Monday, April 30, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Grab A Falling Star And Hang On"

Jean's Comment's: "Grab A Falling Star And Hang On": My Red Wood tree has lost it's sense of buds. Pink buds coming right out of the trunk of the tree. 4-30-2018 Perryton, TX Another s...

"Grab A Falling Star And Hang On"

My Red Wood tree has lost it's sense of buds. Pink buds coming right out of the trunk of the tree. 4-30-2018 Perryton, TX

Another sign of “world gone crazy” is showing up on my Red Wood tree today. This tree used to bloom all around the circle of limbs from tip to toe. It was a beautiful sight indeed. Now it has stopped blooming on the limbs and started blooming from the trunk. It is embarrassing to see this big tree with just a few pink blossoms scattered sparsely at the bottom of a few limbs where they grow out of the trunk of the tree. I'm thinking about cutting it down, although it is 45 years old. I guess everything loses it's beauty with times. My neighbor's big pecan tree is not pretty anymore either. They have always kept it trimmed every few years, but it is a shabby-looking thing now. Neither does it produce the great harvest of delicious pecans it used to. Oh! My. I wish things were like they used to be. I wish I didn't have to sit down every time I rake a small trash basket full of dead leaves. It takes me two hours to do what I used to do in fifteen minutes. I am proud though, that I've got most of the leaves off of both my front and back yards. Slowly, but surely, I'm making headway. I am now anxiously awaiting for rain. The weed and feed needs to be wet down.

I enjoyed a great time at the Center today. I visited with an old friend whom I hadn't seen in a long time. She always tickles my heart, and I was needing that today. She is the featured artist at the Center this month. I love, love her work. She puts her humorous touch to every serious art piece she does. The horses on one of her paintings was absolutely smiling. I couldn't quit trying to see what they were smiling at. My curiosity was aroused. Was this a true horse smile, or was it the way the artist wanted the horses to appear? Oh! That lovely feeling of wonder. The deer in another piece were no doubt, posing with pride to be having their bodies painted on canvas by an edited artist who takes away everything but the best from the image. Pretty dear with shinning horns, and serious eye shadow. Although bucks are not suppose to wear make up, these did, I swear. There were some portraits that made you feel like speaking to. Pam Wolf, I like your works of art. I am ready to see more of it.
I had a sleepless night last night. That is why I'm so excited about this art. It made me forget. Just before I went to bed I saw on face book a picture of a young boy, probably twelve years old, lying between his parent's graves on a blanket and a pillow. This was in Syria. The graves looked like he may have dug them himself, and he had rounded a mound of dirt over them. He had some kind of post sticking out of the ground for a headstone. I almost lost it. I don't know if this child's parents died from poison gas the Syrian Dictator used, or if they were killed from the missile strike that several countries used against the evil Dictator. I do believe it was one or the other. I could not get it off my mind. About 1:30 a m I got up to use the bathroom. An extra bright moon was shinning in my bathroom window. I took a picture of it, but it didn't help me to go to sleep. Finally I got up and turned on my computer. I wanted to see that picture again, but then I thought no way. I must get this off my mind. I went back to bed, but I actually thought I would never feel good again. Sometime in the early morning hour I drifted off to sleep. When I awoke this morning, I had forgotten a little, but after going to the Center and seeing the interesting art work I forgot completely. I think God let this happen to me so that I could get relief, but I feel like He wants me to remember again after I get refreshed. Satan would love to rob me entirely of my victory, but I will continue to fight him until he has to give up. I prayed for that child last night, and all the other poor children of Syria. I must cry sometimes, and laugh other times. Let us share both needed, God given, expressions of joy and sorrow. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Jean's Comment's: " Beauty Is What We Let It Be"

Jean's Comment's: " Beauty Is What We Let It Be": This tree is growing in this position. It has not been altered by man. 4-29-2018 Perryton, TX As I entered church this morning I had...

" Beauty Is What We Let It Be"

This tree is growing in this position. It has not been altered by man. 4-29-2018 Perryton, TX
As I entered church this morning I had to stop and take a picture of this poor needle tree growing with it's backbone to the ground. I don't know the name of the tree, or why it is growing along the top of the ground, but it sure is questionable. It looks real lively with long green needles. It could serve as an encouragement to some who have a bad case of osteoporosis or other types of deformities. The tree is beautiful even though it's different. No one wants to cut it down or neglect to care for it. The tree is the most interesting shrub in our entire church yard. 
The church services were good today as usual. It's always a joy to get lifted up when the week as been bad for you. Of course Satan was there, but he didn't get very far with me. I put him on the run, although I know he will be back. We are as strong as our faith is, and that is why the old guy can't hang around long. We enjoyed a duet this morning by two lovely ladies from our church. The entire congregation seemed happy, and looked very nice.
I came home to eat lunch today since I'm sticking closely to my diet. It makes the evenings longer, but I have to give up something if I expect to reach my goal for weight loss in a couple more weeks. So far I have done well with it. I am concerned about tomorrow since I cannot miss the luncheon at the Center. Chicken spaghetti is on the menu, and it is a favorite pasta of mine. It is certainly not one of my diet choices. Vegetable blend is o k, but the delicious pineapple cake is not. I will be going mostly to hear an old friend talk about her art which is on display at the Center now. I do love her art, and I'm excited to get to hear her talk. She has a special talent for humorous speech, and her art work reflects that talent. She moved away from Perryton several years ago, and I'm just now learning she is an artist. She is also a retired Registered Nurse.
As far as the news I'm wondering how the thousands of immigrants who have finally reached our border line is going to turn out. This is a huge tug-of-war for our President. It seems impossible that this kind of invasion was allowed by anyone in our government. Yet it had to have been encouraged, and managed by the left wing Democrats. The illegal army of immigrants are pleading amnesty. Something that only Trump haters would attempt. The biased news media are making sure that a lot of pitiful looking pictures of babies in parents arms are dominating the news. I firmly stand with our President in saying “do not let even one of them into our country.” Let the Trump hatters march them all back to their own countries. I do not believe it was the immigrants who wanted to come here. It was the Trump hatters who have tried every trick in the deck to over throw our country. Let any innocent blood be on their hands.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Hope Never Dies When You Serve God"

Jean's Comment's: "Hope Never Dies When You Serve God": This cherry tree looks encouraging this year. 10 years old and has never produced cherries yet. 4-28-2018 Perryton, TX   I am posting a...

"Hope Never Dies When You Serve God"

This cherry tree looks encouraging this year. 10 years old and has never produced cherries yet. 4-28-2018 Perryton, TX
I am posting a picture of my greatest joy today. This cherry tree is ten years old, and has never produced cherries yet. It has never had this many blooms before so hopefully I will have cherries this year. It is suppose to be a rare type of fruit, and I'm anxious to see if it produces. It bloomed a way past the last freeze so there should be cherries this year. I hope I can can a hundred jars of cherries from it. We all love cherry pie. It's about my last hope for fruit this year since we had a very late freeze.

I was able to do a lot of work in my yard today. I raked the front yard, and spread weed and feed on it. For my age it was a hard job for me. I still have to do the back yard, but at least I'm getting there. I do all of my yard work except the mowing. So thankful that I still have good health. My house seems real big when I start running the sweeper, but after resting a lot in between rooms I can get it all done in about an hour. Since I live alone I can usually keep my house clean for quite awhile. However, that doesn't make the cleaning easier when I do start up the sweeper. It just makes me feel so good to have my house all clean, even though that is mostly just when I'm having company.

Two of my friends left Friday morning for a trip to several states to view a lot of interesting places. One of these friends is from another city, and she came early Thursday to visit with me before she left on the trip. She took all three of us out to eat that night, and there we met several other friends who made our evening most perfect. I am not a traveler so I didn't want to go on the 11 day trip. My heart is with them all the way. I am preparing food for when they get back. I think my out-of-town friend will stay with me a couple of nights. I am sorry I have missed doing my blog for a few days, but there just Isn't time to do blogs while I am entertaining friends. My life needs contact with friends both on my blogs, and in person. I'm so thankful for everyone's understanding of my needs. I will be getting back to my views on the world matters before long. I am loaded with opinions that I can't wait to share. I am still rejoicing about the great job our President is doing. Although he is facing opposition more, and more each day. I always find time each day to hold him up in my prayers. Let me say again, this world is evil beyond anything any of us has ever seen. I can't believe some of the destructive things that are happening to some of our most Godly people. Many of these evil people will be doomed to live in misery forever. I know they deserve it, but I still have sympathy for them, something they don't have.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Pink Trimming Makes This Tree Pretty"

Jean's Comment's: "Pink Trimming Makes This Tree Pretty":     I love those little pink blossoms. Spring is here at last. 4-25-2018 Perryton, TX For those who read my blog yesterday I mentio...

"Pink Trimming Makes This Tree Pretty"

    I love those little pink blossoms. Spring is here at last. 4-25-2018 Perryton, TX

For those who read my blog yesterday I mentioned that it was possible to get snow again here in the Panhandle. Well I got up this morning to find the ground covered with snow. April 25, 2018. The lingering cold weather has delayed our spring beauty a lot, but some of the blooms on the Red Bud tree are beginning to show up. Only a few so far, but I am proud of them. The snow has melted off, but it's still cold out. I am still running my heater. Everything is green, but still not much color to go with it.
I was delighted to find a good friend's art hanging at the Citizen's Center today. I have know this lady for years, but didn't know she was an artist. She moved from Perryton several years ago. When I saw her name signed on the pieces of art I immediately recognized them as the work of a dear friend who is one of a kind. I loved every piece she had hanging. I can't describe it, but it is so interesting, and roughly detailed. She is suppose to be in person at the Center next Monday, April the 30th with some more of her art, and will be talking about her work. Everyone needs to come by and see Pam Wolf's interesting art, mostly people, but some animals. I believe she is living at Red River New Mexico. There is where the creative spirit can capture your mind like no other place. The laughable talk she will be giving is as good as her art. I can't wait to see, and hear her funny chatter. She just may have caused me to get my paints out again. I needed something to move me in that direction. I have procrastinated long enough.
I have semi-retired from politics. I walk away from television more, and more all the time. I guess I have learned who all the dirty politicians are, and now I just need to pray that they will get charged with the crimes they have committed. I still believe God is with the Christians, and will continue to give our President Trump, and Vise President Pence wisdom, and strength to win this evil battle against our Christian foundation. In the mean time I will be praying daily for my own faith to keep growing stronger. I will keep myself occupied, and enjoy the sweet spirit of Christian friends as long as possible. When I feel like dancing I will dance. When I feel like crying I will cry. When I feel like dieting I will diet. When I feel like showing off I will show off. I am a person of moods, and I do as I feel like doing. However, I will, by the help of God, do nothing that I think is displeasing to Him. And that is saying a lot. Hear no evil, speak no evil, don't put tattoos on your body, Leviticus 19:28. Abstain from the very appearance of evil. All of these do's and dont's are bible quotations. Most of us were taught them from our youth up, but many have trashed God's Word, and are living in misery. I am praying for the foolish to plead their guilt to God.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "My Goal Is Hanging On The Closet Door"

Jean's Comment's: "My Goal Is Hanging On The Closet Door": Looks sloppy hanging there, but it really is cute. Gold sequins entirely cover this tunic. 4-24-2018 Perryton, TX   I have chosen this ...

"My Goal Is Hanging On The Closet Door"

Looks sloppy hanging there, but it really is cute. Gold sequins entirely cover this tunic. 4-24-2018 Perryton, TX
I have chosen this gold sequin tunic with a black lace under garment to wear to my granddaughter's college graduation. The problem is I need to lose 10 pounds in one month. The tunic is tight fitting even though it doesn't look like it. I bought this tunic knowing I had to lose some weight before I could wear it, but I wanted it that badly. Watch this miracle happen. This granddaughter is special, and I'm sure we will be celebrating her great achievement after the graduation. My accessories are debatable. I have several with which to chose from. It's so fun to dress, and act young. I do it more now than when I was young. Don't really know why. But my granddaughters always wanted to wear my cloths. I would only have five pounds to lose if I hadn't indulged so much at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will take it off because I know how to do it. I don't have quite the nerve to wear this tunic like it's suppose to be worn without anything under it. Although I think it would be beautiful worn that way on a younger lady. I found a little gold handbag I have had for years. Never hardly ever used it. It is not much bigger than enough to hold a Kleenex. The gold chain is new-looking, and long enough to put my arm through. If all goes well this is what I will be wearing to the graduation.

After such a lovely day yesterday today has been cold and windy. I can't even comment on the weather this spring, because I've never seen anything like it. We are so anxious for a normal spring season without fear of snow tomorrow. All my plans for today had to be canceled, because of bad weather. You guessed it, yard work. I just did some baking, and getting ready for company in a couple of days. That big fresh, apple pie I made smells so good, but I promise I won't even taste it. I have had fish for the past two days, and probably will have it the rest of the week. I was nice enough to think of my company first.

Tomorrow I will be going to the Center for lunch. Bacon wrapped chicken is good for my diet, but the potato casserole and strawberry short cake isn't. There is always salad so I will have chicken and salad tomorrow. I will pretend like I'm enjoying my lunch. I just can't miss again since I've already missed several times lately. Besides I need the uplift I always get when I go to the Center. My sweet men and lady friends sure bring out the best in me. I love those friendly smiles they all wear. I even keep thinking I might get asked by one of these unmarried gentleman to sit by him. I think we all are so set in our ways that we are afraid to touch each other. I know that's true of me, although I am fighting with it. A smile, and a hug occasionally, is good enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 23, 2018

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "It's OK To Call Us Retirees Laz...

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "It's OK To Call Us Retirees Laz...: Jean's Comment's: "It's OK To Call Us Retirees Lazy" : My neighbor keeps his golf cart parked in front of his garage. ...

Jean's Comment's: "It's OK To Call Us Retirees Lazy"

Jean's Comment's: "It's OK To Call Us Retirees Lazy": My neighbor keeps his golf cart parked in front of his garage. It is a nice one, but the vehicle has to be parked in the street. 4-23-2018...

"It's OK To Call Us Retirees Lazy"

My neighbor keeps his golf cart parked in front of his garage. It is a nice one, but the vehicle has to be parked in the street. 4-23-2018 Perryton, TX
  We finally got another lovely day. No wind, or cold temperature. It's just right to stroll around the block. I came in after a short walk around the neighborhood. I stopped and took a picture of my neighbor's golf cart. It is a very nice low-speed electric vehicle, and it takes commanding position over it's owner's truck, which stays parked in the street. My next door neighbors were sitting out in lawn chairs enjoying the beautiful weather. They both are recovering from illness that kept them inside for a long time. It was nice to visit with them. We are also rejoicing over a nice rain that made everything start to green up fast. We are truly counting our blessings.

I stayed home from the Center today so I could clean house. I will be having company in a few days, so I had to get it in gear. Maybe I can take off a few pounds that the good food at the Center has put on me. It is very easy to get into a habit when it comes to eating food that you didn't cook yourself, especially when you eat with others who are guilty of the same lazy habit. Three times a week we have these blessed lunches, and I am always ready to go. The meals are anything but calorie free. I find myself indulging in the cake or pie with ice cream that is served so often. After running the sweeper over my six rooms of carpet plus a long hallway, I am starving. I have a light meal set out for the evening, but It will take some extra discipline if I stick with it. Fish and mixed vegetables isn't much to settle for. Absolutely no dessert for this evening. I need to lose ten pounds in one month. I will let you know if I make it happen, but I really doubt I will. I love my Senior Citizen's food and fellowship too much to give it up for a month. I have a certain dress outfit that I want to wear to my granddaughter's college graduation in a month. I can't wear it unless I lose ten pounds.

I have felt much better today after finishing a week of ups and down's. I don't know why we all have to endure those days, but it is always so good to see them pass away. That is not saying everything is perfect, but it is saying God took the worry away from me. I believe He will make all the crooked roads straight for some who are striving to travel the sharp curves without any brakes. I will never stop praying for them, but I will be able to unload my burdens of them. Jesus walked on the water to get me when I was sinking. “Praise His holy Name.” He said He would not put more on us than what we could handle. I have stood on that promise for many years. He has never failed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Wow What A Week"

Jean's Comment's: "Wow What A Week": Faith is being certain  of what you do not see. A reminder piece of art hanging on my dinning room wall. 4-22-2018 Perryton, TX Where ha...

"Wow What A Week"

Faith is being certain  of what you do not see. A reminder piece of art hanging on my dinning room wall. 4-22-2018 Perryton, TX

Where have I been all week? Living by faith, and not by what I was seeing. I could not write the true feeling I had all week, so I refused to write at all. The week was mostly filled with fast, and furious, deeds that I dare not speak about. I could not have done all the sudden, unexpected, things I did and keep up with my daily blog. I had no time to focus on anything but guiding a wrecked ship to shore. I finally got it safely anchored with a mighty great team of trained supporters, but if another storm comes before we get it hauled to repair headquarters it will forever be wrecked. I have posted this little reminder of what faith really is hoping I can live up to it's advise. “Faith is being certain of what you do not see.” I could not see much of anything that was good enough to produce any faith, but I kept on believing anyway. My ship was badly wrecked, and has not been repaired yet. Even today another storm blew in. I have quit asking for miracles, and are just asking for peace in the time of storm. I have been told I need to stay in a safe, secure, range of water, but I don't believe there is such a thing as that. I will keep trusting in God to keep me safe in whatever state or condition I am in. Storms don't last forever, and I will be able to enjoy the calmness that follows if I will just keep reading the little verse that reminds me to keep the faith.

We had a Gideon speaker at church this morning. He told a little story of a couple who had been involved in a car accident. The couple or their young son was not hurt, but the car was totaled out. The driver of the wrecker was a Gideon. He had thrown a little Christian track inside his wrecker truck. The young son of the lucky family was messing around the wrecker while it was preparing to mount the wrecked car. He saw the little track and picked it up. He read a story about making things right with Jesus. He decided to do just what the track had said needed to be done. He joined the family of God. Later on the child asked his father if he was going to join the family of God. The father slowly answered, “I guess so.” The son showed his father the track. The Gideon speaker asked the question, was it really an accident or was it an intentional matter? I am asking myself the question. Has my week been really bad, or am I blessed to have weathered a storm? I truly can say I have been missing those great times of laughter I usually talk about, but If I can make someone else laugh who have not cracked a smile in years it will be time to laugh again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Birds Know No Sin"

Jean's Comment's: "The Birds Know No Sin": This bird posed for me this afternoon. It so gracefully sit still while I took it's picture. 4-17-2018 Perryton, TX.   The birds ...

"The Birds Know No Sin"

This bird posed for me this afternoon. It so gracefully sit still while I took it's picture. 4-17-2018 Perryton, TX.
The birds were very entertaining this afternoon as I sat in the front yard and watched them. I believe matting season is over, but for some reason these winged creatures were sticking close together. I couldn't miss taking this birds picture as it was sitting out at the end of a dead limb. Most of the other birds were mostly hidden in the leaves of the trees. They all were flying to and fro like a big celebration was going on. Some were even doing sky diving. They were not all of the same breed. There were tiny birds, and large birds. Some were gray, and some were black. It must have been a community affair. I did enjoy them a lot.

The wind was high again today, and I couldn't work in the yard. We still have no moister, and it's too windy to water. Looking for a better day tomorrow. I will be busy tomorrow so even if the day is nice and still I won't be able to work in the yard. The Senior luncheon is too good to miss. They will be serving roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, steamed cabbage. salad, and four layer cake and ice cream. I can never miss a roast beef dinner. At 6 o'clock the church will be having a meal before they show their video. Wednesdays are always busy days. I love good food and fellowship.

This evening I will be watching only news. So many things are happening till I can't hardly keep up with it. Our country is raging, with far too much evil taking place. I wonder how much longer it can go on without an all out Civil war. Let me tell you dear friends, it is bad, bad. I believe the gates of hell have been opened wide. I would almost say that a majority of the people's minds have been seared, and they feel no shame at all. It definitely is getting worse by the day. Face book don't want to print my opinions, but I will keep trying. There are far too many blind eyes, and deaf ears, for us to keep silent. If we have to use sign language, and loud speakers, we need to get the truth out to all. I'm not a prophet, but I do have an understanding of the bible. I see the bible prophecy being fulfilled daily. There is no changing it, but it pays us all to stay close to God. I believe all parents of young children need to teach them the bible daily. They will be faced with much harder times than we have now. I'm thankful that 85 years ago my parents, and grandparents started teaching me. They have no idea how wicked this world is now, because they passed on years ago. We too can not know just how much more wicked it will be when our children, and grandchildren are left without us. I pray that all parents who have neglected to teach, and train their children in the way they should go will make hast now. 
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "Look Who Said Good Morning To Me"

Jean's Comment's: "Look Who Said Good Morning To Me":                       Sunshine in my heart. You light up my life. 4-17-2018 Perryton. TX   I woke up this morning, after going to bed...

"Look Who Said Good Morning To Me"

                      Sunshine in my heart. You light up my life. 4-17-2018 Perryton. TX  

I woke up this morning, after going to bed last night feeling defeated, to see this huge bright sun welcoming me. Sometimes we might think, it's just not going to work, but then the sunshine appears, and everything is great again. How long will we keep believing God for miracles? Forever, and ever. I have been working on a project with a few other prayer warriors that was an almost impossibility from the start. It has been a battle since day one. When we thought we had it won, then Satan attacked again. Last night I had almost decided that this case was hopeless, and felt so sad. Then this morning I awake to the brightest sunshine I have ever seen. I am in full force once more. A miracle, yes, but faith has kicked in again. When God gives us a project we must give it all we've got. After all He didn't give us all we've got for nothing in return. I'm not saying that this miracle, some of us have been praying for, has happened yet, but I am saying we have been given more ammunition with which to fight with. In the natural sense one would say this case is not even necessary for God to care about. The natural eye can see all kinds of things to believe this person is ready to go to the nursing home, and wait to die. That is what the doctor suggested, but the mentally affected servant said no. They are fighting harder than anyone to win this battle. This is strictly a case of depression, and not because of any kind of drug abuse. A life long Christian, who has been healed of even cancer in the past. This person will say," I don't know why, but God just won't heal me of depression.” That's the miracle we are praying for, “Deep depression.”

As I leave today to go to work on a part-time job, I pray that I will be strengthened all day by this beautiful sunshine. I myself, need strength to withstand the horrible pain that I encounter daily with people fighting to live. I want to be a faithful servant who puts God first in their lives. At best my work is minimal, but God judges from the effort, not the success. He never judges unfairly. I love Him most for that. I truly believe that most depression stems from lack of trust in God. People may say they believe, and they do, but not enough to put Him first, even before themselves. I grieve the loss of my husband, and loved ones daily, but I will not be put on the depression diagnostic list. God didn't promise us a life free of sorrow and grief. He promised to help us live with it and be happy in spite of it. I experience that promise in my life daily. He is the Great Sunshine In my life each day.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 16, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "From Adam To DNAdam"

Jean's Comment's: "From Adam To DNAdam": The tropical grass is getting watered today. Fertilize and water will bring out the beauty soon. 4-16-2018 Perryton, TX   It's fin...

"From Adam To DNAdam"

The tropical grass is getting watered today. Fertilize and water will bring out the beauty soon. 4-16-2018 Perryton, TX
It's finally beginning to look like spring. It's very dry so I put the sprinkler on the tropical grass today. Some of the early spring flowers are growing fast, and they will be blooming soon. I had to hammer some nails in the fence today because the wind has blown fiercely for several days. I cam still drive a 10 penny nail, and saw a 10 inch limb by hand. Thank God for my strength. I cut some more asparagus today, and will have a big mess in a few days. The late freeze set it back a lot. I am now eating Bierox and peach pie out of my freezer. I put a lot of both in to have to eat when I'm too busy to cook or go out. I also froze several bags of Swiss steak. I can throw a potato in the micro and have a nice meal quickly.

 I have to think about my mother, and grandmother who had to start a fire in the wood cook stove or pour kerosene in the tank of the burner stove, before they could cook a meal. They had no freezer nor even a fridge. Yet they made great meals three times a day. I miss them so much. Before I was grown my mother had been blessed with a butane cook stove, and a refrigerator after electricity was wired to our farm. While I was growing up my mother always had a gasoline washing machine, and a treadle, singer, sewing machine. I used them both most of my growing-up life. A friend and I, went through the Museum of the Plains here in Perryton last week. We saw all these old things I am speaking of, and enjoyed it so much.

My parents, and grand parents, always had beautiful flowers, and a bountiful garden. They were able to irrigate from a large stock tank that stayed full of water from a wind mill. Every summer my family canned several hundred jars of vegetables and fruit. A cellar full of potatoes, and a smokehouse full of cured pork was always ready for cooking. Milk, and eggs were supplied daily the year round. There were no televisions nor almost no radios, because for so long we didn't have electricity. We did have a battery radio, but a lot of times we didn't have enough wind for the battery to stay charged. Somehow the folks did keep informed on the world affairs. We children didn't see many planes over head, but when we did see one we wondered if it was going to drop a bomb. I dare to wonder what another 75 years will bring America. If I am still alive to find out I will be 160 years old. I wouldn't mind at all as long as I can see, hear, walk, drive my car, and have fun with friends. The only draw back is there probably won't be any cars to drive because air transportation may be the only way to get around by then. We may have built-in binoculars, and be implanted with amplified ear drums while still in the womb. If that be the case I'm already outdated. Time to replace with a new model.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "No Dead Duck In This Water"

Jean's Comment's: "No Dead Duck In This Water":              The beautiful sanctuary of The First Christian Church. 4-15-2018 Perryton, TX   It was a great pleasure to sit in this be...

"No Dead Duck In This Water"

             The beautiful sanctuary of The First Christian Church. 4-15-2018 Perryton, TX
It was a great pleasure to sit in this beautiful sanctuary of The First Christian Church in Perryton, Texas this morning. Notice the hymnals on the back of the pews. We still sing the good ole gospel songs that I grew up with. I know hundreds of them by heart. I always sing myself to sleep at night with these wonderful old songs. There was a nice crowd this morning, and a great sermon was heard by all. We may not always see instant moving of the Holy Spirit, but believe me He is at work on the people all through the week. A lot of activity in the church throughout the week will attest to that. I am so thankful for this Godly group of people. I'm so thankful that we have a minister who knows how to handle Satan when he decides to act up in our church. I don't worry about any disagreements the church might turn up with, because I have seen the problem solved many times without my help. If I ever need to be involved, the Lord will let me know, as I have been used one time before to hold the rafters in place. Thank God my little bit of strength helped. The rafters are still properly in place, and the arch is gracefully shinning with lights. Sometimes I feel like I'm failing in doing more for my church, but I have to accept the fact that old servants never die, they just fade away. I must take my rest, and be thankful for the privilege.

I am praying that all churches will get revived, and no enemy power can stop it. Our President Trump has asked us to pray for even the hurting people of Syria who are now struggling for recovery from being poisoned with chemical weapons. The United States, and a few other countries have rained destructive fire, and dynamite, down on the evil dictator's bases of chemical weapon scientific manufactories . This will slow down the strength of the countries ability to kill thousands more innocent people with deadly gas attacks, but it will not change the evil minds of dictators. Prayer is a powerful weapon, and all of us have that ability. Let us use it daily, and force-ably. There is a time to relax, and enjoy our lives, and there is a time to pray, and be agonized with sincere pity for all of God's children. Both of these commands by God are necessary for being happy, and blessed. One without the other is a, “dead duck in the water.” Set your time and goal. Let nothing stop you from keeping it faithful and true. Not even pain, because God hears, and sees, the painful cry of His children. He answers even in times of pain, and little faith. He even picks us up when we are too weak to walk, but we must believe in him, always. God understands even the painful, weak words of His children.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "It's Me Again Talking My Talk"

Jean's Comment's: "It's Me Again Talking My Talk": A happy time at the widower's meeting this evening. Myrtle Jean Sharp 4-14-2018 Perryton, TX   I got away from the television with ...

"It's Me Again Talking My Talk"

A happy time at the widower's meeting this evening. Myrtle Jean Sharp 4-14-2018 Perryton, TX
I got away from the television with all the bombing chatter that had been going on all day, and went to the Widower's meeting to get my mind relaxed a bit. I'm glad I have been totally informed on what is happening in Syria. I do not want to ignore this very grave happening like so many are doing. I feel like America could easily be the next country to be attacked. The United States did not attack Syria, but was quick to defend them. For that reason several large enemy countries are angry at the U.S. For a short time this evening I was able to forget, and even found reason to laugh. Not one word was mentioned about the bombing that happened in Syria yesterday. I dare say not one person was ignorant of the fact, but no one wanted to talk about it. We do have one nice group of God loving, God fearing, people who stick together like glue. We dress our best, and fix our hair like nothing in the world is more important. We never talk about our troubles while dinning at the restaurant. We just tell each other how pretty we look. After I got home from the meeting this evening I went straight to the computer to share my joy, and good pleasure to have been with friends for a short while. I never want to leave my blog viewers out of the picture. You all are so important to me. I now send my blessings to each and everyone of you.

The wind has blown so hard today till it was hard to keep your feet on the ground. I am hearing of fires being fought all around us. Last year was a time when many thousands of acres were burned along with thousands of heads of livestock. Several homes, and some human lives were destroyed also all right here in the Texas Panhandle. We pray it don't happen again. Our only hope is in God. The sooner people realize that the better off they will be. We are seeing the worse kinds of disaster happening now, all around the world, than have been since old bible times. How destructive it will get is nothing but a guess. But if I understand my bible correctly, the tip of the iceberg has just happened so far. The more we read Revelations, the more we can expect to see great troubling times still to come. We need each other now to share the Word of God with, and to hold each other up in prayer. Let us all work harder for that goal. I, for one, am already seeing this happening, and it is even more scary because it is a prophesy being fulfilled. I even feel like I am tagged by the Almighty to get more involved, and more bravely moving toward the enemy. Not away from it. Some people call it the “Old age stage.” I call it the “Last minute rage,” Whatever, let us be tough, and resilient, whatever age we may be.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 13, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Do We Have A Physical Godly Statue On Our Porch"

Jean's Comment's: "Do We Have A Physical Godly Statue On Our Porch": Across the street from my son's house sits this statue of Mary on the porch. 4-13-2018 Perryton, TX I was impressed by this statue o...

"Do We Have A Physical Godly Statue On Our Porch"

Across the street from my son's house sits this statue of Mary on the porch. 4-13-2018 Perryton, TX
I was impressed by this statue of Mary, the mother of Jesus, just across the street from my son's house. I was sitting on a bench in his front yard when it became clear to me that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was standing on the porch of Chuck's neighbors. No doubt Catholics lived there, but how proud they must be to let people know what they believe. Probably most people will never know what caused those people to display a large statue of the mother of Jesus on their porch. If it had of been a statue of Jesus, most everyone would not have noticed. Whatever the Catholics believe is their own right. I do know some very nice Catholics. If I told you everything I believe about Mary, and her son, Jesus, It would take a thick book. I will just make it short and say without both of them, we all would be hell bound today. I congratulate Chuck's neighbors for honoring Mary. Thank God for the New Testament.

As most people have notice I have not posted a blog in two days. I was given an assignment by Jesus that was very time involving. I could not find enough extra time to post, but I believe that is the way God wanted it. When He says “I need you for another project,” It's time to stop all other activity, and follow the Lord as he leads. The project has almost ended now, and I am rejoicing at the amazing results. I can barely keep my feet on the ground. It's time to dance unto the Lord for His goodness. I couldn't be more happier if I had been handed a million dollar check by the richest person on earth. I will continue to do what is most important in God's sight, and do the less important last. The less important are usually the hardest to manipulate, yet we spend so much time trying to just keep trying. We never know when we have reached a point of value. But the most important things are easy, less time consuming, and much more positive to see the Godly results. At the time of perfect peace, one has to say, “I can't believe it really happened. It was almost impossible.” It no longer belongs in the, “by faith,” category. It fits into the reality category. Then it's time to wait and see what it was all about in the first place. We know that it's nothing short of a miracle which will be felt by many. Can we ever say, “I'm too busy to take on another project?” I certainly hope we all never refuse to help God when, and where, He needs us. I hope we continue to fight the daily battles that will still try to defeat the reality project. They will be small, and faint, but they will be real. As long as we live we will always be tested, and tried. We never grow out of our Heavenly Father's house rules like we did our earthly fathers. We are his children forever. Let us honor Him forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Almighty God We Pray"

Jean's Comment's: "Almighty God We Pray":                    Membership dinner at the Museum of The Plains.4-10-2018 Perryton, TX   I just got home from a wonderful membership d...

"Almighty God We Pray"

                   Membership dinner at the Museum of The Plains.4-10-2018 Perryton, TX
I just got home from a wonderful membership dinner at The Museum of The Plains. There was a large crowd, and the food was delicious. I took this picture and several more, but couldn't put them all on the blog. Three of my friends came by to get me, and it was such an enjoyable evening. In times like we are living in now, every bit of fellowship, and encouragement is a great help. People everywhere have lost most of their faith in our country. I hear from so many that life is not worth living for anymore. It takes a lot of determination to hold onto the little faith people have left. Gatherings such as I attended this evening is so important for building back faith. It lets you know that not only you, but most everyone is struggling for God, and Country to return. Let us fight this thing together, and not my ourselves.

I visited with a very depressed friend after I got home this evening. She is not a member of the Museum and didn't go to the dinner. She had a very bad day today, and was near ready to plead with God to take her live. She is a Christian, and has never taken drugs outside of prescriptions. She has never drank alcohol, so why is she beyond hope? She is financially sound, but thinks she needs to work. She has worked most of her long life. I am told that this friend is one of millions in this same situation. I am praying that by tomorrow she will be feeling better, but if so, how long will it last? If this friend goes down she probably will take several others with her. She is loved by many. This case is the worse I have ever seen, but still begging God to take their life instead of taking it themselves. 

I write this sad story because I want to make more people aware of mental illness. It is a major, and much more, a problem in our world today. If our President Trump goes down, there is no doubt in my mind that the last hope for America will go down with him. I believe that President Trump has taken more abuse than any other previous President we have had. We just cannot let him be taken down. We will not know just how close it is to reality until one morning we wake up to news that President Trump is no longer our President. Many suicides will rock the nation if, and when that happens. Not because President Trump is God, but because God will have decided to spare our President from any more harsh abuse. Who would ever love America as much as President Trump? Not one, no not one. I pray that God will smite every evil human being, and let the redeemed live on. Sorry that it has come to this, but it cannot be stopped any other way. God is real. He is Almighty. He will forever be God of all creation.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 9, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Joy Of My Kitchen"

Jean's Comment's: "The Joy Of My Kitchen": Bierox and peach pie ready for lunch Wednesday. The filling in some of the Bierox had to peek through.  4-9-2019 Perryton, TX   I am...

"The Joy Of My Kitchen"

Bierox and peach pie ready for lunch Wednesday. The filling in some of the Bierox had to peek through.  4-9-2019 Perryton, TX

I am having lunch at my house Wednesday 4-11-2018 to honor a friend who may be moving back to Perryton. She moved away six years ago, and I had not seen her since, although I had talked with her on the phone from time to time. I have already made Bierox, and Amish Wedding peach pie. I will have pear salad, and chilled cucumber slices with red onion slices. Not sure if I will fix anything else. Ann Bettes is a nice person who has a lot of friends she doesn't even know about. So glad to have her back, even if it's just for a visit.

Some of the Bierox are partly uncovered. That's because I don't like more crust than meat, so I make the crust too thin to keep from cracking. That's o k because the crust is very crisp, and tasty. The Bierox freezes well also. I made two peach pies and a dozen Bierox so if others want to join us for lunch we will have plenty. Once I get all the cooking utensils cleaned up I'll be ready for the big day. Only a minor bit of dusting and wiping will be left to do. At least I just plan to do a minor bit.

I will be attending a membership dinner tomorrow evening at the Museum of the Plains for all members. It is always nice, and a good time to see friends you haven't seen since maybe the last membership dinner. I'm staying pretty busy now just trying to keep up with all the invites I get. I'm thankful, but getting a little tired out. I have three events on the same day coming up, and I'm glad they are scheduled at different times. I really want to make them all. I think I see some yard work being put off awhile longer.

I guess I cannot write a blog without exploding about our corrupt justice system. I get so angry at what's going on in our “Once-Upon-A-Time,” fair and just America. If God struck all the evil leaders dead, I don't think we would have many honest citizens left. I am looking for that to happen. He is just getting everyone ready for the great fall. Those who fall, and those who will watch them fall. The bible is all true, and it certainly declares that evil will fall with a big bang. I'm expecting it to happen any day. If I was giving advise, I would say to those who have not repented, do so quickly. I would also say to those who are trusting God, don't take your eyes off him for one second. Everyone has been warned, and there will be no excuses excepted. No not even one. But there will be thousands who will try. I have heard these two words used so many times, “I thought.” Well it's time to stop thinking, and start being positive. If you're not sure, work on it till you are. 

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I'm Going To Eat You Anyway"

Jean's Comment's: "I'm Going To Eat You Anyway": Looks like my asparagus came out of the freezer. Lying on the ground after the freeze. 4-8-2018 Perryton, Tx   I went to cut a mess of ...

"I'm Going To Eat You Anyway"

Looks like my asparagus came out of the freezer. Lying on the ground after the freeze. 4-8-2018 Perryton, Tx
I went to cut a mess of asparagus for lunch today, and found it lying on the ground. I didn't know we had had a freeze. I've never seen the asparagus killed before by a freeze. Now I am wondering about the fruit. At least the freeze was so short lived till I didn't even know it happened. It is a nice beautiful day today. Mother Nature will do her thing regardless. I'm thinking about cutting the asparagus and cooking it anyway. It's very green, and looks fresh. I had my heart set on a fresh mess of asparagus.

This is Sunday, and Chuck is here fixing him a steak. I am not hungry for steak so I will probably eat asparagus with some crackers and cheese spread. I will skip the peach pie, although it will be very hard to do. My meal last evening was nothing but salad. I am serious about getting a few more pounds off. I have invited friends over Wednesday for lunch. I will be having bierox, and pear salad. There goes all the weight I have lost. I love bierox, and always eat too many. I will still have Amish Wedding peach pie so I probable will have my pie then.

I took my friend to the Widower's meeting last evening. She seemed to enjoy it a lot, and fit right in with the group. I am so thankful that she is beginning to pull out of the deep loneliness she had drifted into. I am one of a group of many cheerful, upbeat, singles who have beaten the loneliness crises, and have a lot of fun together. It's amazing how much we can liven each other up. If God has to He can put us into small groups to speak to us of what we no longer get in the churches. His Power through the Holy Spirit will not be quenched for long. All of us agree that what we really need is each other, and a place to enjoy our freedom of speech about our relationship with Jesus. A little good food, and a prayer of thanksgiving.

I am still rejoicing with the performance of our President, Trump. Only a Higher Power than man can do the job he is doing. God did not leave us to be totally destroyed by the enemy. He sent us leaders who would keep us safe, and destroy our enemies. Again I ask is there anything more wonderful than that? Our life is in His hand, and He will keep us forever safe. Psalms 91: 9-16. President Trump is the mind, voice, and power of this biblical, Almighty Power. He is not God, nor does he profess to be, but he is yielded to God's wisdom which is granted to those whom God chooses. May we all approach, and regard this chosen leader with the highest of respect. We do not have the right to put him in a box.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Either A Mother Or Mother To Be"

Jean's Comment's: "Either A Mother Or Mother To Be": My pet mother rabbit ran toward the fence when she saw me, but she didn't want to take her eyes off her babies. 4-7-2018 Perryton, TX ...

"Either A Mother Or Mother To Be"

My pet mother rabbit ran toward the fence when she saw me, but she didn't want to take her eyes off her babies. 4-7-2018 Perryton, TX
To my great surprise the weather is nice today. No snow or sleet as I had heard. It looks like the fruit was spared another time. I walked outside to see this mother rabbit jump up and run toward the fence, but she stopped before going through the opening. She obliviously didn't want to take her eyes off her babies. I don't know where she has them, but I hope it is a secure place so the lawn mower won't chop them up. I am already seeing bird eggshells on the ground, so I know the mean squirrels are at their worst mischievous acts.

I have done almost nothing today so far. It's been a morning of relaxing, just letting God speak to me through peace, and quietness. Then finally I realized I was suppose to call a friend and invite her to the Widow, and Widower's group meeting this evening. I was totally surprised when she accepted. I truly believe God is restoring this lady's joy, and happiness. At least she is definitely trying. I feel so victorious over what has transpired the past few days. I even feel like shouting. For several days now I have been getting wonderful surprises. It's like God has opened up the windows of heaven, and is letting the blessing flow. Not that I didn't ask for it, but like I never expected him to be so loving, and kind to me. I challenge everyone to take my word. God is real, and alive, and is the almighty power that no one can imagine. He is so simple that no one can accept it at that level.

Even though I had done nothing this morning, and wasn't planning to do anything this evening, I have gotten myself ready for the dinner this evening, and now have almost finished this blog. I still have time to go to the store, and return an item that I don't need. It has been a fruitful day after all. I'm thinking now about what I will order to eat this evening. The closer time gets to go, the hungrier I get. I may be the first to order. We do have a nice place to go, and good food to eat. I haven't decided what I will do tomorrow as it is the Sunday when we have dinner at church. But I am thinking about going to church with my friend at another place. God will let me know what choice to make. I will have to make a dish of food before I go to bed if I go to my church. We are living in a day of changes, and surprises. Our brains are being worked overtime, but mine is still not getting the full benefit of what perfection is all about. Maybe it will in due time. I do have faith, but low on patience. “Lord help me to endure.”

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, April 6, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Freedom Means So Much To Even The Birds"

Jean's Comment's: "Freedom Means So Much To Even The Birds":                             I managed to get another bird in flight. 4-7-2018 Perryton, TX   This picture was taken a couple of days ag...

"Freedom Means So Much To Even The Birds"

                            I managed to get another bird in flight. 4-7-2018 Perryton, TX
This picture was taken a couple of days ago of the sun setting. I was going to post it then, but another one came up so I used it. I wanted to show another lucky shot of a bird in flight. I haven't seen the sun at all today. The weather today has been sold, windy, and hazy. Snow and sleet has been predicted for the week-end. This always happens right after Easter in the Texas Panhandle. We are praying it won't be bad enough to kill the fruit. The trees were loaded with blossoms, and I sprayed them for worm-free fruit. At least we have to get the trees ready to produce even if we don't have any.

I took my friend to the Center today for lunch. She remembered several people there from when she used to live here. It was good for her to reunite with old friends and acquaintances. The lunch was good also. After lunch we drove around and did some investigating on apartments. I was shocked at how many empty places we found. I'm not sure of the reason, because usually it's hard to find a place to live. My friend is considering moving back here, but it's not definite. She has a pretty tough choice to make. She really needs our prayers. This is going on her third week of being in Perryton, and she has attended church both Sundays. We plan to do some more dinning tomorrow evening with the Widower's group depending on the weather. I will be fixing lunch one day for her also, and will invite another friend or two.
I have had my blessing already today. I'm so excited about a granddaughter who is just twenty years old, but is graduating from college next month. She has been offered a management job for a big city with a very good starting salary. She has two more interviews to do with other cities before she accepts. Everyone knows the anxiety of a young person finishing college as to what their future might be. I was so thankful that God didn't lose any time answering her prayer. I am sure she will make the right choice, but she will take her time in choosing.
Although I have had a full day of enjoyable activity I am still always lonely when I stay home at nigh without anyone to talk to. It never seems to get easier. I so much want to put my arms around my husband, and tell him how much I have missed him these last five years. Only the tears help us get through the lonely times. God wipes our tears away, and then I feel better. It takes a deep determination to carry on. Also I see so many others who are in the same situation as myself. We know we are not alone. We support one another, and share our burdens, How great our God is, and how grateful I am for His Almighty power.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Love Surprises"

Jean's Comment's: "I Love Surprises":                    The dead plant stump that sprouted new growth. 4-5-2018 Perryton, TX   This is the plant I mentioned a few days ago ...

"I Love Surprises"

                   The dead plant stump that sprouted new growth. 4-5-2018 Perryton, TX
This is the plant I mentioned a few days ago that had completely died. I had cut off all the dead leaves, and finally all the limbs clear back to the stump of the plant. I watered, fertilized, and even talked to the plant, but nothing ever happened. This plant was a special one from the tropics. I had been so amused with it every since Chuck bought it. It did well for most of the summer, then it began to slowly die. Nothing we could do would revive it. Chuck was going to trash it, but I asked him to let me try a little longer. That's when I cut everything off clear to the bark. After a few months I told Chuck to go ahead and take it to the dumpster. As he was preparing to do that he noticed this tiny bump with a split showing a bit of green. We both were excited, and started giving it extra special attention. Each day we rush to check how much more green we can see. I took this picture today, and will continue to post until the plant has made it to the beauty stage.

It looks like I will be making peach pies tomorrow. Chuck brought me a quart of Amish Wedding peach pie filling. It stresses no corn syrup, or no artificial coloring. This is the Chuck I talk about being all original. He thinks the Amish people are smart earthlings. No one can deny they are quite simple, and do not want any changes made in their culture. They find no reason to change like other human beings. There is enough filling for at least two pies. That is not a good dessert for my diet. I'm sure most of the pies will go in the freezer for when we have company.

I brought my friend from Oklahoma over today for a long visit. It was very nice, and I believe most important that we make this connection, although neither of us really planned it. I will be taking her to the Center with me tomorrow for lunch. Neither of us know at this time what God has in store for her. It is obvious that there has to be a change somewhere. Always it's when I'm least expecting it that something drastic happens, but always for the good. God never fails, and I have had this friend on my prayer list for some time now. I never expected this would be part of my request, but we never question God. I have some plans made for later with her, but never know if they will materialize or not. I really hope they will because I feel so positive about this venture as I see it now. I believe many times people miss the plan of God by not being serious enough with their request. They want it to happen their way, but that is never going to happen. God's way is my way, always.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "Surprised But Not Surprised"

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "Surprised But Not Surprised": Jean's Comment's: "Surprised But Not Surprised" :              My son, Chuck, inside plant starter. Tomato plants growing....

"Hungry For Fresh Vegetables"

                  The rhubarb plant is doing great. Pie awaiting. 4-4-2018 Perryton TX
The plants in the garden are growing fast now. This rhubarb plant is nearly ready to cut for making pies. The asparagus sprouts will be ready in a few days. My work is just beginning. I think I can get back in the groove pretty soon. If only the wind would stop blowing so hard I might be ready now. With so many things I needed to do today I didn't get to work any in the yard. A long list of groceries kept me shopping for over an hour. I had to make a visit to the bank, and pay some bills. Then a friend called and talked for over an hour. It was a busy, but fruitful day. I did my laundry, and cleaned my house. Hopefully I can do as much tomorrow. With all the other things I needed to do I missed the luncheon at the Center today. Will certainly plan to be there Friday.  

I am rejoicing for so many good things going on in my life at this time. Every day is a day of expectations for good news. I go to bed each night wanting to hurry up and go to sleep so I can awake to a new day. I call this time in my live reaping a plentiful harvest. God is so good and I can never thank Him enough.  

I just now got a call from a friend who I haven't seen in several years. She has moved to another state, and has come back to Perryton to visit her daughter. She will be coming to see me tomorrow. The last time I talked to her she said she was never coming back to Perryton. I could not hear her well so I don't know exactly why she is here, but she did say she had been here two weeks. She hadn't been able to reach me, but I have been gone a lot. I will be glad to see her, and hope she is alright. I'm still rejoicing in the Lord. Hopefully I can take her to the luncheon with me Friday. I need to hurry and fix some food before I go to bed so I can have something for lunch tomorrow. I do have to work in the morning. 

I must add that the news today has been little for me since I've been busy, but maybe I can catch up before I go to bed. Maybe the Lord wants me to take a break from a lot of bad stuff that's been making the news for so long. I am not worried because He is in control. I will eat, drink, and be merry till He comes. “Thank you Lord for this wonderful day, and I hope to see you soon.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Surprised But Not Surprised"

Jean's Comment's: "Surprised But Not Surprised":              My son, Chuck, inside plant starter. Tomato plants growing. 4-3-2018 Perryton, TX Since I have been cleaning my son's...

"Surprised But Not Surprised"

             My son, Chuck, inside plant starter. Tomato plants growing. 4-3-2018 Perryton, TX

Since I have been cleaning my son's house, I threatened him about raising plants inside his house this year. Today I walked into the large bedroom that is not in use, and this is what I found. A first class plant-starter set, that he had invented himself with lights, a fan, and thermometer on a shag carpeted floor. The entire surface was spotless clean. I could not help but be impressed. He is a super good horticulturist, and although he never uses his skill for money purposes, he enjoys the challenge every spring, and summer to do the scientific research. It is a hobby that I don't think he could live without. At least he knows how far he can go with me about keeping it clean, as long as it's in side. I am thankful that he has something to keep him contented. He has never been married, but has lots of both male, and female, friends. He is in poor health so the most he can do physically is just mess with plants, and trees. I had tried to make a dead tropical plant survive this past winter. I had loved that plant every since Chuck bought it, but even he could not keep it alive. He had told me to trash it, but I just had to try myself to save it. I cut off every dead leaf, and finally even the branches back to the tree-like stump. I fertilized, and barley watered it all winter, but not one sign of life was to be seen. I decided to trash it, but when I went back to Chuck's house a few days later he had found two or three places on the stump where new life was trying to break through the bark. I was so excited. We are checking every morning to see if some green is showing yet. The height of this plant stump is about 18 inches, and the diameter is about six inches. At this time it is totally a bare stump.

Again I have missed most of the news today. I worked at Chuck's house most of the day. I did get a little of another shooting at a YouTube plant in San Francisco CA. This kind of news is so common any more, and I wonder where it is going to lead to. Guns are not the blame. It is insane people who most likely are victims of harsh, brain-damaging, drugs. Many of us have known for years that this kind of evil was coming in the near future. The drug war is growing worse every day. America has, and is, being invaded by thousands of the murderous drug cartels every day. We have a President who is working fast, and furious, to stop it, but only with God's help will it happen. I have faith to believe that we will be victors over the world wide drug, and mental health, problems. We must keep fighting with our voice, body, soul, and mind till the problem has been conquered.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, April 2, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Easter Is The Day We Celebrate Christ's Resurrect...

Jean's Comment's: "Easter Is The Day We Celebrate Christ's Resurrect...:                My three year old great grand baby hunting Easter eggs. 4-2-2018 Perryton, TX   Easter is over so this will be the l...

"Easter Is The Day We Celebrate Christ's Resurrection"

               My three year old great grand baby hunting Easter eggs. 4-2-2018 Perryton, TX

Easter is over so this will be the last of my Easter pictures. It was such a fun time with my family this year. After my little great granddaughter found all the eggs she wanted to hide them from Uncle Kent. So she did just that. When she said “ready” Uncle Kent said “well where did you hide them”? She began to take him to all the places she had hid them. They just don't get any sweeter than that. She also told everybody to wait before starting to eat lunch till everyone was seated. Then she had everyone to join hands, and she said a little prayer. I was so impressed with the way her parents are raising her. I was also refreshed, and found a sweet peace I had never known before while I was there. I thank God for his wonderful blessings.

What is life but a short period of struggles with evil, and a desire to fulfill God's plan for our lives? Why did it happen this way? Why do people have to suffer? Why do little children have to be taken away from parents they love? Why do some little children have to die like a snake being chopped into pieces? Why do some men, and women, have to die while fighting to keep others alive? Why did Jesus have to die? The questions are endless, and the answers are never answered correctly. In due time we will know all the answers. Until then we must carry on the life God planned for us. Everyone has a reason to be born, and a reason to live. We must all seek to find that purpose in life, and do the best job possible to fulfill the intended plan. Most of the time it's by faith that we do what we do, but if we are true believers of God, we will not be wrong with our choices. We are saved by faith through the blood of Jesus Christ, and it is by faith that we live and work for a reward in heaven. This short life will not let us become a king, or queen, of anything worldly, but it will prepare us for that place in eternity. By faith I am yielding my life to God for better or for worse. He gets the last choice of when my life ends. Time will make us all ready to go without argument. I am like a friend who once said “I am ready, I just don't want to rush things up.” Oh, that we all could have that attitude. One thing I know for sure, God is in control, and He will direct the human hands that see me off to a new place of abode. I witnessed that with my husband. I let the doctors decide what to do when it was time for him to die. By faith I believe God had His way in the end. We must all live by faith, and not by sight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "A Beautiful Pool To Rest The Troubled Soul"

Jean's Comment's: "A Beautiful Pool To Rest The Troubled Soul": More family pictures at Easter egg hunt. The lines on the patio floor are shadows of the top of patio that are spaced. 4-2-2018 Perryton, ...

"A Beautiful Pool To Rest The Troubled Soul"

More family pictures at Easter egg hunt. The lines on the patio floor are shadows of the top of patio that are spaced. 4-2-2018 Perryton, TX      
I joined friends today at the Center for lunch. It was so good to be back where I belong, after having a great two day Easter vacation with some family, although I have been lost mentally in this lonely house. Just too much excitement to come back home to silence. It is normal for me to take a few days to recover. God cannot speak to us unless we are still, and listening. I do so much want to hear His loving voice. I had a good night's sleep, now I need to be patient and wait for more direction from my Heavenly Father. At this hour of the day I feel like I'm in a waiting mode. I have peace, but no desire to be doing things that need to be done. I think I might be missing out on the greatest blessing of all. I have finished my hard working days, and now need to take my rest. I just don't know how to accept these blessings, without feeling unworthy. I hope I'm reading it right.  

I have calmed down some over our President being stoned daily, for taking control of the evil deeds that the evil politicians were throwing at him. I now realize he is being made stronger each day, and the evil is slowly disappearing. What a great God we serve. Little by little I'm unloading my burdens to Him. I always thought I had to carry them. Now I have finally accepted the fact that my burdens were always God's. He, and only He is strong enough to carry them. I am now free from a lot of worry, and fear, that I maneuvered for so long. I must not confuse anyone. God expects all of us to be yielded to Him. He is the air that we breath, and the spiritual food we must have. If we think anything different, we are but fools. I will always remember that, and live a respectful life to the best of my ability. When I fall He will pick me up. Only because He knows I was doing my best. Oh! How I love those quite times with Jesus.  

I can see all kinds of things happening on television even now that should alarm me, but I am trusting God, and I will not worry. The battle is His, and not ours. In every situation He is the protector of our lives. He is the way, the truth, and the light. In Him there is no darkness. Never let the light be turned off in your life. As long as there is peace, joy, and happiness, there is light. Walk away from darkness, because it could cause you to stumble. Darkness is blindness. The Word teaches that when there is no light, the blind leads the blind. This is happening in many lives today. I must, we must, walk away from darkness. Have I opened up a place for discussion? I hope so.    

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp