Tuesday, April 10, 2018

"Almighty God We Pray"

                   Membership dinner at the Museum of The Plains.4-10-2018 Perryton, TX
I just got home from a wonderful membership dinner at The Museum of The Plains. There was a large crowd, and the food was delicious. I took this picture and several more, but couldn't put them all on the blog. Three of my friends came by to get me, and it was such an enjoyable evening. In times like we are living in now, every bit of fellowship, and encouragement is a great help. People everywhere have lost most of their faith in our country. I hear from so many that life is not worth living for anymore. It takes a lot of determination to hold onto the little faith people have left. Gatherings such as I attended this evening is so important for building back faith. It lets you know that not only you, but most everyone is struggling for God, and Country to return. Let us fight this thing together, and not my ourselves.

I visited with a very depressed friend after I got home this evening. She is not a member of the Museum and didn't go to the dinner. She had a very bad day today, and was near ready to plead with God to take her live. She is a Christian, and has never taken drugs outside of prescriptions. She has never drank alcohol, so why is she beyond hope? She is financially sound, but thinks she needs to work. She has worked most of her long life. I am told that this friend is one of millions in this same situation. I am praying that by tomorrow she will be feeling better, but if so, how long will it last? If this friend goes down she probably will take several others with her. She is loved by many. This case is the worse I have ever seen, but still begging God to take their life instead of taking it themselves. 

I write this sad story because I want to make more people aware of mental illness. It is a major, and much more, a problem in our world today. If our President Trump goes down, there is no doubt in my mind that the last hope for America will go down with him. I believe that President Trump has taken more abuse than any other previous President we have had. We just cannot let him be taken down. We will not know just how close it is to reality until one morning we wake up to news that President Trump is no longer our President. Many suicides will rock the nation if, and when that happens. Not because President Trump is God, but because God will have decided to spare our President from any more harsh abuse. Who would ever love America as much as President Trump? Not one, no not one. I pray that God will smite every evil human being, and let the redeemed live on. Sorry that it has come to this, but it cannot be stopped any other way. God is real. He is Almighty. He will forever be God of all creation.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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