Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"My Home Sweet home"

             Can you see it? God Bless America my home sweet home. 7-4-2018 Perryton, TX
The flag is waving, The shish ka-bobs are cooking on the grill, and the potatoes are baking in the oven. Salad and melons are ready to go. Hello 4th of July you are more than welcome here. I have never seen as many flags up before. I think people are fed up at the way some people are doing. Step up and be counted with those who still love America, and will not be silent while it is being stolen from us. These red, white, and blue stars, and strips, flying all over our city brings tears to my eyes. If our dead soldiers could come out of the graves they would go right back to fighting. Don't we owe them some peace and rest and take their place to carry on with the battle? Let us use our voices to rebuke the enemy even if we know we might be beaten for it. That is what our soldiers did. They fought for God, and country. We are all soldiers if we claim God as our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ as our Savior. If we are ashamed of Them, They will be ashamed of us. Freedom is to be praised forever. Let us not fail.

I mentioned in my blog yesterday that I would be staying home today to grieve the 5th death anniversary of my beloved brother. It didn't happen. I did stay home, but I have been celebrating the birthday of our country all day. My neighbors on both sides came out this morning while I was out, and the smiles they were showing made me forget to grieve. One lady, who just lost her husband three months ago, was putting up the flag in its usual place like her veteran husband always did,. Her smile turned me on to thanking God for our country. Before long I had my flag up. The neighbor on the other side placed his flag back in the holder after taking it down for the night. After this bit of loyalty to our country, I began to get coals ready to grill shish ka-bobs for Chuck and I. The day seemed to sail by without me having to cry for my lost loved ones. I thought about them, and said a prayer for them, but God wouldn't let me cry. A good friend who lives in another city was ready to tell me about her great week-end, and I was blessed from listening to her. This Fourth of July day has been exceptionally good to me. Tomorrow I will get back to business as usual. That is if it's the Lord's will. I'm just happy to say I'm happy now. I will close and call Chuck for dinner. What a delicious looking stick of shish ka bobs that is waiting for him. He loves them so much. Hope everyone has had as good of day as I have had.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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