Sunday, July 22, 2018

"Thank God For His Creation Of Pleasure"

    My friend, Jean Horner, at the Guymon Senior Citizen's dance. 7-22-2018 Perryton, TX
It was on the spur of a moment that a friend and I decided to go to the Senior Citizen's dance at Guymon, Oklahoma last night. It was our first time to be there and we thoroughly enjoyed it. We met several nice people whom we expect to be seeing more of as time goes by. One of the members was celebrating his birthday with a group of his family members, and they sat at a long table by themselves. This nice guy paid for every person's attendance charge, and had two or three large birthday cakes for the people to enjoy. Finger food was in abundance all during the dance. The music was the 50 and 60's greatest hits. A live band that really turned the dancing spirit on was also great. My friend spent the night with me, and we went out for breakfast this morning. She left for home about 11 o'clock. It has been a good week-end for me, and we look forward for more just like it.

The past two days has been extra busy for me. I didn't have time to write a blog, and I regret that I didn't somehow make time to do so. The little bit of time I spend in writing a short message of self, well-being each day keeps me looking up, and not down. My life hinges on an open door of the blessings of God. I need to share those blessings with others as they are shared with me. For the past two days I have failed to do that, and I feel the effects of it now that the party is over. Let me reassure you that I have been blessed to the fullest this week. I can't begin to mention them all. I am so humbled to be shown such love, and kindness. I do ask God for equal love and kindness to give others.

I do have to admit that now that the party is over I am left a bit bored. My dad had a solution for that feeling when I was a child. He would say, “get up and get to work. There's plenty to do.” I know that is true, but it takes a lot of self discipline since my dad no longer has control over me. I have to waste a lot of time just being idle while I hold onto the good ole memories. I can work when it can no longer wait to be done. My Heavenly Father will take my dad's place when He has to. I'm thankful for His way of correcting me. I need it often. No doubt about it God is moving to make me more contented, and self-secure. I'm patiently waiting for the “big one.” When it happens, I'm going to be asking, “is this you God, or did I make it happen?” Oh! For more wisdom every day. In Jesus name, I ask.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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