Monday, July 9, 2018

"Proving Me Wrong Again"

              Roses have started to bloom. Better late than never. 7-8-2018 Perryton, TX

The hot dry weather has let up a bit, and now the roses are blooming. I am excited because I had given up on them blooming this summer. I appreciate the roses more than any of my, large variety of flowers, although it takes all kinds to make a beautiful floral arrangement. I spent another hour and one-half working in the flower garden this morning. I have a feeling I will have sore muscles tomorrow. I have to bend over to pull up all the unwanted greenery. Wild grass, bindweed, dandelions, and much more. A lot of that stuff has to be dug out with a sharp pointed knife. But it's fun. And I like to see the bare ground when I have gotten rid of it.

The long list of things I needed to do today before I leave tomorrow for my doctor's appointment is not shrinking very fast. I have spent most of the day working in the yard. I could not let the place burn up, and grow up while I was gone. I had to prepare enough food to leave for Chuck for a couple of days. It's a good thing he likes beef stew. I made a large pot, and that's mostly what he will be eating while I am gone. My doctor will be coming to Weatherford, Oklahoma from Oklahoma City. My appointment is at 9:30 Wednesday morning at the Weatherford Hospital. I am writing this information for anyone who may want to see me at that time. I am originally from Weatherford. I have family and friends still living there, and in the vicinity. Soon after my appointment I will be leaving for home.

I have notified my children to let them know I will be gone. I never leave home without letting them know where I am going. I am so thankful for loving children and grandchildren. They also let me know when they are going to be traveling, and when they will be back. This is called close family ties, which I think every family should
boast of. I do have family who vacations often both far and near. I have a granddaughter now in Alaska, and a grandson in Iceland. Another grandson and wife will be leaving for Alaska in a few days. They will be going on a cruse out of Alaska. I will be keeping them all in my prayers.

It is time for me to start packing so I must say so long for a couple of days. I will miss writing this blog, and I hope you will miss reading it, but I will be back on the job Thursday. Hopefully I will have something more exciting to say when I get back. I will also miss some important world news because I won't be watching television while I am gone, but that too can be caught up. When I leave home I leave all my norms there. I just want to relax, and take a break from it all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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