Saturday, April 14, 2018

"It's Me Again Talking My Talk"

A happy time at the widower's meeting this evening. Myrtle Jean Sharp 4-14-2018 Perryton, TX
I got away from the television with all the bombing chatter that had been going on all day, and went to the Widower's meeting to get my mind relaxed a bit. I'm glad I have been totally informed on what is happening in Syria. I do not want to ignore this very grave happening like so many are doing. I feel like America could easily be the next country to be attacked. The United States did not attack Syria, but was quick to defend them. For that reason several large enemy countries are angry at the U.S. For a short time this evening I was able to forget, and even found reason to laugh. Not one word was mentioned about the bombing that happened in Syria yesterday. I dare say not one person was ignorant of the fact, but no one wanted to talk about it. We do have one nice group of God loving, God fearing, people who stick together like glue. We dress our best, and fix our hair like nothing in the world is more important. We never talk about our troubles while dinning at the restaurant. We just tell each other how pretty we look. After I got home from the meeting this evening I went straight to the computer to share my joy, and good pleasure to have been with friends for a short while. I never want to leave my blog viewers out of the picture. You all are so important to me. I now send my blessings to each and everyone of you.

The wind has blown so hard today till it was hard to keep your feet on the ground. I am hearing of fires being fought all around us. Last year was a time when many thousands of acres were burned along with thousands of heads of livestock. Several homes, and some human lives were destroyed also all right here in the Texas Panhandle. We pray it don't happen again. Our only hope is in God. The sooner people realize that the better off they will be. We are seeing the worse kinds of disaster happening now, all around the world, than have been since old bible times. How destructive it will get is nothing but a guess. But if I understand my bible correctly, the tip of the iceberg has just happened so far. The more we read Revelations, the more we can expect to see great troubling times still to come. We need each other now to share the Word of God with, and to hold each other up in prayer. Let us all work harder for that goal. I, for one, am already seeing this happening, and it is even more scary because it is a prophesy being fulfilled. I even feel like I am tagged by the Almighty to get more involved, and more bravely moving toward the enemy. Not away from it. Some people call it the “Old age stage.” I call it the “Last minute rage,” Whatever, let us be tough, and resilient, whatever age we may be.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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