Saturday, July 14, 2018

"The White Rose Is A Symbol Of Purity"

               White rose bush doing well. Just started blooming. 7-14-2018 Perryton, TX

What a lovely morning in Perryton, Texas. A nice cool breeze. and sun shinning brightly makes you forget all the world's problems. I am still rejoicing over all the blessings I received this past week. God is good all the time. I hear that phrase repeated a lot. I agree with it 100 percent. Right now He has me weighted down because otherwise I might fly away to a place that I would regret later. Thoughts are coming to me fast, and furious. Thank God for wisdom when we need it most. I just can't help but take a jab now and then at someone who disrespectfully uses me to gain attention for themselves. Those people know who they are, and so does God. They are very good at hypocrisy. Too bad they are not smart enough to know that. I fear that the evil that has flooded our country is starting to take a toll on me like millions of others. We should be praying for wisdom in the most sincere way every day. God said, “vengeance is mine, I will repay.” I have tried to stand on this bible scripture for many years. The word of God also says, “shun the very appearance of evil.” Where do we draw the line? “God help us to know where, and when. Please give us strength when we feel uncertain. You are the one who has helped us overcome all the obstacles that got in our path. I will trust You the rest of my life.”

Today I am praying for ambition to get my work done. I have put off several things that really need my attention. Not hard work at all, just not what I enjoy doing. It will hit me soon, I hope, that all the neglected things will suddenly become so exciting, and I will be proud of my finished job. Until then I will squirm in my chair while I watch this evil witch-hunt against our President continue. I know I am on the sideline, but even fans are important for how hard the team plays. This fan speaks up every day either in person, or on the internet in addition to the prayers I say every day to the Almighty God. I join up with millions every day on the internet to support this President. We have to build that wall, and enforce our laws no matter what. Otherwise we have no country. How could anyone not see through this evil ex-empowered group of people who have gotten themselves rich by selling out our country? And now they are lying, refusing to comply to our laws, and working around the clock to think of another scheme to use to try to keep their butts from going to prison. They are enemies to God, and everything He stands for. Until they confess, repent, and ask for forgiveness they should be given the choice to die fighting on, or die peacefully. I am a believer of the New Testament, but also the Old Testament. All evil must be punished.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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