Sunday, April 15, 2018

"No Dead Duck In This Water"

             The beautiful sanctuary of The First Christian Church. 4-15-2018 Perryton, TX
It was a great pleasure to sit in this beautiful sanctuary of The First Christian Church in Perryton, Texas this morning. Notice the hymnals on the back of the pews. We still sing the good ole gospel songs that I grew up with. I know hundreds of them by heart. I always sing myself to sleep at night with these wonderful old songs. There was a nice crowd this morning, and a great sermon was heard by all. We may not always see instant moving of the Holy Spirit, but believe me He is at work on the people all through the week. A lot of activity in the church throughout the week will attest to that. I am so thankful for this Godly group of people. I'm so thankful that we have a minister who knows how to handle Satan when he decides to act up in our church. I don't worry about any disagreements the church might turn up with, because I have seen the problem solved many times without my help. If I ever need to be involved, the Lord will let me know, as I have been used one time before to hold the rafters in place. Thank God my little bit of strength helped. The rafters are still properly in place, and the arch is gracefully shinning with lights. Sometimes I feel like I'm failing in doing more for my church, but I have to accept the fact that old servants never die, they just fade away. I must take my rest, and be thankful for the privilege.

I am praying that all churches will get revived, and no enemy power can stop it. Our President Trump has asked us to pray for even the hurting people of Syria who are now struggling for recovery from being poisoned with chemical weapons. The United States, and a few other countries have rained destructive fire, and dynamite, down on the evil dictator's bases of chemical weapon scientific manufactories . This will slow down the strength of the countries ability to kill thousands more innocent people with deadly gas attacks, but it will not change the evil minds of dictators. Prayer is a powerful weapon, and all of us have that ability. Let us use it daily, and force-ably. There is a time to relax, and enjoy our lives, and there is a time to pray, and be agonized with sincere pity for all of God's children. Both of these commands by God are necessary for being happy, and blessed. One without the other is a, “dead duck in the water.” Set your time and goal. Let nothing stop you from keeping it faithful and true. Not even pain, because God hears, and sees, the painful cry of His children. He answers even in times of pain, and little faith. He even picks us up when we are too weak to walk, but we must believe in him, always. God understands even the painful, weak words of His children.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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