Tuesday, April 17, 2018

"The Birds Know No Sin"

This bird posed for me this afternoon. It so gracefully sit still while I took it's picture. 4-17-2018 Perryton, TX.
The birds were very entertaining this afternoon as I sat in the front yard and watched them. I believe matting season is over, but for some reason these winged creatures were sticking close together. I couldn't miss taking this birds picture as it was sitting out at the end of a dead limb. Most of the other birds were mostly hidden in the leaves of the trees. They all were flying to and fro like a big celebration was going on. Some were even doing sky diving. They were not all of the same breed. There were tiny birds, and large birds. Some were gray, and some were black. It must have been a community affair. I did enjoy them a lot.

The wind was high again today, and I couldn't work in the yard. We still have no moister, and it's too windy to water. Looking for a better day tomorrow. I will be busy tomorrow so even if the day is nice and still I won't be able to work in the yard. The Senior luncheon is too good to miss. They will be serving roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, steamed cabbage. salad, and four layer cake and ice cream. I can never miss a roast beef dinner. At 6 o'clock the church will be having a meal before they show their video. Wednesdays are always busy days. I love good food and fellowship.

This evening I will be watching only news. So many things are happening till I can't hardly keep up with it. Our country is raging, with far too much evil taking place. I wonder how much longer it can go on without an all out Civil war. Let me tell you dear friends, it is bad, bad. I believe the gates of hell have been opened wide. I would almost say that a majority of the people's minds have been seared, and they feel no shame at all. It definitely is getting worse by the day. Face book don't want to print my opinions, but I will keep trying. There are far too many blind eyes, and deaf ears, for us to keep silent. If we have to use sign language, and loud speakers, we need to get the truth out to all. I'm not a prophet, but I do have an understanding of the bible. I see the bible prophecy being fulfilled daily. There is no changing it, but it pays us all to stay close to God. I believe all parents of young children need to teach them the bible daily. They will be faced with much harder times than we have now. I'm thankful that 85 years ago my parents, and grandparents started teaching me. They have no idea how wicked this world is now, because they passed on years ago. We too can not know just how much more wicked it will be when our children, and grandchildren are left without us. I pray that all parents who have neglected to teach, and train their children in the way they should go will make hast now. 
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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