Sunday, July 15, 2018

"The Awesome Beauty Of The Rose"

Sharing my rosy beauty with you. Flawless and sweet smelling. 7-15-2018 Perryton, TX 
I came home from church today without a clue as what to write on my blog. I had heard a sermon that left me confused. It was on prophesy, Amos 7: 7-17.Ten verses is a lot to preach one sermon on, but that's what happened this morning. The verses were long, and very frightful. Why was our pastor preaching on prophesy? Because he sees it being fulfilled today in our churches. To get to the main point, God was angry with Israel and was punishing them to the fullest. He was going to drive them out of their land. All because they were a rebellious nation and God lost patience with them. We may look at this scripture and ask, how could a loving God be so cruel to any human especially His own chosen people? Many Christian are believing today that God would never do that to Christian America. They are blind to the fact that it's happening already. The pastor mentioned that many people believe that America is the New Jerusalem. It could possibly be so, and if so, it fits the very nature of the Israelite's God led out of Egypt's bondage. This seventh chapter of Amos needs to be read by everyone who believes in God. I know some don't believe in the Old Testament, but why do they think it is part of God's Word? How can anyone in their right mind not believe in the entire bible?

So as I thought and kept thinking about something to write on my blog today, I took my camera and went outside. Immediately my eyes fell on this perfectly shaped white rose.
So beautiful, and smelled heavenly. I must take a picture and place it on the blog that God was beginning to give me to write. The stinking fear of an ugly, but truthful sermon vanished quickly. I am sure that the message I heard this morning will not go away, but for now I have some peace of mind. All we can ask for is strength to endure whatever comes our way. I am definitely aware that troubles will come, and worsen by the day, but I am also sure that God will keep us safe, and for the most part, satisfied. Like the beautiful white rose, we can bless others, as others bless us. Confusion cannot control us if we don't allow it. God said in His Word that he was not the author of confusion, but the author and finisher of peace. I am a firm believer of that promise. I will always try to do my best to help others even though I may sometimes rebuke, and offer forgiveness, but by the grace of God I will never use that person to make me look good. It just doesn't work that way. Only a fool would believe that they can gain respect by insulting the child of God. Jokes are jokes, but the mind of Christ knows the difference.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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