Monday, July 16, 2018

"Thank You Sun For This Flower"

                              The lonely sunflower has no friends. 7-16-2018 Perryton, TX

I have posted one of the three sunflowers growing in my blackberry patch. The other two are almost invisible. This one growing so tall, and obviously all alone is refusing to be hurt by having no friends. There is another sunflower growing in a planter across the yard from this one, but it is poorly looking, and has a half dozen little ones nursing it's very life away. I have never planted a sunflower seed, but most likely the birds did. It's amazing how mother nature has a way of supplying us with things we didn't ask for. Some are good, some are bad. I'm glad we have a choice to either keep them all, or just the good ones.

This theory does not apply to the good, and bad flowers growing in God's flower garden. We do not have a choice to keep who we want, and cast the others aside. This will be done only by the Master Gardner when it's time to clean up the entire earth, and all its fullness thereof. If we keep our own lives clean we must not expressively show our bias against others. To be clear this does not mean that the more beautiful a flower we are gives the less beautiful more right to cast us out. As I have already said we are all flowers in God's big garden, and only He has a right to judge when the time comes. We should all hope that God does not cast us out because of our bias (prejudice or haute attitude). Even the flowers with Satan's face plain and clear, we must let them grow till they can no longer survive on their own. We all have the right to keep the soil under our roots for our own nourishment.

For those of you who think I am talking over my head please read the bible book called Ecclesiastes. This book is words of the preacher which I feel has been ordained by God Himself. Everyone may not interpret this preacher the way I do, but to me it's pretty plain. It keeps me searching my soul every day. It could be used as a good fertilize for the growth of our own flower. If we apply we could grow stronger, and live longer. As we struggle and toil in this life let us be aware that we have no choice but to keep growing, and showing our beauty for all the world to see. Otherwise we are like the sunflower who never had a good life from the beginning, and gave birth to many scroungy-looking off spring. The lonely sunflower may not have many friends, but it stands tall, and strong in it's healthy environment. It's my responsibility to keep my environment healthy. I need to make sure I stay close to God, and never do things to displease Him. I believe He expects me to grow, and be nourished by his own food daily.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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