example of what a bad, to good, economy can produce. It's a way unbalanced, and is causing a lot of concern for the investor. Little by little, but surely, the wheels of fame, and fortune for America will start turning smoothly. Our love for one another is much more important than money. I am not looking for more riches. I am looking for peace, joy, and happiness. Money can never buy those three things. It is known by most people that money is powerful, but if it is obtained through evil doings it will rot the bones of it's holder. I believe America is becoming rich because of a leader who learned by God-given wisdom how to control money. He learned that power over evil is not gained by money, but by the cause of money. Israel because of America, is the country that will never be defeated. America, because of Israel, is the country who will defend both Jews and Gentiles as is written in the Word. “God bless America, and God bless Israel.”

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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